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Posts posted by hh4evr1

  1. Pumps are usually worn barefoot or with hose. Heel grips may help. I think I saw somewhere that others have packed tissue or something in the toe area to stop the foot sliding forward, leaving a gap at the heel (helps hold the heel from slipping out.

  2. I used to wear block, wedge or blade heels ranging from 2 - 4 inches with a pair of black trousers, shirt and tie in my previous job (pensions administration). I have also worn similar heels with a full suit.

  3. Does seeing a pair of boots/shoes like a style you own renew your intrest to wear yours again. ? I saw a lady wearing a nice pair of stiletto knee high boots the other day and it renewed my interest to wear a pair of mine I hadn't worn for a while.

  4. I heard on the news her funeral is going to be on the same scale as Princess Diana and other important people. I don't agree with this. Most of her policies made the rich people richer and the poor people poorer. One policy was stopping free milk for children in nurseries and schools.

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