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Posts posted by thighboots

  1. I have just brought - and am awaiting delivery of a pair of white leather knee high boots from Italian Heels (the same company who I brought my black leather thigh boots from) Anyway - I am not sure what clothing will go with my new boots?? - around the house under my normal jeans is fine, but what if I want to dress up?? With my black leather thigh boots its easy as most things go - skirts, 3/4 lenght trousers. But with white leather its not so easy??? What do you think????? :roll:

  2. Has anyone (particually in the UK) had any dealings / problems with the Police when out and about street heeling?? I only ask as its one of many concerns that spin round in my head - what if your out and about driving your car and you get pulled over for a 'routine check' - then out you step in your finest shoes / boots? I appreciate wearing heels is not a 'crime' - but I am not sure what reaction you would get?? and are you going to get labeled as some sort of sexual deviant? Would be great to hear anyones thoughts or experiences.

  3. Hi Roni heels, Unfortuantely I have not worn the boots outside over my jeans! Maybe one day, but for now they stay hidden under my jeans on the very rare occasion I venture out of the house. I am hoping / intending going to the 2009 heelmeet - (presuming there will be one?) - where amogst other like minded heel lovers, I will have the confidence to wear my boots over my jeans. ;)

  4. Hi there.

    I thought I would share my most rescent 'heel' addition with you all.

    I brought a pair of Nazilli heels from Aldo:


    They are deseptivley comfortable to wear, I try to wear them as often as possible. I love the fact they have a really pointed toe and the heels is chrome - I think it makes them a very sexy but plain looking shoes!

    I only discovered Aldo a few weeks ago, until then I had relied on internet buys! I have to say I love the shoes Aldo stock. Unfortuantely with the summer season stock taking over I missed the opportunity to get any boots this year - so roll on the Autum!

    Here are a few pics I thought I would share - I teamed the shoes with black stockings and a black leather mini skirt from Oasis!

    I would be interested to hear any commnets!







  5. He seemed to enjoy himself! It would not surprise me if he (they) had been there before. He seemed too 'at home' putting the boots on for it to be his first time. In any case - he has achieved more than me (so far) in trying heels on in a shop - even if it was just for fun!

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