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Posts posted by hh4evr1

  1. I prefer shoes/boots without platforms. I got into wearing heels in the mid to late 80s. I think my preference was influenced from seeing family members shoes. In particular one of my aunts who always wore stiletto court shoes with 4" heels (mostly black, but she had other colours too).

  2. Red shoes/boots stand out, as not many people wear them regularly. I bought black, brown and navy blue before getting, red, white and tan etc.

    I saw a lady in red boots afew years back and complimented her on the boots/outfit. She seamed to appreciate the compliment.

    In my local supermarket they have a Virgin holidays shop. The ladies who work there wear red shoes and outfits and I often see them whilst in the supermarket.

    Black and red are a nice combination.

  3. Now I've been out in ladies shoes for the first time, I!m sure I will do it more. I found it harder to get the courage to wear shoes than I did to wear boots, as more people are likely to notice. First times are usually the hardest. Then it gets easier. At the moment I will continue wearing mainly boots as I think the look better with jeans and shirt (my normal dress), but also expand my use of shoes as my confidence grows.

  4. I had a parcel delivered for the lady who lives on the other side of my street. I know her quite well and waited until she came home. I was wearing the shoes below, hoping she would come to collect the parcel, but she didn't. I decided to take the parcel to her. As I got to my gate a teenage girl was passing by. I don't think she noticed. The lady opened the door and took the parcel. We stood chatting, without her noticing for a while. I tried to get her to notice my shoes by moving, but it didn't work. She hadn't come over as my she thought no one was at home because the car wasn't there.. I explained they were out etc and she asked why I hadn't gone so I told her I was wearing my heels, as my parents don't really like that I wear them, so I wear them when they aren't there. She then looked at my shoes and said they were nice and it doesn't bother her that.I wear them. We talked shoes for awhile then I left. Although it wasn't really a public outing in ladies shoes. I was pleased I had done it.




  5. As I live in a town. We can't keep many chickens and are also not allowed to keep cockerels due to noise. I buy fertilised eggs for my broodies to hatch. These I hatched for someone I work with. She lives in the countryside. Once they leave the mum they are going back. Looking more like Easter chicks now.





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