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Posts posted by thighboots

  1. Hi, I'm a 'privacy' vote! Some times I wish I was more confident, could pull on my high heeled boots over skinny jeans and go out shopping ect, but I can't! So, back in my world, while I have to enjoy a private and often secreative high heeling, I love it. At least I have heels and I can and do wear them. Not ideal, but not sure my idea of perfection will ever exist.

  2. Great contribution Booted Up. Thanks for the pictures, the boots look great. I'm envious of the open relationship you have with your other half, must be great! Has she always known about your heel wearing, or was it something that developed once you were in a relationship?

  3. As per my previous posts, I have not been brave enough to try before I buy. But, I have decided I'm going to give it a go, but for my first 'go' I'm going to select a pair of flat boots. Although I prefer high heeled boors, I figure trying a flat pair first will be a bit less full on! I will let you know how it goes.

  4. Hi, my heel passion is entirely focused on high heeled boots, I have one pair of high heeled shoes (Atlantic City by Aldo) Anyway, the point of this thread was I went shopping to Bluewater with my other half this week and was really surprised by the sheer quantity of styles of boots high street stores have in this season. Knee high, thigh high - stiletto heel, hidden platform and every varient in between. My other half still does not know about my heel wearing, I know she suspects something but I have never told her. I know I should but I think I have left it to late! So, unable to openly shop for myself I shopped for her! It was great getting my beautiful other half to try on pair after pair of heels, some out if her normal 'comfort' zone - more mine. Faith, Office, French Connection, Karen Millen, Ted Baker, River Island and my personal favorite Aldo! I got her to try on a pair of over knee boots in Aldo - style Cassetty. It was kind of ironic as I am going to get myself a pair of these. Seeing my other glad wearing them was great. Anyway, other than to say the high street designers have really pulled the stops out this season. Woman are really wearing high legged boots out and about, Bluewater was full of woman strutting their stuff in high heeled, high legged boots, it was brilliant! Boots over skinny jeans, boots with short skirts and thick tights, thanks to all you boot wearers out there!

  5. I find buying my other half frequent high heeled presents helps! I love high heeled boots so she gets frequent presents - the last pair were Jimmy Choo 'Rose' knee high boots - very nice and worth every penny!

  6. I can't remember exactly how old I was, but I was probably in my early teens when I had my first heel experience. I remember sneaking off to try my older female cousins shoes on when we visited my aunt and uncle. I don't know what made me do it, it just seemed right. I brought my first pair of boots when I was 17, some cheap knee high boots - that got me hooked. From there I have had a bit of a roller coaster ride, buying heels (spending more money on descent high street brands) then getting cross with myself and throwing them away to be 'normal' The good news is having found this site and so many like minded guys I feel great about my heel wearing, I no longer think I have to change. So now I have a healthy stock of high heeled boots! Thanks HHplace, wish I had discovered you sooner!


    Stilettos at the ready, ladies! Here's your chance to step up and be part of a world record attempt, burn calories, shop 'til you drop AND rub shoulders with your favourite stars.

    We've organised the first ever high heel walk to raise money for the Wellbeing of Women charity and we want YOU to take part.

    We know you love walking, but what about doing it in your favourite heels, while dressed to impress and with celebs like Claudia Winkleman and Katherine Jenkins by your side?

    The walk, around Westfield shopping centre in London, takes place on Saturday, October 31. After doing a one mile lap of the mall, you'll be entertained by bands and a host of star guests. You and your friends can then go wild in the aisles, as high heel walkers will be treated to special discounts in many of the stores. Want 15% off at Karen Millen, or what about 20% off at Barratts? Just sign up and you'll take advantage of these and loads more discounts. Click here for details

    It costs just £5 to take part, and all the money raised will be donated to the Heels That Heal campaign, run by Fabulous magazine and health charity Wellbeing of Women. Not only will the event help us take a huge stride towards our goal of raising £500,000, if more than 2,000 women take part, we'll smash a world record too. Shopping and strutting your stuff while raising money for charity? Now that's what we call retail therapy!

    Hi, has anyone seen this campaign the news of the world are running? At the moment it's asking for woman to take part in a high heel wearing shopping trip. Is anyone here brave enough to apply?

  8. Hello, I found this older thread which I love and as this years 'boots' are arriving in stores now I thought it would be a good time to show off your new seasons boots! I have two pairs on order, one flat pair of over the knee boots from Aldo - style Cassetty and a pair of crotch high boots being custom made (just finalising a few details for these) The flat Aldo boots are going to be my day / out and about wear, the crotch boots will be mainly for indoor wear! Will add some pictures as soon as I have them!

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