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Posts posted by muddypaws

  1. Somebody, please help. After I finally pick myself up off the floor and wipe away the tears ;) from laughing so hard,:P I'm pretty sure my back is gonna need medical attention. :smile:

    Did I mention that Americans and the British are a kindred people that are separated by a common language? :o

    Actually, I really wasn't discussing the difference in dialects between the Americans and the Britts. I was really trying to address the insulting implications that the other posters have thus far addressed. In many cases, it's inane. In some cases, it's insane! And in the majority of cases, it's insulting and assinine.

    Now, is there a chiropractor in the house?

    Please note that the English is not as good as "WE" think it is, you have only to read the postings to see that.


  2. That's for sure.


    Dawn HH

    Ther's no end to it.

    Molly-coddling ourselves is not the answer. We just gotta acksept that we don't work like we used to.;):o


    ps. We went to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang last night-the stage show. very Good. The children enjoyed it too!:P

    Why do my smilies only show words now?:smile:

    I just found my smilies..--Hooray!!!

  3. CANDICE'S STORY - "My Engagement"

    First posted on Jenny's Forum by Candice on June 25, 2004, 12:27:08

    Dearest Friends;

    You may recall that I last wrote of my engagement to Ted.

    I awoke in his arms quite early the next morning. He was sleeping so peacefully and he looked so wonderful next to me. I wish it was possible to express the love I felt for him and knowing that he was in love with me too seemed to bring such feelings of fulfillment.

    I did not want to disturb him so I slipped out of bed and went to my bathroom to get ready. I just put on a long silk robe, brushed my hair and put on a little lipstick so hopefully when he awoke, I would not look too washed out. I also did not want him to awaken and find me barefoot so I padded back into the bedroom to find my new high-heeled shoes. They were to be found buried in the covers having fallen off while I slept. I slipped them onto my bare feet and went to my kitchen to make some coffee.

    Again I remember the feeling of the extra height of these heels. Looking at the sophisticated style of the shoe I was so taken with not only the fact that the man I loved had bought high heels for me but also what exquisite taste he had for the style of them. But it was also the heel height that was so exciting. I think I may have mentioned that I had been mistakenly under the impression that I had been wearing the highest heels made for my size and these were obviously far higher. Both Lucy and Erica know that even though we all wear quite high heels as a matter of routine, one is constantly aware that you have them on. Not that it takes concentration, but one must think about how you step and where you place your foot. These heels were so high that it did take me some concentration to walk. I could feel the strain in my legs and ankles.

    The coffee was brewing and I guess I was practicing in my new shoes because I did not hear Ted enter the kitchen. He had just put on his uniform slacks and shirt. He had an enormous smile and he came to me, kissed me and told me he loved me. What a perfect way to start the day. He said that he wanted to take me out to breakfast and that he needed to run home to change into some civilian clothes. I was so concerned because I knew I was not ready to wear his gift in public. I was still a little unsteady and I told him so. He laughed and said that it wasn’t necessary that I wear high heels at all if I did not want to. This made me feel especially good and I told him that I loved wearing my heels and that it was now so much better for me because of the happiness it seemed to bring to him.

    He left shortly after and asked how long I needed to get dressed. I asked for one hour and he was to return precisely on time. I decided to wear a black suit with a nice straight pencil skirt. I was going to have to go to work later but it would be a little late today. That was justified I thought – I was a newly engaged lady. I honestly tried to wear my new high heels but as I walked about in them in my apartment along with the knowledge that despite excellent sidewalk snow clearing there might be slippery patches these heels were simply too high as yet. I chose the nice black patent 5” pumps that I had been wearing when we first met.

