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Posts posted by Bootking

  1. As we are talking the United States, unless the office is very formal (funeral home, stuffy lawyers, etc.) any of your selections would be fine (couldn't see #2) in most offices. Office footwear can be sandals, pumps, boots, etc. etc.
  2. Two things of interest at the meeting; I didn’t wear my boots, and I can’t afford to retire.

    Getting there, getting there! I'm looking to retire but hopefully, it might be sooner than later!

    On the way I passed a mother and young son and the kid says,”He’s wearing girls boots!”. To which his Mom replied, “He can wear anything he wants.”

    That is the best answer that anyone can give or get! Thanks for sharing.
  3. OMG, I've got red, wine, black, brown, white, bone, navy blue - that's the boots. Then the shoes there's red, black, white, silver, gold, bronze, brown.....

    Too many colors, too little time.....

  4. danielp6406, there is no CURE for an addiction, shopping or otherwise. But you can train yourself to not act on the addiction; you won't buy as much (maybe a lot less or maybe not at all). But it requires work and denial and channeling that energy into something else (like wearing the boots)!!
  5. Truly, it all depends upon the fit. The tighter the fit, then the thinner the sock or hosiery. The looser, then the thicker the sock. My shoes/boots run the gamut from pantyhose/knee highs/stockings to thick men's socks depending upon the fit. But my preference is the hosiery.
  6. The first pair that I bought was in a self-service type of women's shoe store that was in a stand alone store. Unfortunately, the chain is no longer in business and I don't remember the name but they had nice stock.

    I wanted to buy a knee high size 10 (US) white stretch boot, very nice style in the '70s. Unfortunately, they didn't have my size (actually not even close because I take a large 11 - but of course we didn't know that then). So instead, I bought a beige stretch boot, size 10. I can't tell you how very, very nervous I was but at least, 30 years later, I can tell the tale with a big smile! And I paid cash at the register. Come to think of it, the cashier was quite bored as I was the only customer!

    As US 10 is too too small, they looked good but after about 10 minutes or so, they had to come as they were too too tight.

  7. 34th Street also! There's Bakers near 5th Avenue and of course how could one forget Macy's! For the thrifty, there's Rainbow Shop a little north on 5th Avenue.

    And as Vector mentioned, 8th Street and environs is the empire of fetish boots!!!

  8. Good morning Thighbootguy,

    It is really amazing what attracts people's attention and what does not. Most of us would think the opposite, i.e. that the boots would be the provocateur and not the long skirt with low heel pumps!

    I know that I could walk around with "women's" jeans all day long, day after day and never hear a remark but pair them with heels, or even more absurd, pair them with usual men's pants and you can actually "feel" the stares!

    I guess that's what makes the world go 'round!

  9. Me personally i would have gotten some more taylored pants.......probably womens style since most of their dress and casual pants have a bit of a flare at the bottom. Most mens pants make them look loose and big at the top and too skinny at the bottom. And i would have wanted the pants to be a little longer too........but here again thats just the way i would have done it. You still coordinated the look very well though. Good job.

    HotBootGuy, there is definitely a point to what you say; however, some of the parameters don't fit my situation. I am married and my wife tolerates the heel stuff in limited doses at home. Although she surmises (hoping that I don't) that I wear heels out in the car occasionally, she would have no tolerance of heel wearing in the street (especially anywhere near home). And I have a whole closet of "women's apparel" that she knowlingly ignores. So, in that respect, I have to balance.

    Now I do have a goodly number of pairs of "women's" pants, etc. in various styles, colors, etc. and I must agree that the tailoring, fabric and general fit on them is much nicer than men's pants. But the heeling time is very limited; sometimes I am able to change and sometimes not. On that day, I had my standard men's (office type) pants on with the stiletto boots. So there you have it!

  10. once you have tried Nine West it will only lead to more exotic styles and a closet full of gorgeous shoes.

    Originally Posted by demoniaplatforms Posted Image

    I like the 1st pair of tall western boots, it has a nice heel!:o

    Agreed on both counts! I now have four pairs of Nine West stiletto boots (two tall, two short) and two pairs of stiletto sandals. What is nice is that some of their styles go up to US Women's size 12. They are also good quality.

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