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Posts posted by muddypaws

  1. Ive been reading a few sections, catching up on the fact i havent had chance to visit a lot recently. The guys question is filling with topics and discussions which brought thoughts to my mind.

    We not have threads on 'girly heels' and wearing skirts with outfits and how we behave in a skirt ie crossing legs for modesty etc and yea the leg contest is a bit of a laugh.

    It just crossed my mind with some thoughts. Dont get me wrong im all for anyone doing what they please, and whatever anyone chooses to do i dont have an issue with it, however isnt wearing a skirt and saying cross your legs and keep your knees together (as i read in a post) making people behave like people see women do? And yeah some shoes with pretty bows and bright pink colours etc can be cute but IMHO are we not better letting the women decorate themselves with these and their outfits. And as i said i know it was for fun bit arent nearly all the pictures in the leg contest almost all full womens outfits skirts hose etc. I mean come on lads wheres the wearing heels as a man going these days in this guys section??

    For me if im gonna wear heels, its cos i like how they feel and look etc, but i still wear them my own way as a man and behaving like one, and wear heels that can coorsinate with a mans outfit, and personally I think it would do us all a favour for widerspread acceptance if we werent trying to look and behave like women as well as wearing their shoes.

    what are everyones thoughts on this

    :thumbsup:I for one agree 100% with you. Wear heels as men, and to look like them too. Women can wear them if they want, in skirts et al.


  2. Not good for the environment and not biodegratable either. It is going to cost as much if not more than tires to dispose of them. They are probably causing alot of pollution to make as well to dispose of.

    :smile:When I first read the message, I thought about my Crocodile 4" heels that I love.

    Then it dawned on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes FUGLY is a lovely word for them. And the price!!!!!!!!! for what they are!!!!!

    No I will not buy. or even go anywhere near. All your comments are valid. Lets hope the "fashion" dies away soon.


  3. Hi, here my post to this thread ,,

    :nervous:Both fantastic shoes(!). but although I would like to have the platforms, I do think they are a bit OTT for wearing in the street

    Going back a step, the idea of shoes not making any noise, rather hints that we don't want anyone to know that we are wearing heels. Surely that hints that we do not want to be seen in them.

    If I am going to walk out, then let them be seen, and if audible, so be it.

    Don't hide your pleasure.


    Am I going to get another black mark?

  4. Does anyone else find this photo "interesting"?


    :winkiss:Yes I do.

    Whose foot is on top?


    I could not get any of them. All I got was Error 404.


    :silly:I had this land on my doorstep (not literally) recently,It made my toes curl! It has to be one of the best.


    Now thats what I'm talkin about! Hubba Hubba!!!

    :blinkbigeyes:I alway keep a pair of heels tucked away in the caravan. I have been known to walk about a site in heels.


  5. Antonio M. G. from Hot Boots website [well, I know it's above all a gay site, but who cares?]:




    Boots: A. F. Vandeborst, Italy, 3" heels. After a short googling, I got a clue that there may be a mistake: the designer could be A. F. Vandevorst, and his site: http://www.afvandevorst.be . Visit the "Fetish" section for women. Frankly, I don't know why it was called "Fetish" as all shoes are vanilla to me, and yeah- they're mostly very stylish. Men's shoes aren't worth paying a visit IMHO- regular boring vanilla stuff. [Oh, and what are bras doing in the men's Nightfall section? ;)]

    These pics are very important to me, because they made me discover the whole "men in high heels" movement and seek lots of info about it. Who knows if I'd find HHMP, and of course get into heels later, if I didn't look at these photos? Very convincing look IMO.

    :sad: Wow! by far the best pics I've seen on this site. You look fabulous in that outfit. The boots are magic too. I am not usually into boots (pardon the pun) but they are great. Show me more.

    You should put them on the Gallery. Go on do it.

    Yuo look as if you are "on top of the world"


  6. AHA, so you too watch breakfast telly to see what heels the women are wearing. It's a pity that the BBC are so prissy about footwear so as to seem to be actively worried about showing shoes.


    :w00t2:I said the same thing a few weeeks ago, and was told nobody else wanted to see them.

    I agree with you. Keep looking very closely- they do get a glimpse now and then


  7. I've read that some women have the ball of their feet injected with Restylane or Sculptra, two fillers commonly used for facial wrinkles or feature enhancement. In this way, they create a soft pad that reduces the pain caused by high heels. I've also seen a video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCzIE06SHAY. Do you think it really helps? Marco

    ITV did an item on this recently, with some woman in the "States" who had haD THIS DONE AND WAS FULL OF PRAISES FOR IT. (sorry for caps). personally I do not need any help. My feet aare good enough without external help.