    Ted took me to the Sutton Place Hotel restaurant for breakfast and it was a lovely dining room. We talked a lot of our engagement and I said everything I could to make sure he knew how happy I was and how thankful to have met him. He told me that he felt the same way. But I wanted to know where he found my wonderful new high heels so I asked him about them. I also told him that to this point I had been completely unaware that heels were available that were higher than what I had been wearing. He explained that there were shops all over the world that catered to people that like them. He told me more of my 6” heels and that it was possible to buy them far higher; that there were even ballet styles as well as platform styles but that he did not care for the look of those two styles. He said that there were magazines for people that liked to see ladies in high heels and he confessed to being a subscriber to many of them. I made him promise to show me some of these publications and I told him that I wanted to wear what he liked. He assured me that I already did but I persisted in saying that I really loved this trait about him and also how terribly exciting it was to get high-heeled shoes as a gift. He suggested that with my little feet that it might be impossible to wear and walk in a full 6” heel and I laughed because in a way I saw this as a wonderful challenge, a challenge that I felt I could overcome because it was something that my lover would enjoy. I made him promise to find me a pair of pumps with a full 6” heel.

    Sadly it was already mid-morning and I was so late for work. So that I would not have to get to the subway, Ted drove me to my office and we kissed in the car before I had to leave him. We agreed that we would meet at my place at 7:00pm and plan something for the evening. It wasn’t far from his car to the doors of my office but I knew he was watching me walk away. When I reached the door I turned and blew him a kiss but to be a little bad I also did a little kick of my leg so show off my heels a little. I wonder if this might have been what Lucy calls a catwalk flip. He laughed, blew me a kiss and drove away.



    :o I can't get enough of thisstory, it's very good, What a super guy you have there. I'd like to be in his place, and if we could both wear them wowee!!!



  4. A squared off toe box with a wrap design. That's a bit different. Very nice.


    Dawn HH

    Tks Dawn,

    They are so comfortable, I have worn them for about six hours today, and still good. Lovely soft leather. I have given them a very good polish tonight to tidy them up some, and for preservation.

    I'm sure I shall enjoy many hours in them.

    It's great to be able to talk about shoes like this to like minded friends. My daughter always asks what I have bought new since I last saw her, and what have I brought with me this week? I have to put them on to show her. We both seem to like the same type of shoes. Her husband choses most of her shoes for her, and sees mine too if he is there.

    Oncce I get started, I do not seem to be able to stop.

    It's late now 1.00am Sunday.

    Must go Bibis:cry1:


  5. Hi Dawn,

    Tks 4 yours,

    I'll post a few more soon, but there are more on my patch at photobuchet.

    I'll be back v. soon.


    :w00t2:I said that I might be able to go out. I did and went to TK Maxx, threy have some classy designs, a pair of RED Clavin Klein, they were the most comfortable shoes I have EVER tried. But they were £99.00. Beyond my reach just now. I did however buy a pair of black leather Bronx heels. True to the wisdom of you guys, I walked around the store in them and not one soul said a word. They may have looked but I did not look around as if I was self concious. I walked up to the checkout in them and took them off for the girl to "pack" them. You do know about these things don't you!

    I was tempted to put my marron heels on to go into the shop, but chickened out. Now I know better, and next time............!

    Thanks to you for giving me that extra push of confidence to do this. It's magic isn't it when to go public. Such a feeling, I have not got over it yet. As you can see from my screed, I am still on my high.

    I managed to take a few pics today, not very good, but serve the purpose to show them off to you. They are on my Photobucket site, but here are some links.

    I sure do love you all. What a great day it was when I joined this elite site.





    The shoes in the case in the background are for Chinese Bound Feet. Thank goodness that is over now.


  6. As far as toe rings and pumps go I can see a couple of issues -- 1). Nobody can see the rings inside closed-toe shoes. 2). Most pumps are a bit tight in the toe area and the rigid band of a toe ring would likely be uncomfortable. I wouldn't necessarily characterize it as "silly" though -- if it turns your crank then go for it.

    As far as locking shoes go, there are a couple of threads about that around here.

    I do think ankle bracelets are nice. On women, something fine and delicate but we guys need something more substantial -- the beaded "dog tag" chains sound interesting. One of my favorites is those Italian-style charm bracelets -- just get enough links to go around your ankle comfortably and they look pretty smart. If you make the bracelet fit snugly it will ride fairly high on your leg, around the thinnest part of your ankle. Add a link or two and it will ride a little lower so you can control the look.

