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Posts posted by muddypaws

  1. :yummy:I find these conversations quite erotic. I too know these feelings of wanting to follow and listen to the sounds made by the shoes. I keep promising myself to "go out" but so far have not been successful in my self persuasions. It will happen. My main hestitation I think is that I feel as if I am "vulnerable". Being my age, I wonder if???????????? It does not stop me going to shops to try them on. Sometimes just for the sake of it! Please come back and talk to us again. Muddypaws:thumbsup:

  2. Hi Folks, Although I buy from ebay, never shoes. I find that sizes vary so much from place to place even in the same shop. I was in TK Maxx yesterday, (as I have said) and there was one pair 71/2 uk that I could not get my toes in, while another which i liked, fitted a treat and 7s. But search in ebay size 7 (eg) 5" heel should come up trumps. I still like to look accasionally. It is better to hold then, to know what they feel like. maybe I am fussy-choosey, but they are my feet,& money. Muddypaws.:santa_hat:

  3. Kneehighs:-)

    I haven't been fortunate enough to have come across anyone who would swap boots or shoes with me. It sounds like an amazing experience and one to be cherished always.



    My daughter always asks me what I have bought today, when I see her. She takes a size 5 and me size 7, so we cannot swop, but I'm sure she would. I always show her my buys, and usually wear them with her, and her husband, although he is not "interested" but definitely not ANTI.

    I do love to go to see them when I can.

    I still want to go to a shop with my daughter and both of us buy the same shoes and walk out in them together. Another of my fantasies!!!



  4. I haven't been wearing heels much for the past six months. I'm having quite a bit of pain in my left ankle, so have seen an osteopath and a podiatrist. I've now got a pair of expensive insoles which have given me quite a bit of relief. This week I've worn heels for the first time for ages, today the osteo asked me "have you been wearing different shoes?" no I lied! "Been walking down hill a lot" he continued - "not especially" I replied.

    Ok - this guy knows his stuff. I'm falling apart, I think it's time for me to retire from heels.

    I'm not giving up for a long time yet. I got no probs @73 Who'se a lucky guy then!


  5. With respect, Muddypaws, you really don't need to keep quoting an entire story when commenting on it! If this was in print, that would be another rainforest needlessly destroyed!

    HI Puffer,

    Thanks for your reply, so how do I NOT do that.

    I did not know otherwise.


  6. :yummy:I do like the 2nd and 3rd pairs of shoes, the sling backs are very tasty, the first are not high enogh for me.

    I don't rate your chances too highly of winning the legs competion, but that's my say not the judges!8) But having said that,it's great to take part.

    file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Peter/LOCALS%7E1/Temp /moz-screenshot.jpgMuddypaws.:unsure:

    IMG_4392 I tried to download one, but failed!
  7. my contribution. Hope you like them

    :yummy:I do like the 2nd and 3rd pairs of shoes, the sling backs are very tasty, the first are not high enogh for me.

    I don't rate your chances too highly of winning the legs competion, but that's my say not the judges!:unsure: But having said that,it's great to take part.


    Here's attempt 2 for me. I don't do skirts usually, my wife lent me hers for the photo shoot. I don't think I'll do skirts again, just not my thing.

    :online2long:I know I am late but I am just catching up on the backlog!!!!!!!!!!

    You are so lucky...to have a wife who will lend you her clothes......and even better they fit.8)


    I don't know how we senior citizens can possibly compete with the younger members on this board, but here's my contribution, for the over 65 category!

    :wave:There's hope for me yet if you can look s good as you do 65+. Lovely shoes and legs. Don't give way to age yet.


    My turn!

    (But I think Trolldeg still wins 8) . Maybe I can get 1st runner up! )

    :clap:I leave it to the judges. Lovely choice of shoes,what an unusual shot of the white sandals.??????? Where do we go from here?


    Again another guy with beautiful high heels legs! If I were still 19 years old I would participate at once at this contest but I'm already 55 years old. I think that my legs aren't ugly but it's time to accept that they are not suitable for a sexiest legs contest:mecry:

    Nevertheless a lot of girls on the street have no chance to compete with some guys here!

    Don't cry baby!:mecry:You have a long way to go yet. There is no upper age limit here.


  8. Hello,

    I feel uncomfortable fitting heels in a regular shop. In a dedicated fetish shop or a transvestite shop I have no trouble. I purchased the greater part of my pumps through the internet, after checking by telephone or email what to expect of the fit.