    My own reaction would be the same as most others- don't touch it unless you have cast iron guarantees with the "product". If you mess up your feet- no more heels, total discomfort for life. Pain for ever. not good news.

    "Salesmen will sell fridges to eskimos" Profit.

    Leave well alone


  8. Round here there used to be loads of shoe shops but one by one they have gradually (almost) disappeared.

    In one high street, Truform was replaced by FHW which after several years, eventually closed.

    Up the road, a very old store (FHW?) became a self-serve Shoe Express and that went the same way.

    Timpsons became Shoe Zone, now selling mainly cheapo stuff.

    A Barratts opened, and a year later, closed down.

    Several others, names long forgotten, have also disappeared in the last decade. Very few shoe-only stores to be seen now.

    We are left with a Stead and Simpson, a Shoe Fayre (cheapo stuff again), and an out-of-town Brantano of interest.

    There is a very old Clarks store, and a few in-store departments in larger stores (M&S, Asda, New Look, River Island, Etam, Mk One, BHS, Peacocks, Next, large department stores, etc). I see that Treds have opened though.

    In another local town, both branches of Saxone disappeared a decade ago, or more.

    Some time later Ravel closed down (I loved their stuff, but it was a bit pricy).

    Last year Dolcis disappeared, and a few months back the Stead and Simpson store also went.

    Several other favourites are also long gone. What happened to "Bay Trading Co" too, they've also gone.

    There is still a Faith, and a Barratts, and Office have opened (sadly no Schuh yet).

    The only other choices are the usual Next, Miss Selfridge, Dorothy Perkins, New Look, TK Maxx, Asda, River Island, BHS, MK One, Peacocks, Russell and Bromley (if you're super rich), and a few department stores.

    The "shoe shop" as a shop seems to be gradually disappearing, to be replaced by a small shoe department in a much larger store. So too, the move from "service" to "self-service".

    Is this much the same over the whole of the UK, or does your High Street still have a good selection of "shoe shops" selling, well, umm, just "shoes"?

    :mecry:I think you are quite right.

    I used to love Dolcis. They always had a great selection of shoes. They have gone the way of big chains. Lost in the masses. to whit mostly cheapo rubbish.

    Although Tk Maxx is not a shoe shop per se, they do have some good quality shoes in there . I like to go in and try on a few styles, even buy.

    New Look too is not bad, again, not a shoe shop but good to see the styles and to try on. Nothing better than 4 inch heels (not many). Besides United Footware, (Dudley & Worcester) which my daughter introduced me to, I have not found anyone to sell HIGH HEELS. U/F do have platforms, but that is another thing again.

    Don't give up. Who knows, tomorrow is another day.


    Sorry Jo but Sacha has already gone from Kenny High Street, it's now a branch of Carphone Warehouse according to Xaphod.

    I've noticed the same in my local town centres. All the places like FHW Dolcis & Saxone have gone. Mind you in Coventry there is a big new Deichmann store just opened in the centre - bit like Brantano but a very large range of shoes & boots on display up to a 7 or occasionally an 8.

    As Firefox says it is all due to the changing retail landscape. Five years ago Asda hadn't even thought of shoes, now they sell thousands of pairs and the styles change weekly.

    Nice to hear from you again!


    :wavey: I was in Coventry last Saturday, I did not know of Deichmann or I would have gone for a mosey. The very first time I went to a shop to buy a pair of shoes was at Saxone in Chiswick, they were Black Pat. "Tulip". the assistant asked me if I would like to try them on. As it was my first time, I said "I suppose I ought" so I did and walked in the store in them. I felt great. They were £17.99. I later bought a like pair for my partner. They were not worn very often, as I had a pair and it was and still is not approved, but that does not stop me wearing my shoes whenever I can. That is very often.:smile:


  9. It was a sunny saturday in December. Christmas was coming and I decided to give me a present. So I went and bought a lovely pair of boots, 5 1/2 inches. Lovely stilettos, lovely pointy toe, pearl grey, knee high. It was a fantastic gift! It was about 11:30 am when I was coming back home with these so-long-dreamt shoes.

    Now, you need to know that there's a garden in front of my house, where my parents and grands use to park their cars. Well, now you know it!

    I took the keys out of my pocket and opened the gateway and, with my horror, there was someone in my home! No fear, there wasn't any burgling in progress, just my mother had come home from work earlier than me. My mother!?

    I standed in the garden for a while.

    It was cold despite the sun, and my blood was getting even colder. The rucksack on my shoulder, as a perfect student, and a big bag in my right hand with two gorgeous boots in it as... someone who secretly wears heels!

    I needed to make that bag disappear before entering my home. But where?

    Seconds passed while my mind was engulfed, I wasn't able to think clearly. Then, I had an idea: the cars. Luckily, my grandpa is a bit forgetful, and never remembers to close the boot of his car.

