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    Holland, Michigan, USA
  • Hobbies
    I love to wear high heels of all kinds. I wear them when I drive to and from work and when I travel. I wear them everyday at home. I have a large collection - over 300 pairs of all styles. I enjoy going to heel meets and meeting other high heelers.

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  1. Wow, sounds like a lot of places are getting some rough weather. This winter has not been bad here, not yet at least. I'm looking forward to seeing your new boot pictures. As for me, I am out in my heels in public quite regularly now, pretty-well every day (grocery shopping, bank, haircuts, liquor store, clothing stores). It feels great. My girlfriend is OK with it, but hasn't been out in public with me yet when I've been in heels. I think it would be a little less awkward if she wore heels too, but sadly, she does not wear heels at all. Anyway, Happy Holidays and Happy Heeling!

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