    Greetings Hans

    :unsure:I fully understand your feelings. I still get a "flutter" whenever I try on in shops, but I still carry on and do it. No-one in 30 years has complained. Quite the contrary, only ever helpful. On one occasion I had two indentical pairs, except for colour and heel style! I could not make up my mind which, so I asked the two assistants, they said why not take both? So I did. It was a closing down sale, and the two pairs cost me £5.00 I did not beleive them. I drove home - 125 miles with one of each on, changing over on the way. I still have one of each, the other one of each have hit the BIN. They don't last for ever.

    Don't hesitate .....Do it! It's good for you.


  9. Hi Muddypaws,

    the heels are a custom build that Italianheels did for me in an opalised red leather. 6 Inch stiletto heel. I fitted toe plates, metal heel taps and foot petals at a later stage (which I do for all my shoes since they get a lot of mileage). I also get the linings customised in either beige or pink leather.




    Thanks heel-lover. I have often looked (with envy) at Italian Heels, they have some wonderful designs. I have always fancied the good OLD faithful Sophia, one of their first, but still my favourite.

    Someday I may get around to some!.... Their range has enlarged enormously.


  10. Hi,

    Todays heels were a bit vibrant... thought it worked but I have had a few more "funny" looks than usual... One of the girls I spoke to said red was the in colour and could be paired with almost anything, but she wasn't sure of the pink. (b.t.w. she wore Laboutins in patent red - a truely beautiful shoe in the real, very very high but she sailed effortlessly in them)

    I forgot to say what lovely legs you have. Jealous!!!!

    rgds Heel-Lover


    I absolutely adore those shoes. The whole outfit is just great. It looks fabulous. don't change a thing.

    Jealousy will get me nowhere. The clothes are easy to create, but whose are those shoes and where from?????????????????

    You mention "Louboutin" not yours! They are good enough to be.:boxing::unsure:


  11. A “Special Taste” tale (fiction)

    I had a hang to "fetish" things all my life especially high heels and restrictive clothes but never brought up the courage to take my liking into public as a known man in town.

    But in my fetish clique it was normal and people shared time and each others liking on parties etc. But again I didn't have the guts to join such a party only the smaller meetings I dared to show up in a more or less special outfit being afraid someone I know would recognize me. My friend knew and he offered me a dare, a bet to make me do it at least once: To come to his big fetish and bondage party on Saturday in high heels and leather restrictive clothes.

    Here was the deal:

    If I would show up in new 6" high heels (my choice) and in leather hobble skirt (also my choice he said) combined with any top wear I like he would pay the whole outfit! If I wouldn't dare to show up in those clothes I would have to pay his outfit.

    "Ok!" I said "you just have paid me a new outfit!" But where to get a new outfit in such a short time... only three days left. I knew no shop or store where to get such clothes. I always ordered my stuff on the net. He came up with a good friend of his who was running a boutique for "The Special Taste" and that also was the name of the shop.

    And a kind person he was, he even called his friend (ex girlfriend to be exact) - made a date for us and smiled his devilish smile telling me that "She said she can't wait to meet you." ... well...

    "So.. ok! When am I going to meet your girlfriend?"

    "Friday. 18.00 o'clock just before she closes her store so you have the whole place for yourself! Isn't that wonderful? I would come but why spoil the surprise and see your new outfit before the party?!"

    Friday came and I was nervous all day. The clock was running towards 16.00 and I got home from work and ... well you know ... took of my flats and slipped into my 5" Oxford pumps. Lace 'em up! And did some work around the house... after I had a sandwich and done the dishes I took them off and made my way into the city to get in time to "The Special Taste".

    Traffic was horrible. Why can't people just drive and stop talking... others drive like hell is behind them to catch their wretched soul as they honk and pushed into my rear view mirror.

    Finally found it. It was a small dark house in the older part of the city, the part that was forbidden for cars. It was all in grey and dark colours, old stones I guessed, like no one ever had ever thought of painting or cleanung the poor structure since the last time a horse made its way by in the middle ages! And there was this small sign over the door I almost ran by the first time: "The Special Taste - a shop for the Extraordinary".

    Promising I had to admit as I tried to enter the shop pushing down the old door handle. Locked! I was too late.

    "Damn!" I yelled a bit too loud cause almost the same moment a small window on the first floor open and someone’s head was stuck out. I could not see the face as the sunlight was blinding me a bit but the nice and calm female voice I heard was like a rainbow after the thunderstorm - calm and nice: "You are too late I fear. To enter now you will have to help me with something!" the head disappeared.

    As I was still staring up there a little puzzled and not knowing what to do two boxed dropped next to me. Two boxed with shoes. I was scared to death as those really made some noise but I heard a little giggle from above and there was the shopkeeper's head again:

    "Hey! What shoes would you choose to run around the block?" I took a look at the boxes. Plain white they were without any imprinting on the outside so I opened the first one. There was a nice pair of black leather high heel pumps with a small ankle strap. I guessed at least 5" high if not 6". A quick look into the other box showed me a pair of dark blue high heel ankle boots... also at least 5" high.

