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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. 11 hours ago, nzfreestyler said:

    tiptoeing is so hard when you're in your taller heels.

    I find I am no good after only a short time on my tippy toes  on grass/gravel... its a real workout! Grass is the worst. And then I find myself balancing there forwards backwards feeling like a high heel novice all over again!

    It's not great no. I manage though.

    It's likely I've been doing it for a lot longer.

  2. 2 minutes ago, nzfreestyler said:

    Were you a super party girl in them perhaps and test drove them really hard ?


    Ha ha, no they just kept digging in and popping off.

    I think they look pretty horrid too to be honest.

  3. On 23/04/2018 at 5:11 AM, nzfreestyler said:

    Thats why I wear those heel protector thingys. There are about 4 sizes of them depending on how skinny your heels are. They stay on and stop the dreaded sinking feeling.

    Its horrible finding damaged heels.

    absolutely makes sense - thats the beauty of different types of high heels! - but I do carry those thingies just in case. Stuff happens sometimes and plans get stuffed up.

    (I don't like the carrying my high heels in bare feet look)

    I made a post about them here quite some years ago. I was all excited about them until I'd properly tested them.

  4. On 14/04/2018 at 11:39 PM, Mitsysun1400 said:

    Thanks for the replies l, just got me thinking from when I went to a friends wedding event last weekend and I knew I’d be on grass but still wore Stilettos and spent half the night aerating the lawn , they were a pair of heels I’ve had for 4 years so I wasn’t too fussed 



    I've skinned the backs of my heels lots of times at occasions like that. You never know what sharpy jaggedy things are hiding just under the turf.

    That season is almost here again too :-(


  5. 21 hours ago, Pierre1961 said:

    Not really! I was just not aware of bent knee don't look so nice. 

    The important point ,as you said,is to wear a heel height we can handle 

    all the shoes on the pictures are "walkable " for me. 

    Thanks a lot 


    I can't manage higher than 5 inch heel. After that it pushes my foot just a tiny bit too far forward and my knees begin to be bent when I walk. Then I can no longer glide.

    "Je deviens handicapé" la résutte n'est pas belle. :-(
    • Thanks 1
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