    :unsure:Have you looked at my avatar closely?

    Yes there are padlocks there too.

    Not for the shoes, although the idea does move me in the right direction!!!


  7. i know. it's amazing what you will find, out of the blue, in a desert lot. Maybe i should go searching through other desert lots. Maybe i'll find some more! Whoever left those pumps there, they knew that someone would grab them. There were clothes there, too, but the pumps stuck out!

    The insole was rather clean! The suede part of the insole was a bit soiled, but of course that's form wear. The bottom of the pumps are black and don't look too scuffed. It looks like the person who owned them didn't wear them much. BUT I WILL! haha

    :nervous:I would be tempted, have a good look, and if they were clean and in good "nick", yes I would take them.

    I often buy from our Charity Shops, but the ones I like seem to appear in very good conditiion, so I try them on and buy.

    It looks as if you just got lucky today.

    I have to go out soon so I shal call into T MAX, they have some classy stuff there and my partner is out today, so I'll go try some shoes on, who knows.;)


  8. :thumbsup:Hi Jue,

    I just love those heels, they are beautiful. My high ones are 5!" and are so old now, and battered that they rarely see the light of day. My geneeral heels tend to be 4 inch. I could live all day in them, no trouble.

    Your pics are good, showing you off well. Taking pics in mirrors does not often work out too well as the light does not get where you want it. At least you have given us something to admire.

    I have an album on Photobucket also. here are a few links.





    I hope you like them

    Keep up the good work.


  9. I like to drive in heels, haven't done it in years, I'm waiting for a pair of pumps I ordered. Then I'll be grabbing gears in 5 inch heels on a 13 speed.

    What do you drive with 13 gears???????????/

    I can only manage 5-forward.


    Second thoughts...my bike has 21.:o;):smile:

  10. I've been meaning to change my avatar for a while. I've got rid of the chair leg now. Put my very favourite boots in its place.


    They look very smart and more important..comfortable, you should be able to wear them for long periods.

    I've just bought another pair from a shop locally, and they are on photobucket.

    I wonder if this link will work.

    So far I've not had much success getting pics to my gallery.


    Very similar to my avatar, not quite so high.


  11. I've been a member for almost a year now and finally figured out how to add a picture to my profile. Knowing that it will be a while before my icon changes from comfy loafers, I wanted to put in a picture that reflects the type of shoe that I prefer to wear. They are one of my favorite pair of pumps....with a 5 inch heel. Since they are red, they don't see any street heeling action, but I have a black pair of 4 inch leather pumps that I've had to replace the heel tips on twice. I guess that gives you some indication of the amount of foot traffic they get. Hope you like the Avatar.

    Yes I like them very much.

    I went out with the dog tonight, and wore my 4 inch black pats all the way round the estate and along thr main road. I felt great.:wink:


  12. So is your avatar really you? - Indeed it is and will always be so.

    Why did you choose that picture? - Currently, my favorite pair of shoes. 5.25" SL15 from Lady Elizabeth. Great to wear, hell to walk any distance in as I am not used to such dizzy heel heights and I never will be. I love the just over the knee length skirt, dark stockings and high heels look.





  13. I wrote a set for comedy that deals footwear and why I love my 5"+ Stilettos SO much.

    I call it the Stilettos Gospel. . . give me a HALELUJA! :drinking:

    "Hello everybody & welcome to the Comedy Works. (Wolf whistle from audience) Oooo, baby! Listen to you! So you like legs? (Male segment of the crowd reacts with cat calls, whistles and the like) I see. So . . . you like MY legs? (I turn around and give 'em the back view of black patent 5.5" Stiletto heels and jet black french heeled seamed full fashioned nylons. They go NUTS!).