    "How fast do you want to get around the block?" I asked smiling up to her. Another snicker came from above. "Doesn't matter! It matter's how fast you can do it!"

    So... now I got it...

    "I want you to show me what shoes fit better a man! Choose on and put them on. They're your size I hope. The backdoor entrance can be reached if you get around the block and enter the backyard. To make sure you really do please put on those cuffs."

    A pair of ankle cuffs with lockable boot straps and padlocks landed besides me. No keys ... Well that would in any normal case be the moment I would have turned around a walked away. But I had a bet to win. My friend was such a smartass! He told the girl that ran the shop about everything and now it was her to make me do something I wouldn't have done at normal conditions. I was somehow delivered into her hands.

    As I sat down on the step that was leading to the doorstep I took the boots out of the box. The pumps looked a bit uncomfortable and I don’t like pumps anyway; took off my flat business shoes and put the high heeled boots on (I was hoping that my long trousers would cover them good).. When I was done I found the colour matching my trousers and those boots really felt nice though they were a bit... just a tad... too small.

    "You look nice down there! Take some steps and show me how they fit you please." I heard her from above. So I took a few steps away from the house into the pedestrian zone that was there all over the old part city.

    Lucky me it was Friday evening and few people made their way home from work or shopping in that part of town.

    Lucky me just at this moment an old lady went by... looked at me, looked at my feet and smiled. I went red. I want red as only an alarm sign can do! “Don’t trip and break something boy!” she said… still smiling.

    I picked up my flat shoes and wanted to get around the block as soon as possible... to finally make my way into that shop!

    " AH AH AaHhh! No you don't! Your shoes stay here!" I heard from above... SO I put down my shoes... "and don't forget the cuffs pleeeeaaaaaasssssseeee." I could literally feel her smile on me as I sat down again on the steps and put on the cuffs.

    "Show me!" I heard... Man! I thought and showed here the cuffs locked in place.

    "Ok! See you at the backdoor!" the Window was closed and shut wit that typical sound only very old windows can make only to be opened again: "and your shoes you now can take with you if you want" …

    So I made my way to the backyard.

    The cobblestone sidewalk was not helping and I almost really triped and fell as I was warned by the old lady before. Was a close one!

    It was somehow exciting and thrilling and yet I was trying to keep cool and be as fast as possible.

    When I entered the backyard I finally saw the shop runner as she was standing there in the backdoor smiling an innocent smile at me:

    An older lady, maybe as old as my friend Frank but this girl, what do I say, lady has kept herself in shape and only some grey streaks in her hair (I guess she left those intentionally) and some laugh lines around her eyes revealed something of her age... the rest of her yelled "YOUNG!". Dark black shoulder-length hair. Discreet makeup. She was wearing a black dress with a turtleneck; no sleeves but the dress was made with long slits left and right of her legs to grant her full mobility. Long shear stockings... , and some 5" heels. Pumps with ankle straps, black leather.

    "You do quite well! Frank was not lying when he said you were into high heeled shoes. Nice!"

    When I reached her all I could say was: "May I have the keys please?" "No way... first I want to show you around" she meant and dragged me in not letting me say another word.

    The shop was marvellous! It was just like an old shop should be... wooden cupboards dark and solid and wooden floor and when we entered the front part of the shop with a click and clack from both of our shoes I saw what this shop was all about:

    Clothes - Leather - Rubber all you could think off. In another room there were high heels and I soon got the feeling the ones I was wearing were the flattest you could buy here.

    "The real hard stuff is upstairs" she explained me. "Wanna see?"

    "Well after all I am here! Show me." I whispered as I got my self confidence back.

    "Here we go!" she smiled at me as we went upstairs over an old wooden stairway. "You do quite well in those heels." she again praised me. I was getting proud and my self-confidence was rising even higher! And so was the pain in my feet! But I didn’t want to show any weakness. And slowly went up the stairs behind her.

    And was splashed and struck down as we reached the first floor!

    There was a steel door riveted and looking quite solid with in small letters engraved on it "Ye shall no one enter here that will not take me as your master - Alex"

    "Your name is Alex, right?" I said...

    "Yeah...it’s Alexandra, to be exact." She showed me another of those smiles.

    "May I enter?" I asked.

    "You accept my rules? Accept me as master of this place? With full power and you will do as I say?" She asked now totally serious.


    "Well, come on in!"

