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Logjam last won the day on April 3 2016

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    northwest USA
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    Motorcycling, photography (serious amateur, prefer landscapes, nature, wildlife), fishing, hunting, woodworking, spoiling grandkids!

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  1. I’m mostly a lurker here anymore, but since I was one of the “first responders” to the original post (is the OP still around anymore?) I’ll comment. Similar to Cali’s experience, over 10 years ago, an ingrown toenail sent me to a podiatrist. The doctor, a woman, treated the problem, told me that I would likely loose the nail (happened), then examined my feet. She immediately advised, that due to rather severe “Morton’s toe”, that I should wear sandals or open toes as much as possible. She also advised that I start getting regular pedis, and told me that after the toe healed, a decent nail tech could fashion an artificial nail. Then she commented, almost casually, “and you can paint them. Men do that now, that’s a thing.” (In retrospect, I think she was a fan of the practice.) After a couple of visits to various “generic” everywhere nail places, I sought out a native English speaking nail tech. On about the third visit with her, my curiousity got the best of me and I asked her about men wearing color. Her response was an enthusiastic “Yes! Let’s do that!” So I tried color and was immediately hooked. Now, with the original tech moving away and then me not caring for the second tech, I’m on my third. This lady is friendly, kind, does great pedis including a foot/lower leg massage, and I’ve learned, is a VERY enthusiastic and outspoken proponent of men wearing color. We have sort of an unwritten color protocol. I kinda like changing up colors. So, during warmer months, I do wear openly, so I stick to blues, grays, occasionally black or dark red. This time of year I’m only wearing full shoes or boots out, so I generally give her “dealer’s choice”, and she comes up with a different color, or often a combo of colors, each time I see her. Right now I’m wearing a metallic fire-engine red with a small white heart for Valentine’s on one toe. For no particular reason, I just like the look and enjoy the treatments.
  2. I get clear gel manis, but about 99% of the time, I have color on my toes. I like switching around colors, but sometimes give my nail tech “dealer’s choice.” I’m seeing her for my (overdue) monthly mani-pedi later today, last evening she texted me “advising” that she has “ideas” for a Christmas-themed pedi…
  3. I’ve not posted here for quite a while, but because I’m the instigator of this thread… I’m still much more cautious about the anklet than the toe ring. When I do wear one, it’s always on my left ankle. I’m a pretty staunch adherent to the “less is more” principle, and since I almost always have my toes painted, and I have a mid-sized tattoo on my inner right calf, just above the ankle, I default to left side for the anklet.
  4. This topic seems to be popping up a bit in other posts here in General Fashion. I'm not wearing heels so much recently, but I am wearing colored polish on my toes - almost 100% of the time, and openly in warmer months. And after a long latent interest, I'm just starting to experiment with foot jewelry. I'm a big believer that "less is more", so with painted toes plus a medium sized, colorful tattoo on my lower calf, I do not want to overdo. But I am inclined to like the look of a bit more than just polish on toes. I just went for my regular mani/pedi appointment wearing a toe ring, my first time doing so. My "nail lady" reacted quite positively and enthusiastically. (And if anyone is wondering - she did not ask me to remove the toe ring for the pedi process...) So - anyone else experimenting, or regularly wearing, any foot jewelry?
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