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Posts posted by Logjam

  1. Thank you, Bluejay!


    And, an update - once more, mustering my courage, I went "public" with my painted toenails. Ran some errands and went to a local bar and grill for a bite and a brew. Bottom line - I concluded that no one notices, or wants to say anything either way, or (most likely, I suspect) cares one way or the other.


    Regards, Logjam

  2. I DID IT! Pro pedi with color.


    I had to work through a lot of angst and muster my courage to do this. Walked into the salon where I have been getting (colorless) pedis for a while now. The young woman who did my mani/pedi seemed very receptive to the idea. As I recall, her exact words: "Great! We can have some fun!" (Hope she wasn't just being gracious to a customer...) When she started the mani, she asked if I wanted to put the same color on my fingers. I had to decline that, it would not go over well where I work.


    So, here are my first-time pro polished toes, with my new 9W wedge sandals in a cameo role.


    Regards, Logjam


  3. Radiodave,


    From your posts (and handle!) I've inferred that you, like I, work in a field of technology. As to being bought out (or spun off, or whatever) and getting new marching orders from someone someplace that has no idea of your work culture, etc. - been there, done that. This will sound harsh, but - I've discovered/decided - ultimately, you have to take care of yourself. Yes, I am a BIG believer in ethics in the workplace, and I've struggled with leaving friends "stuck", but life is too short to keep slogging in a job where you clearly see that most of what you are doing is lining some one else's pocket while providing little or no value to customers or the world at large.


    I expect this will prove to be a blessing in the long term. Hang in there, best wishes! Regards, Logjam

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