    She pulled a set of keys from her pocket and opened the door with them - no handle - just a single keyhole. The door was opening towards the inside and as we were past it it slam shut behind us with a atumatic mechanism. I was relieved to see there was a handle to open the door from the inside. “Almost like a panic room.” I though.

    It was something completely new for me. There were all the things I knew from the Internet but never had seen in real:

    Cupboards with cuffs, leather devices for binding someone to something or just too render someone immobilized. Furniture. Some showing clearly what the purpose was some more subtle and a big round bed in the middle that was big enough to have at least three people rest there with a strong metal frame with lots of rings and a little opening in the middle of the circle.

    I guessed some of these things would fit into my flat and no one would ever realize the real purpose of them.

    "So what exactly are you looking for?" my company asked as she turned around looking me straight in the eyes.

    "Well I see you have a big assortment... well.... you know... I....." my self-confidence was anywhere but not with me at this moment there in that room and my tongue was tied to my throat suddenly was so dry.

    "Oh! I understand... I'll fetch some for you. You wait here." And off she was

    "Where?" I called behind her as she already was halfway down the stairs.

    "Well. Take a seat on the throne or anywhere you like." She came back up till and pointed at a dark wooden throne with all kinds of restraining devices to keep the victim right in place.

    It was feeling strange and again very exciting to sit there. My imagination was running wild and I though how it would feel to be safely fastened onto the throne not being able to move. But I didn’t dare to ask or even try myself.

    In the meantime Alex was wandering around the shop downstairs as I could hear her high heels click and clack around the shop and soon she came back with her arms fully loaded with clothes and two boxes.

    All stuff I could see was made of leather and I knew what was in those plain white boxes. She knew exactly what I was looking for! I must have looked like a little child at Christmas sitting there cause as she saw me she smiled at me and said: "Well look who's smiling again!"

    "I would smile a bit more if you would let me take the boots off!" I made a second attempt to get the high heel boots off my feet. Sitting there helped a lot but those boots were a bit too small for my feet and the pointed toe made it not better.

    "Mhh.. We'll make a deal. You try on this lockable hobble skirt and when it fits you you can take off the boots. ok?"

    "Well I guess that was what I came for in the first place." I answered.

    The skirt was heavy and the fit was almost perfect though it seemed to be a little too heavy for normal leather and for a hobble skirt it was a bit too restrictive for my taste.

    "It seems to be a bit heavy. And a bit too small around the seam" I told her looking at myself in the mirror that was on the other side of the room. It took me quite a while to get there in that skirt.

    "Yes! It really is a bit heavier than normal leather. That is because it is made from double layered material! In the inner lining is lead woven in to make it fall better and to make it a bit punitive for the wearing person. As you have realized it is fully lockable and the seam can be made as small as needed but not much wider as it is now. But your shirt is not matching and the boots really don't look good on you with that skirt... I guess we'll have to take them off now, do we?" again that little devilish smile as if she had something in mind. But I didn’t bother cause at this moment all I wanted was to get those heels of my feet.

    I was “ordered” to take a seat again and so I was making my way with little steps to the throne on the other side of the room. "Where do I have those keys now?" She mumbled around. "Yeah... I know they're downstairs. Would you mind to come along?"

    Having just reached the throne and turned around to sit down I again had to make my way through the room to reach the stairs. As I started to slowly go towards the stairs I said:

    "Well you know this skirt really is restrictive and I don't know if I can make my way down the stairs."

    "Wait a moment we'll have that problem fixed in no time!" she came over and kneeled beside me opening two zips on the left and right of the skirt to give me more room. Not much but at least I knew I could make it downstairs now. "Now! That should do it!" "Thanks! That will do." I agreed.

    "See you downstairs!" she said and off she was. "How can someone run around with 5" heels?" I asked loudly "Only takes some practice" she answered from downstairs... she had heard me. As I was slowly moving towards the stairs and step by step making my way downstairs - the skirt still was restrictive enough to make me move rather slowly and with high concentration about every step - I heard the shop bell ring. Someone just had entered the shop... but who? And how? I thought the door was loked.

    "Meet my new customer. He just got himself into a lockable hobble skirt and 6" stiletto heels!" I heard Alex tell someone. "No! I don't want to." I shouted halfway down the stairs panicking.

    "Don't be shy it's just my shop assistant Clara. If you want to shop here more often you'll have to meet after all … sooner or later!" came Alex's answer. So I kept on “hobbling” downstairs and when I entered the lower part of the shop I saw a young lady. Much younger than Alex. “Should be around my age”, I thought.

    She was more dressed as I would have expected someone working in such a shop. A white blouse made from a strong linen-like material and a short black leather skirt.

