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Posts posted by PatentHeel

  1. When creating this thread, by stating "in-animate objects", I understood very much that heels are nothing more than lifeless objects. Yet it is incredible how you can be driven to wanting them so much.

    In my trying to understand it all, I was thinking that its like being addicted to drugs. You experience pleasure and then you want more.


    With drugs though, once you've had your fix/hit (or whatever its called) you need to buy more to get that pleasure again. With heels, you get pleasure from buying them and wearing them, but they are with you until you get rid of them and you can carry on getting pleasure from them until it wears off.

    Therefore, why buy more? In trying to understand my self, I concluded that I buy more mainly because it'll be a style of patent heel/boot which is is slightly different than the others I have and offers a different sexiness factor.

    By having them and wearing them and re-creating an experience, its providing pleasure and each pair of heels or boots offers a similar level of pleasure but in a slightly different way.

    I hope that all makes sense. Would like to hear your thoughts and comments on this.

  2. Thanks for that Fastfreddy2. Yes, it is an obsession but I like to think of it as an healthy one. If I see someone in the street wearing patent heels I may glance but I certainly don't ogle. I like to appreciate the heels and if I really like the style I try to buy them or something similar to them. I get very much excited when I see a particular style probably because I know that it is only a matter of time before I'll be wearing them. By posting here I think I'm trying to understand myself and that "rush" feeling I'm experiencing. It just intrigues me that a pair of heels can make me feel like that. I did think of going to see a doctor about it but having spoken to my wife I came to the conclusion that "its not harming anyone" and "its not eating away at our funds" so it isn't really a problem.

  3. Forgive me if this is long but I'm trying really hard to make sense of it all. If you have read my introduction you will know that my obsession with heels and in particular black patent leather goes right back to my teen days. Before stumbling upon HHPlace, I used to think that there was something seriously wrong with me, thinking it was odd for a male to have so many pairs of patent heels stashed away. Finding the forum, I soon realised that I wasn't the only male who was into heels and it made me feel better about myself. HHPlace even helped me to be open about my obsession for heels with my wife, something which I will always thank HHPlace for. Anyway, today I was out for lunch and as I passed a shop, out of the corner of my eye I noticed some black patent strappy heels. It was only a quick glance and unfortunately at the time I was unable to go back and check it out further. In the back of my mind I just knew they were the kind I liked but I couldn't be sure for definite without a proper look. All afternoon I had butterflies in my stomach, I couldn't help thinking about them and the hours couldn't pass quick enough before finishing work. As soon as it was time to go home, it was straight back to the shop to examine them further. I can tell you it wasn't a wasted trip and with my heart racing and incredible rush coming over my body, I made my purchase and left the shop. Given the racing heart and the "rush" feeling experienced, I struggle to find the words to explain how in-animate objects such as a pair of heels can be so powerful as to make one feel like that. I get the same feeling whenever I look around shoe shops and see the heels on display, especially with all the fancy lighting which makes them shine. I have to fight to keep my hands out of my wallet I can tell you!!! It's my guessing that its a combination of the patent leather material itself plus the style of heel which is the contributing factor in the feelings I'm experiencing. What's going on, can anyone explain? Does anybody else feel like this?

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