    So, like a perfect secret agent, I hid my precious boots in my grandpa's car, without any noise, without any key, without being seen. Pheew!

    I finally opened the door of the house, and could say "Yo mum, I'm back from school, how are you?" There was a little trembling in my voice, that trembling that reveals you're feeling a strong emotion. I was exhausted after so many seconds of tension. Luckily, mum was hoovering, so she didn't hear it.

    Then, I was too excited thinking that those fantastic boots were waiting for me, so I exited and went to see them the "last" time before saturday night, when I would have exited and brought them in my home, when all my family would be sleeping.


    My mum, obviously was gonna talking at me and, not seeing me, she evenly thought I was out. So she opened the door and saw me

    looking at a box in the boot of my grandpa's car. Omg, I screwed myself, my mum was likely to discover everything! Nooo!!!

    "What's in it?"

    "Uh, what, mum?"

    "In that box?"

    "Ah, this? I don't know, I was checking the light, here..."

    "Bring it to me!"

    "Ok (damn damn damn...)"


    "(Ehm...) so?"

    "A pair of boot? As I thought..."

    "What... you thought?"

    "You're grandpa has a mistress! I was almost sure, haven't I tell it yet?"

    "No, tell me (Pheew!)"

    I've lost ten years of my life because of that moments of strain!

    :mecry:Hi Marcus,

    You can't leave us like that! Can you?


  10. Thanks for the positive responses.

    Kneehighs, I like the outfits. You certainly look like you are very comfortable wearing them! :smile:

    Let me know what you think of this outfit....

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    I wore this out in Brighton last August. It was the outfit I wore in the evening. I certainly enjoyed wearing it and would wear it again in the future. I thought it was very simple yet had a nice smart/casual style to it! :P

    Will post more pics soon.

    EDIT: Am I wrong in thinking that the second pic is a bit too "feminine"?


    No, not at all.

    That outfit looks good and the shoes although not "high" are very nice, I like them.

    The whole looks good. keep up the good work.:o


  11. Found this one which I thought was fun....

    Posted Image


    I am missing out on this fun.

    All I getis this:-

    The requested URL /hhplace/images/1082310479.jpg was not found on this server.

    Apache/1.3.24 Server at gold.ciber.net Port 80

    Can anyone help me get back to join you?


    I touched that picture up a bit:

    Posted Image


    That's much better


    Muddypaws :D

    Ha! I just realised what I said. I used the "heal" tool. :lol:


    What an unlikely pun, but very well placed



    Hi all! I have been enjoying a new commercial on TV for Dr. Scholl's inserts for Her. I absolutely LOVE this commercial! Click here and click on the View TV ad button. This is the website for Dr. Scholl's, by the way, for this new product for Her. There is a different commercial for the same product I have seen, but they do not have that one on their site. :(


    Now I think i have seen it all.

    Dr S with those super shots.

    When it comes to UK!!!!!

    Gotta be best yet!



  12. AnitaC.:-)

    It certainly sounds like Corey and Rob have a great relationship going without any problems and it sounds like everything is moving along smoothly. That's great. I'm glad for them. Before I left for work yesterday morning I suggested that maybe my wife, (Mickey68), could lay out a dress because Dawn would be coming for a visit later. Now, I really didn't think she would do this as she never has done that before, but when I arrived at home, she had picked out a dress and had a whole complete outfit laid out even down to the jewelry and make-up. Needless to say, being the first for this, made Dawn extremely happy and we both had a most enjoyable evening together. Cheers---

    Dawn HH ;)

    :o Thanks Dawn, What a fantastic partner you have. I WISH!!!

    Good luck to both of you. Long may it continue.


  13. The year was 1957. Ike was in the White House with some boob named Nixon as VP. Buddy Holly & Richie Valens were still rock n' and rollin' on the radio (KIMN 950am) and Sinatra, Bennett, Ella and the Duke (Ellington) were the swingmeisters. Denver had 4 TV stations and al were black & white.

    My second grade teacher was a lady from Texas. Her name was Mrs. Rough. She was always impecably dressed and her bouffant blonde' hair & make-up were flawless and, yes, she always wore high stiletto heels to make her 5' in stature seem taller. She even wore them when she was supervising recess!

    She was influential in my becoming attracted to High Heels. One outfit in particular stays in my memory. It was a powder blue front buttoning dress with short sleeves and a collar that she always wore "up" . . . with matching powder blue 4.5" Stilettos that had a bow with gold accents.

    She never took her shoes off in class and would walk around & sit on the front of her desk when talking to us. crossing her legs - very lady like!

    We all loved her because she taught with passion and enthusiasm. She had the most charming drawl that captivated all in earshot when she was speaking.