    Black pantyhose and black leather, ankle high, stiletto boots and a black leather corset. But something was odd about those boots... there were cuffs with padlocks on them and the corset also had a lock in front. Black and fitting into the whole but not inconspicuous enough to recognize them at first sight. She smiled at me a nice warm smile


    "…hello" was all I could answer quietly as I was bit ashamed about staring at her. But as if she had not recognized she turned back towards Alex the shop owner:

    "Please I learned my lesson my I take the stuff off now?" she asked.

    Then I got it. Like I was locked into my clothes Clara was locked into the corset and into those boots. My imagination was starting to run wild again as I wondered how long.... a day?... a week? This girl was really getting my attention and I fell something get hard between my legs. I fell in love that very moment!

    "Well I guess you have." Alex answered and took up the keys she wanted to fetch for me and searched for a certain key I guess the one for Clara's clothes. "Here you go." Alex opened the locks and Clara went over into the high heel section out of my sight. Getting back into reality I asked: "My turn?" trying to give her a nice smile.

    The answer was a ringing key in her hand. "C'mon over." she nodded towards the high heel section where Clara had disappeared to just a minute ago.

    With very small steps I made my way into the room taking all concentration to not trip on the old wooden floor. Clara was sitting there unleashing her boots and rubbing her feet giving me another warm and nice smile: "Have a seat. I'll fetch something fitting your style a bit more once I have switched shoes" as she got up on her toes and was walking over to a storage rack moving it aside just like a door.

    "Saving space!" she explained smiling showing me a small room with all the stuff you need to clean up etc. fetching a backpack which was hers, opened it and took a pair of pumps out of it.

    "Those are more comfortable than the 6" I had to wear the last week!" another of those warm smiles.

    "A whole week!" I said with astonishment.

    "Yes, Alex disciplined me for being rude and made me wear them as well as that corset around the shop for work. Today was my last day in that outfit and I had to deliver a letter. Alex told she was awaiting a special customer and I should return to help her.

    Wait a minute, we'll have you out of those boots soon. Alex! I need the keys, please"

    "Here they are" said Alex as she entered the room with a white blouse similar to Alex on her arm that looked more feminine than I would have liked it to be.

    As Clara offered me a seat and unlocked the shoe cuffs to take the boots of my feet Alex went out of the room again "to get some stockings that match" she said and winked at me.

    "Now lets see how this blouse suits you" Clara came over unlocking the skirt to have me switch my shirt with the blouse.

    "You should eat less and exercise more" she said while smiling at me "Yet I like teddy bears!" I turned red again!

    "Clara stop being rude or you'll have another week in 6"ers!" Alex returned with a pair of stockings. They were totally black and looked odd.

    "Try those. You will find them very interesting"

    Truly as they were rather thick and had a strong lining on the inside and a stiff sole.

    "Those were made to fit to the skirt as well as to help you stand in high heels" Alex told me

    After I had put the stockings on and the blouse the skirt was back in place. I found that I could not lower my heels to the ground as the stockings’ stiff sole kept my heels up above the ground.

    "The stockings will increase your ability to stand longer in high heels as the sole supports your feet. Clara, would you please get me some fitting heels while I some accessories for our customer to add the last touch." She went upstairs.

    Clara came round the corner with three pairs of high heels in her hands.

    "Pumps, Oxford style or boots?"

    "Oxfords please I don’t like pumps and I had enough boots today"

    As Clara put the shoes on my feet cause I could not reach my feet, he skirt was just too restrictive. Alex was entering the room and brought in a broad collar. A neck corset.

    "This one is really strict and lockable" Alex told me as she was putting it around my neck. She closed it and I heard a padlock lock into place. My chin was held up and I could hardly move my head to the side.

    "Ready!" I heard Clara chime in as I could not see downwards. But I felt some real high heels on my feet... 6" at least.

    "Try to get up, slowly." She said. "Those Oxfords are not the ones you have seen I decided you needed something real high."

    As I slowly got up I felt my whole body kept in place by the colour and the skirt the stocking were really helping standing in those heels as they were distributing the weight from my toes onto the whole foot. The heels felt great and I decided to take a

    small step forward. "It feel's so good." I said.

    "Another satisfied customer. Clara please have an eye on him while I put together the keys and the other shoes."

    "Other shoes?" I asked

    "Of course you get one with the lockable ankle straps to make the theme complete" Alex said."Wanna try?"

    "Give it to me!"

    Off she was to fetch another box from a storage cabin.

    After I took some steps Alex came back with the box.

