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Posts posted by thedesigner

  1. got 2 pairs for summer v reasonably. First pair, black patent gladiators, silver 4" heels, brand new, from favourite charity shop £20. Second pair, purple/ black animal print, 5 1/2" heels with 1" platforms, New Look £25

  2. press involvement: as i see it: those who are out already cos of what they do dont care about the press those of us who aint: 1/ some dont care incl moi however 2/ others will be shitscared cos of family/work/friends and we are a group of friends at all levels, so lets not change the profile of attendees at the meets from a social gathering to a showcase for the media.....

  3. Now all the city traders have been laid off cos they f*kd up, it seems many of them have turned to landscape gardening for a living. True this is... Theyre digging in with their forks and hoping for a quick turnover... Some ov them are so broke, they cant afford to buy new plants... ... so theyve opened a hedge fund..... Others, right, bright sparks, have become electricians... They used to be currency dealers.... Others again, used to buy short and sell long. Now theyre trading on ebay. Buying speedos and letting the hems down.... The smartest ones however, have got into wood replacement. Safe as houses. After all, they have a client list of people whose investments have fallen thru the floor.....

  4. this week:

    j j cale and eric clapton


    brain wilson

    theoretical downfall - go to myspace and listen, and offer to sign them

    quo... of course


    andreas vollenveider - electric harpsichord, go to youtube, menta e rosmarino live (with zucchero - amazing)

    mylene farmer - you must see youtube live at bercy 2006 - same age as madonna but way better, join my facebook site to get her to come to england....

    glen campbell - new album, so well produced

    lliy allen - new album

    philip glass - 1000 airplanes on the roof

    please listen !!!!

  5. it saddens me that there's been all this sniping and heels at dawn about the heelmeet. Please lets stay on the same side. Ok its easy and cost effective for uk members to come along compared to overseas visitors, and there was a lot of effort provided. Thank you to all who organised it !

  6. I must admit to mixed feelings about the event; although i was happy to provide something warm and satisfying for bubba 136 and tara, i should have much preferred to be upfront opening the regulator for demoniaplatforms and blowing the whistle as we came into a station.... demonia has the contract to maintain all the platforms on the railroad, and has stepped up nicely....

  7. has to be leather as it melds better. Reduced if possible, but to keep visiting to check. Bargains to be had from: Charity shop... I've got Aldo, KG and LK Bennett from my favourite one... also Ebay !!

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