This topic seems to be popping up a bit in other posts here in General Fashion.
I'm not wearing heels so much recently, but I am wearing colored polish on my toes - almost 100% of the time, and openly in warmer months. And after a long latent interest, I'm just starting to experiment with foot jewelry. I'm a big believer that "less is more", so with painted toes plus a medium sized, colorful tattoo on my lower calf, I do not want to overdo. But I am inclined to like the look of a bit more than just polish on toes. I just went for my regular mani/pedi appointment wearing a toe ring, my first time doing so. My "nail lady" reacted quite positively and enthusiastically. (And if anyone is wondering - she did not ask me to remove the toe ring for the pedi process...)
So - anyone else experimenting, or regularly wearing, any foot jewelry?