    Clara took the Oxfords of my feet and put on some pumps. Six inch high I guessed but the ankle straps were broad and stable supporting the ankle and I heard a lock close with a snap.

    I walked a few steps and did real well.

    Clara was leaning in one corner looking at me. Well I would dare she was staring at me. "See something you like?" I asked her with a smile and full of self confidence.

    "Now look who has gain some confidence?" I heard Alex from behind. I slowly turned around as I was not able to turn my head. She smiled at me as I heard Clare. "Alex would you mind if I take the second set?" Again I turned around very slowly taking two steps to tunr now staring at Clara. "Second set?" I asked.

    Clara glanced a smile at me “Yes you are now wearing a complete set we call the “Enslaver”.” and went past me upstairs.

    "Please take a seat or practice a bit" Alex said to me. "Won't take long I guess."

    A few minutes later I heard Clara slowly come down. Step by step.

    When she entered the room I had to get up and stare at her. She was wearing a hobble skirt just like I did and 6" high heels with lock able ankle straps like I did. The whole outfit was the same as mine but a bit more feminine and accenting her nice body.

    "Well! I guess I need a lift home." she smiley an innocent smile at me.

    "Clara you're marvellous!" I fell in love again the very moment. "I would give you a lift but in the moment I can't drive a car myself yet get out of this clothes."

    "I know because I have the keys for both of you!" Alex entered the room with a single key on a golden chain in her one hand and a silver one in the other

    "Clara you can sleep here if you want and of course your boyfriend my stay!" Alex said as she was giving her the silver key with a smile

    "And this is for you" she said as she handed me the other key. "Now you both have each other's freedom in your hand. See you on Monday, Clara."

    "See you and thanks Mum"

    "Mum? You mean Alex is your Mum?"

    "Yes dummy! Now c'mon the house is ours and we have the whole weekend for ourselves."

    Still confused I followed her upstairs...slowly taking each step by another to walk towards the night of my life.

    But that shall be another story.

    And by the way… as we entered my friend’s party the next evening as couple both wearing our outfit we got everyone’s attention and it didn’t bother me at all.

    You just CANNOT leave it there!!!!!!!!!!!!Help.


  12. A London Hotel Room mid afternoon…..

    Emma Richardson rolled over in bed after sex and eyed her discarded Stiletto’s on the thick pile carpet. She had been so relieved to slip out of them when they got into bed half an hour earlier. Although she was used to heels she usually chose where and when she wore them, generally in the office, the bedroom or at a party. On this occasion six hours standing in four and a half inch strappy heels had left her calves, ankles and feet throbbing!

    Emma had only worn those heels today as she forgotten she was due to go to the sales exhibition. She and Mark, a Sales Director at their firm, had planned to meet for sex that afternoon after a quiet day in the office. She knew how excited he got when she dressed up and wore her sexiest strappiest stilettos.

    An HR Director for a finance organization, Emma needed to look business like for her role but had an intrinsic love of sexy footwear and being only 5’3 she enjoyed wearing spiky heels whenever possible . In her late twenties, a classically slim and sexy brunette, Emma also had long red fingernails specially sculpted by a local beauty salon. These gave her a tarty kind of mistressy aura which she enjoyed.

    As she lay in bed with her Sales director boyfriend she ran her long nails down his chest and stretched her tendons and ankles out to ease the tension. She gazed down her shoes on the floor, spiky heels upturned and the long ankle straps curled like the tails of a whip…….high heels always had held a strange fascination for her somewhere between pleasure and pain, goddess and servant.

    ‘We’d better get back to the conference baby’ Mark added as he slid out of bed. Emma pouted ‘Guess so, my feet are killing in these heels but I don’t have any other shoes to wear….huh’. She pulled on her white blouse and slid into her black trousers suit, gingerly eased her size five feet into her heels, fastening the sexy ankle bars and letting her classy suit trouers fall onto her barefeet.

    She composed herself and stood up to her full height, her ankles wobbled a bit as her stilettos skewered the thick carpet. Emma put her hand in his and proceeded to strut and wiggle her way to the hotel lobby…….

    They should have been a bigger size,then he could have had them on his feet..........for the rest of the afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. The rest of the family had already left. We were the last to depart. It was after 4 pm when I set the suitcases outside on the sidewalk and locked the apartment. Our annual two week 4th of July vacation at our condos at North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, was over for another year.

    I loaded the luggage into the back of my Explorer and climbed into the driver’s seat. My wife, glancing down at my feet, asked me if I planned to change my shoes before we started the 3+ hour drive to our home on the other side of Charleston. I told her I had put all of my other shoes in our luggage so I would have to drive home wearing the shoes that I had on -- a pair of d’Orsay black patent pumps with 6¼ heels.

