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Posts posted by thedesigner

  1. the irony - and benefit - of being 5' 8" and size uk6 is that i virtually have to go to the womens department as there are so few gents shoes in a 6 anyway ! ok i could buy ladies flats, actualy i do - for work visiting clients - but keep a change to something sensible (i e 5") in the car for when ive finished !

  2. It's the festive season, so the joke writer you love to hate offers YOU the chance to select a tag line for the following question:

    Why doesn't Father Christmas wear heels when he delivers on Christmas Eve?

    1/ well, one day a year off aint bad....

    2/ the click click click will wake the kids up and they will see him....

    3/ cos his red trousers aint long enough to hide them....

    4/ cos he doesnt want to damage them coming down the chimney....

    5/ cos of 'elf' and safety....

    Be good children and answer this quiz, or Santa will bring you a pair of crocs.....:w00t2:

  3. The differences in the sizes of the constellation can be attributed to:

    1) the time you enter the pub.

    2) the time you go outside and take your first wizz

    3) the time you leave the pub to go home

    (simple formula: The size of the constellation is directly proportional to the amount of liquid intake at your favorite pub times the intensity of the buzz from the liquid. ) :w00t2::thumbsup:;-):lmao::)

    especially if you fall over on the way home, then the stars will be right in front of your eyes....:lmao:

  4. demoniaplatforms innocently took his laptop along when he saw an advert for the local lapdancing club, thinking it would be full of blokes dancing round their computers. Whilst initially bemused by his error, he soon made a high speed connection and is going back weekly to insert a link....

  5. Rumour has it, Jen J had a similar experience. He waved his heels in the air and a passing motorist stopped, who soon diagnosed that the battery was flat. Jen J, bless, taking the diagnosis at face value, placed his heels under the battery, and "Miracolo!" the battery started the car straightaway. So, it's not only us who benefit from wearing high heels ! Moral of the story: always keep a spare pair of heels in the car, as well as a spare pair of tights.....

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