    Class would start with the clik-clik-clik of her stilettos coming into the room as the bell was going to ring followed by a "Good mornin', y'all! Let's stand for the pledge of allegence!".

    One day, she was wearing her navy blue dress and matching navy stilettos

    when a fight broke out between two trouble makers. Not being a shy person she got right in between these kids, grabbed them by the collars-separating them and after a verbal barrage that could have only come from a Texas Girl, said sternly "Now y'all have a choice to make. You wanna shake hands & call it quits or do I get the opportunity to haul you both down to the principals office? WELL, what's it gonna be? . . . Don't just stand there with your teeth in your mouth SPEAK UP!". The boys mumbled an apology to which she said "T'ain't good enough. You two clowns owe the class and ME an apology so let's hear it or I swear I'll take you both into the principals office and I WILL call your folks.". The guys went to the front of the class and apologised. "Good . . . fine now. Virgil, you sit here, on my right and Dave, you will take the seat to my left and if I hear another peep outta either one of you it's off to the principals' office.

    Do you understand me?". "Uh . . . yes Mrs. Rough.". Not a peep.

    She wore Red the next day, this was her "all business" dress with red 4.5" Stiletto pumps and gold jewelry.

    The bell rang and we stood up for thr pledge. "OK now. Let's get to work. Get out your geography books and open to pafe 225." She walked around the room and when she got to Virgil and Dave she lowered her glasses and stared at them for a second then smiled and said "Y'all gonna behave today?" They nodded yes.

    And that was that.

    When I graduated I returned to that school. Mrs. Rough was still teaching there . . . and still wearing High Stiletto Heels! I walked in in my Stilettos. She smiled "Nice shoes, hon. Where'd you get 'em?".

    Anita C.

    ;) My teachers would not have known what a stiletto heel was.......in those far off days of 1940ish


  14. ok, so I spent all afternoon today at B&Q looking for ways to sort this mess out and found this: Polycell Smoothover

    I was advised though that its best to sand the artex slightly to key up the surface so that the smoothover will bond with it but they reckon they have had loads of great feedback about this stuff!

    If your lucky, I might give some feedback with before/after shots once I get started on it if anybody is interested?

    Hardly an exciting topic I know but what the heck, cant do any harm...

    :o I've got it too. It's like measles,awful.

    After all I've read tonight, I think I'll just put some thick paint on it a few times. It might make the room lower though, so what!



  15. Ok, so I've been thinking back to our trip to Scotland last year.... and since we can't get decent Scotch in this province (Ontario, Canada) because of the grip the liquor control board (LCBO here) has on the alcohol supply, I've been wondering what we're missing. So, what are people's favourite Scotches? What's available out there?

    Personally, I've kinda stuck to 8+ yo single malt scotches, preferably 12+yo (though some are $$). The ones from Spey are nice though the Islay malts are really nice once in a while too. Takes a couple shots to get used to the peaty taste though :-) Sometimes the heavy peat flavours are distracting though.

    We had some cask strength (60%) single malt from Benromach near-ish Glen Fiddich (the Microsoft of Scotches) and it was very nice though you had to be careful, it being 60%. It would cure the common cold with one shot. Atholl Brose was elixer from heaven though. It's a Scotch liquor, kinda like Drambuie, but if you've had Atholl Brose, Dram is crude.

    And to keep on topic (sort of) - how high heels can you wear while drinking said Scotch :-) And is it required to wear a kilt while drinking Scotch?


    My favourites are the Islay malts. There are quite a lot of them, mostly ££££££££££s. The most common, if you'll pardon the term, is Laphroaigh. If you are not used to it, Medicine sounds like a good name for it. It is so smooth. It can be found at reasonablely affordable prices here in the UK.

    My all time American is Wild Turkey. My daughter brought me a bottle of 12 Y.O. single something American, I made it last for ages, as I knew that I would never see another.

    Some of our supermarkets sell "Own Brand"malts at fair prices. They are not bad for the price.

    Muddypaws:spin2: ;)

  16. Tks Dawn,

    They are so comfortable, I have worn them for about six hours today, and still good. Lovely soft leather. I have given them a very good polish tonight to tidy them up some, and for preservation.

    I'm sure I shall enjoy many hours in them.

    It's great to be able to talk about shoes like this to like minded friends. My daughter always asks what I have bought new since I last saw her, and what have I brought with me this week? I have to put them on to show her. We both seem to like the same type of shoes. Her husband choses most of her shoes for her, and sees mine too if he is there.

    Oncce I get started, I do not seem to be able to stop.

    It's late now 1.00am Sunday.

    Must go Bibis:cry1:



    I remembered that I have not tried to put my heels together for a long time!

    can you do this?




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