    I started the engine, put the car in gear and drove through our development, turned left onto Highway US 17 at the stoplight and headed South for Georgetown.

    Traffic was very heavy for a Monday afternoon, even for a day during the peak of the summer beach season, and it took us almost an hour to clear the city limits to the south of Myrtle Beach proper. Traffic began moving more quickly as we headed toward the beaches at the southern end of the resort area and Murrell’s Inlet. Driving in those great 6”+ heels was a snap. No problems at all.

    We settled into our familiar driving routine, listening to the radio and talking about the latest editions to our family – our recently born twin granddaughters – who were far to young and tiny to make the trip this year. Jan, my wife picked up the cell telephone and called to check on my youngest daughter and the two new girls, telling her that we were going to arrive home at about 8 pm or later because of the unusual heavy traffic. As we finished the call, I glanced at the gasoline gauge and decided we would have to stop some where and get gasoline before reaching home.

    Since it was already after 6, Jan decided that after filling up we should stop for supper at one of our favorite restaurants in this part of the state. A place well known for it’s "just off the boat," freshly caught seafood and the best stakes this side of the great divide. A place with a nice view to the east across the marshland and out to sea. With tables outside under the stars, it was just the place to wind up a nice vacation. No family along for the ride, just the two of us. A relaxing pause on the way home and own familiar bed.

    I stopped at a busy gas station at the intersection of highways US 521 and US 17. I pulled up to a pump, shut off the engine and got out of the car. Only when my feet hit the ground did I remember that I was wearing high heels. Jan noticed my hesitation and called to me that I shouldn’t worry about people noticing my footwear since it was beginning to get dark and because my “Dockers” trousers covered almost all of my shoes. Just a little bit of the heel and the toe were showing below the hem of the cuff.

    I walked to the pump, pre-paid for my purchase with a credit card, put the nozzle in the tank and began filling it up. While the pump was running, another car pulled up on the other side of the fueling island. The driver got out and began the process of pumping his gasoline. I notice one quick glance in my direction. No obvious notice of my shoes. The pump automatically shut off when my tank was full and I hung the nozzle back on the pump and put the cap on the tank. I walked the few feet to the front of my car, climbed into the drivers seat and drove away from the station. I remarked to my wife that I was feeling a little disappointed that no one had noticed my beautiful high heels. Jan responded that If I had had to walk into the store and pay for my gasoline I would have gotten a great deal of notice since there was at least 6 people waiting in line at the cash register.

    A couple of blocks further south, we pulled up in front of the restaurant. The parking lot was only about a quarter full. Remembering that it was early on a Monday evening, a time when restaurants were notoriously not busy after a weekend, we were confident that my shoes wouldn’t turn many heads while we were here, either.

    The hostess met us at the door and were given our choice of seating. Jan chose to sit outside on the veranda so we could look at the ocean while we ate. I was taken aback at how loud my heels sounded on the concrete floor leading to our table. One or two of the guys sitting at the bar glanced over, looked at Jan and obviously thought she was wearing the heels, and returned to watching the baseball game on TV.

    I chose a chair in back of the table against the wall and Jan sat at a place at the front that offered the best view of the ocean. So far, so good. At this point I don’t believe anyone in the entire restaurant had noticed my 6” high heels. We ordered our meal and drinks, Jan got up and went to the “little girls room” while I paid attention to the game on the TV. Another couple about our age came along and sat down at the table next to ours. The guy spoke a greeting and took the seat at the back against the wall next to me. The woman sat in the chair next to Jan’s. My chair was in the deep shadows by this time and the guy at the next table didn’t notice my shoes even though the cuffs were pulled up rather high because I was sitting down.

    Jan returned from the ladies lounge and spoke to the woman as she was sitting down and our supper was served. We enjoyed our meal and even lingered a while over a second cup of coffee, enjoying the soft evening breeze and watching the lights of the fishing boats returning after a day at sea.

    As we got up to leave, I walked over to Jan’s chair and pulled it out for her as she stood up. The woman at the next table smiled, spoke to Jan and we walked away toward the desk to pay the bill. I asked her what the woman had said to her and Jan replied that she had just remarked that chivalry wasn't dead, after all.

    On our way to pay the bill, we passed another couple walking out to the veranda. The woman was wearing heels. Her heels were louder than mine and, I guess, covered the sound of mine. After I paid the bill, we walked across the wooden floor and out across the driveway to our car. Just before we reached our car, another car pulled up besides ours and my feet were totally lit up in the headlights. I opened the door for Jan and, after she got inside, walked behind our car out of the light to the driver’s side. If the couple in the other car saw my shoes, I didn’t see any sign.

