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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Yeah I'll go along with that, we may not always agree, but we can always agree to disagree here. There is only one other (unrelated ) forum I visit and the reason is cos of the poor moderation of most online forums. Thanks to the tireless work of the above mentioned, this is probably THE BEST FORUM online. Thanks for giving us a fun and enlightening place to come to, Firefox and Laurie you make this place what it is. :D

  2. For amount of games, PS2 wins. For graphics, it's the Gamecube or xbox (IMHO) For style, PS2 by miles, especially new silver one. On price the GC wins. for hackability the xbox wins :D Xbox is ugly and gamecube won't play dvd's due to Nintendos Paranoia about Piracy, so they make small specialised dvd's and console won't take full size cd's/dvd's Just my opinions, and they're subject to change.... BTW I own PS2 and GC and borrowed my bros xbox for 3 months, so comparison is from experience.

  3. OK, this is what happened about a week ago....

    As many of you regulars know my wife doesn't like me wearing heels, or even any shoes meant for women, but occasionally lets me try hers. Last week we were sorting some stuff out for the dump ready to move. We had several heavy items to go to the car, and my own shoes were buried under some bags of rubbish. So mrs shyguy says here put on these to quickly run some stuff to the car and hands me her (not high heeled, but definitely heeled, and definitely hers) shoes (from Next http://www.next.co.uk similar to below pic)

    Posted Image

    So I put them on, and start taking out bags. A couple of neighbours stop for a chat and one wants a chest of drawers so it's off to hers to deliver. Not a word about the shoes. Half an hour later we are cleared of rubish, and I mention to mrs shyguy the lack of reaction from any of the neighbours about the "womens" shoes I was wearing. A possible step forward in her acceptance just took place ....

    P.S. I know they're not the most feminine shoes, but I'm working slowly towards wearing them out on a trip if she allows it, as they look good with jeans :(

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