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Posts posted by foxylady

  1. Thanks for your analogy of the site Firefox.

    I must say it's not what I'd expected.

    It's an interesting window into male fascination for womens shoes.

    I have to say I'm finding it interesting to be asked so many questions on the subject.

    Apart from being entertaining it's nice to find others who share a fetish for footwear, male or female.


    as so many now already said in the previous threads. We male members have the need to talk about High heel Fashion and because we are not directly accepted in the community (maybe in the future, you never know...).

    It is not like you girls that can talk about fashionina cofeebar. We have to talk about fooball and motorsports and other so called masculine things. If I would start talking about fashion in my local, they probably all will look at me with the expression of "what the heck is he talking about...."turn around and start talking again about the latest footbalmatch.

    I do hope we can have some advice from you in further threads, I defenatly would like to have some. I am now training more or less for the 6" heels.

    Where about in England do you live.


  2. I will have a look at these garterbelts as well. I have to admit that the stay-ups are only good for a while andyou cannot wash them properly.... The silicon band tend to melt.... I let you know how it goes. FL

  3. Hello Amanda, welcome to this forum. I am a wearer and admirer of High Heels. As you say a compliment makes the day. I can watch a woman who wears High heels for the whole day.... and I sometimes want to give her a compliment. But now these days people are to much busy with themselves that when I would go to a woman wearing HH and tell her she has beautiful shoes on and she can walk in them properly, that itis possible that she would give mestrange looks, maybe smack or shouts. Thus I ama bit wary about giving compliments straight to a woman on the street. I also wish I could wear my heels day in day out like some guys on this forum, but I haven't got that far yet....maybe on day.... Anyway welcome to a new British member. FL

  4. Oops! Sorry.

    here's the translation. Didn't thought it would cause such a fuzz.

    I also love to see them (HH)worn by women. But sometimes I wear them myself at home. It gives me a special feeling walking & wearing them.

    Pitty it's so tiresome after a while.

    Glad a Belgian has logged in on this site.



    Thanks Mick,

    This is very kind of you to translate. I don't think that you caused a fuzz, but people may think we are up to no good....LoL


  5. Thank you all for the kind welcome!! :w00t2:

    My love for stilettos is a bit unique in the sense that I'm probably the only foot doctor who loves stilettos! I wear them almost every day (except when I'm in the hospital)...and despite the damage they cause to feet...I can't say I'll ever totally give them up. My fav brand is Carlos Santana!

    I'm also a exercise specialist who is making a workout and educational DVD for women who wear stilettos....so keep an eye out!! It should keep everyone walking strong in their sexiest stilettos!! :santa_hat:

    Welcome to the HH community physiquedoc.

    Looking forward to the DVD....will we be able to get a DVD as soon youhave it...

    Happy 2k8 and lots of love from UK...


  6. Yes.... but sometimes it seems that she is taking all the credit.... you're giving in, but she doesn't. We should say to them, "Ok I want wear any female clothes anymore if you don't wear male clothing anymore." In which I mean...trousers, shirts....even a tie or a suit.... I know they are now made typically for the women fashion... but still it is based on the male fashion.... So I like/love High heels and a skirt.... you wear it so I can admire it....and I most likely will not have the urge to wear it neither.... It's only a thought. Your story, Heelevation, is similar to mine, but we broke up. Now and then she still wants me and then she mentions the wearing ..... But I am not going to kick twice the same stone. FL

  7. Correct. She actually never said anything about it. But when she left me for another guy.... about six months later we are on the phone and she asked me if she could come back..... She even was happy me doing whatever I wanted. I told her that I wanted a devorce.... "I'm not a doormat where you can step over it all the time...." Then she told me that she loved the lighter form of SM.... It could of been so much better.... you know a little bondage and all that stuff..... but that didn't happen..... Now a new live awaits, it is to short to keep morning about these things..... Every morning the sunshines also for me..... for you.. for everybody. FL

  8. I agree with you Heelevation. But I was fully in wearing heels and other female attire, I am a part time cross dresser, before I met my wife. I had acceptedmyself completely as I was and who I am. When I met the girl of my dreams, I didn't want my fantasie/fetish/other personality come between us. So I decided before starting the relationship that I had to talk about me and my love for heels and other attire. She fully accepted it and was even supportive with it. We bought shoes together, the same type and most of all differend colors. Bought nightgear and other attires... You name it we bought it for eachother. She was totally with me. After a few years she started to go out with friends and meet other people, also other man. Eventually she left mefor another person. When wethen had a chat a few months later, I found out hat the sole reason why she loved me dressing up was that she loved SM. Can you imagine, why didn't she never talked about "her" fantasie...... I still can'tfigure it out.....she never actually gave me any clues.... That's why I also understand what you are saying..... listen very carefull and make sure you heard it properly..... I dare to say with my hand on my hart, She never....never mentioned anything. FL

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