    The rest of the trip was uneventuful. Traffic was fairly light through the heart of Charleston and we got to our place on the Savannah side of the river shortly before 10 pm. A trip that usually takes us just over 3 hours had taken almost 6…counting the two plus hours we stopped for supper. All in all, a great ending to a wonderful vacation. My feet weren’t even tired since I was sitting most of the time. You can bet that I changed into a pair of lower heels as soon as we got to the house so I wouldn’t turn an ankle while unloading the car.

    Now, someone is sure to say that my feet wouldn’t have lasted 6 hours if I were walking all over the place. And, I agree. 6” heels are hard to wear for long times while walking around a shopping mall or city center. I don’t think I would ever wear heels that high if I were going shopping or taking a long walk. What I did discover is that, if I am careful, I can wear 6” heels in public without creating controversy.

    Here is a picture of my d’Orsay pumps that I wore. My wife bought them for me from Sexyshoes.com last fall or winter (I don’t remember exactly when). I can walk in them with confidence. But, like I said, I don’t think I could walk a long way in them.


    :yummy:Great story,if it is a story. You have a fantastic wife to treat you like that.8):unsure:

  14. I am likely to be going for a holiday in Spain. We have offered our bungalow for let and a young woman has said she wants it,(the bungalow that is) so we have to move out soon.I think we shall go to Spain for the 6 month period.

    My fantasy is:-

    Red & Black.

    Way back in 1997, I went to Burnham on Sea to a shoe shop and they had some black patent stilettoes with 4" heels. I saw they also had them in Red Patent. They were even my size, 41 UK. I had always and ever wanted some red ones, so I bought two pairs, one of each.

    I went straight back to my friend, (how do you call a woman of 72). As soon as she saw them she said "leave the red ones here". And that is where they have stayed ever since. http://s166.photobucket.com/albums/u110/muddy4paws_album/?action=view&current=IMG_4004.jpgMy "Reddies" as they are known. The black ones have worn out and gone....So what is the fantasy????? I'm coming to it, give me time.

    My friend has two other friends, one a relative the other not. The "not" also wears size 41 the same as me. Both of them have been told of my love of heels, and are pleased that I feel able to wear them when they come to visit. We openly talk about them and I show my different ones when I can get to meet them. I love their company.

    I have suggested that my "Reddies" be taken for a walk to the local pub on several occasions, but always declined.

    My Fantasy is that we both each wear one RED Shoe & one Black one and walk together down to the pub, which is about a quarter of a mile away.

    especially if I wore shorts and R. wore a skirt.

    I would love to have the nerve to do such a thing, but the Blacks have gone now, so that could not happen----unless??????

    But as I said it is my fantasy


  15. Luxxyheels, some pics since you are cheekily asking for some.

    What about this? Straight skirt with the same jacket etc.... oh and black hosiery to keep you happy. I varied the shoes a bit for fun.

    :smile:Yes you can.

    They all look great. I love the sling backs. needles!


  16. I'm not sure how everybody else buys their heels but for me being a self tagged closet CD I usually buy my heels either online and sometimes right on the store but without trying them on.

    My question is: do you usually try the heels you are about to buy at the store or do you buy by guessing the size and then exchange them for the appropriate size if they don't fit?

    For those who buy at the store what is the usual reaction you get from other shoppers and the sales people?



    There is no question. Do it. Go in try them on, walk about if you want to, look in the floor mirrors to see how good they are.

    If there are other customers, take no notice, they won't notice you.

    I always , nowadays go into the shop look at anything that takes my fancy and if I WANT it, try on etc. I often walk in them to the checkout, and take them off there to pay. I have not as yet walked out in my new shoes, but when I went in on Saturday, I found a gorgeous pair, which I did all this. I decided not to buy. I already have 12 pairs, and have no space left to store them. The shop is next door (150 yds) from Sainsburys, where I had shopping to do. I was determined to do my shopping in the new ones, but I opted out in the end. (chicken?). No not really, I am getting bolder. I did realise the other day that I must get some longer slacks, 33" leg instead of my regular 29" for when I wear my heels, never ?? less than 3 3/4" heels, mostly 4". Then I would be more properly dressed.


  17. Is this skirt too girly? If I wear a skirt I usually wear pencil skirts with plain hems but this skirt has a flared shape and is layered. It is lined to the knee but the last 4 inches are not lined so you can see through the bottom of the skirt. Can I wear this? - does it work with a jacket combo?

    I am getting a bit more adventerous but I don't want to go over the top either...Looking forward to some advice...



    :w00t2:Great style and shape.

    Love it all.

    Magic heels.


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