    I see you all have noticed my shoes . . . Yes, I love wearing my Stilettos. Although I've tried the shorter heels and the chunky heels they are just not me. Shorter heels just seem dorky and chunky heels with platforms feel like I'm walking around with a brick on my foot . . . NOT the look I want AT ALL!

    I just don't feel dressed unless I'm wearing my 5"+ Stilettos . . . :wink:

    Occassionally I get grief from the uninformed. Yes, I do. Usually it goes something like this "How on Earth do you wear those shoes? (I just slip'em on) How do you WALK in those shoes? (Like this clik-clik-clik-clik)

    THOSE are HOOKER SHOES! (You mean I can't be a Lawyer anymore?).

    Keep in mind the broad telling me this:

    1) Has probably never worn make-up, jewelry or fun underwear.

    2) Has sex once a week, same day, same way, same position, same

    guy (her husband, the lucky bastard!) and hates it BUT does it


    3) Wants to have her nose in EVERYBODIES business AND bedroom.

    4) Is a card carrying member of the Moral Mafia-I MEAN Majority.


    5) Thinks Rush Limbaugh was set up by "Them Damn Liberals".

    'Bye-bye, hon . . . have a nice life.

    As I said, I LOVE my Stilettos and will continue to wear them in spite of people like the Church Lady. Why? Because I CAN, baby, THAT'S why!

    I wear them to church, to work, to entertain WHEREVER I want to. I wear them because I like the look, I like the feel and I wear them for ME!

    If I communicate one thing to you this evening Ladies & Gentlemen let it be that short & Chunky heels might be cute n' comfy. BUT hold this true for the Gospel is THIS:

    (I turn around and look over my shoulder)

    Stilettos are S E X Y ! Period, end of story!

    Let me hear a HALELUJA!


    Good Night!


    Anita C.

    Where do you get all this from?

    I love every word of yours.


  14. It's a Ford Sierra, not exactly a low slung sports car. The only way to go from here is a Range-Rover type of vehicle! :D

    Dr Shoe,

    Don't even think about it!

    It's a long way to fall from one of those things!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A lovely lot of replies to this thread. At SEVENTY TWO, I still wear any of my heels up to and including mt 5 inch whites.

    I have never even seen 6 inch let alone try to walk in them. I still dream of that though.

    I still love going into the shops and browsing.



  15. "I GOT 'em!" :wink: Samahtha shreiked as she streaked into my house one day.

    "They're HERE! My 6" Stilettos have arrived!" :D

    "Well, let's have a look."

    She opened the box and from the packing extracted a pair of EXQUISITE 6" Stiletto pumps. She took off her 5"ers, wriggled into her new shoes and slowly stood up.

    "Oh, my!"

    "Yes . . .?"

    "These are going to take a bit of practice." she said as she took her first small steps, working to keep her posture erect and her knees straight.

    "I can do this!" she mater of factly stated, gaining confidence with each step.

    "I LOVE these! Quick! Go get a pair of your 6"ers out!" she excitedly requested.

    I went into my bedroom and fetched a pair of towering 6" Dark Red Patents that went with my dress. I slipped them on and returned to the living room.

    "Ok. Now what?"

    "I've never worn anything this high! They feel amazing! Let's go out to lunch in our new shoes so I can get some break in time!" she said.

    We went out to her car and went to a nearby soup & salad place.

    I was somewhat used to 6"ers and was doing ok. Samantha was moving cautiously, trying to keep her knes and back straight.


    We went into the resteraunt and found a table. I sat down gently and Samantha sort of plopped down, legs slightly askew.

    "Ok now, remember you cannot take them off if you're going to get used to them!" I chided her.

    She looked over at me and nodded in agreement. She straightened herself and crossed her legs at the knee banging the table bottom due to the additional inch she was now sporting.

    We ordered and she sat there still fascinated by the new stilettos.

    "I'm getting used to them. I'm glad I wore my 5"ers earlier. That made the transition a bit easier."

    "Uh-huh." I responded.

    We finished lunch and Samantha was obviously in a bit of pain. We clik-clik-clik'ed our way back to the car. As we got in I noticed she was going to slip her shoes off. "Ah-ah-ah! You have to keep them on until we get home!" Samantha dejectedly slipped her heels back into her new stilettos.

    Pulling into the garage we went into the house and Samantha took off her 6"ers and slipped on her 5"ers.

    I remained in the 6"ers and went out and fetched the mail and then went out back on the deck to smoke. Samantha joined me. To my surprise she was wearing the 6" Stilettos again!

    "Y'know, I slipped into the 5" Stilettos thinking I was ready for a break. They felt so . . . disappointing."

    "You're preaching to the chior, girl" I said taking a long drag from my cigarette and rocking in my unremoved 6" Red Patents.


    Anita C.

    I wish!!!!!!!!


  16. Heels.

    I have a pair of red sexy heels

    And love the way they make me feel

    I love my heels so very much

    Do you want to have a touch?

    My heels they are so shiny and bright

    And I also have a pair in white

    I also have a pair in yellow

    And JD is a lucky fellow

    He likes my sexy heels so much

    And loves it when I strut my stuff

    He loves the way it makes him feel

    Knowing that I love my heels.


    I like that.

    It flows very smoothly.


  17. Like the removal of the chain which is still visible in the shadow, and the (probably) leather cuffs locked around your ankles linked by said chain. Erm... not that I'd know anything about that kind of thing... erm friend of a friend told me... been very cold recently... :wink:


    :evil1:Look closer Chris. Not LEATHER.

    If you really want to see me better, I have a Blog Spot


    Actually, when I said the whole picture, I meant the full sized pic. Surely the actual picture is much bigger than the avatar.

    Chris spotted the link!

    As I said I have a Blog Spot, where you can see it if you want to. And several others.

    I still cannot put pics on the site, until I hear from the "Bosses" about format.


  18. Just had to brake up with my gf today. :fine: Well actully she broke up with me I guess. Dosen't call me for a week, dosen't answer my calls, then when I finailly do get a hold of her today she hangs up in my face! Oh well. She was only 19 and playing games anyway. First gf I've ever had really. But I hardly ever saw her unless she wanted some cash. Actully I didn't see her unless she needed money from me. She was just using me for money and always had another man on the side. I guess I wasn't thuggy enough for her. Oh well. I guess it was for the best seeing how she was bad for me anyway. But why dose it still suck? Oh well. Anyone else ever had a painful brakeup? How did you get over it? Becasue I just can't stop thinking about it, or her. Thats probaly just the desprate part of me though. Oh well. At least now I have more money to spend each paycheck. :D


    It happens. It is not the end of the world.

    Your next one will be so much better, and you will appreciate each other so much more. She has to know about your heels before you "go anywhere"

    Life is still great.


  19. Actually, when I said the whole picture, I meant the full sized pic. Surely the actual picture is much bigger than the avatar.

    As I said earlier, I have deleted some of it.

    I'll see what I can do, when I find out how to upload a photo.

    ps. I have asked for a gallery. See where we go from there.

    My gallery page is now up and running, thank you boys. I have already tried to upload pics, but do not seem to come through. Maybe I am being too impatient! Or doing something not quite right


  20. of course!


    crazy heels.

    Can I come and try to walk in them????


    I love those pumps Muddypaws. Who makes those? Do you mind sharing?


    Not at all.

    They are fantastic!!!!!

    You can come round any time.

    If I'm not wearing them, you can. I'll put on another pair.

    They are SHAXX.

    I got them from a Charity Shop very near. I tried them on. MAGIC.

    Only cost me £5.00. I think they were bought for a wedding outfit and only worn the once. That is not the case now.

    I live near Weston Super Mare.


    That is a stunning pic! I would encourage you to post the full pic in the forum.

    Sorry to say, but that is the whole picture.

    It was not easy balancing and leaning over to take that picture, and at the same time get the best effect.

    I have doctored the image by deleting some pixels between my ankles, but the shadow at the bottom gives you a clue.


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