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Posts posted by DandyDude

  1. I'd say she must be: a great dresser, have great legs, wear heels well(of course), and be very, very intelligent. She would also have to realise that I have no desire to be a woman, and that wearing heels is merely a style to me. I'm acquainted with several "phd strippers", and I like them. Vice versa, of course.

  2. This is but one of the things that happens when people are unable to respect their boundaries:

    I'm not sure if this is related to the issue to guys posting in the "For the gals" area, but considering numerous intrustions over the last two weeks, I admonish you:

    Guys - Stop It.

    This is THEIR forum. Learn to respect it and given them their space.

    I, too, have learned from my mistakes, here, as have some of you. The rest of you have not, and continue flooding their space with numerous posts like a bunch of uncontrollable guys in the midst of the heat of passion.


    We have our own forum, as well as numerus other forums on which we can post. Use them.

    And give the women on this forum room to grow!


    In case you think this event is isolated, think again:

    While I cannot speak for LaurieHeels, I can speak for my wife, who's monitored the progression of this board, and particularly this thread, and is quite intuitive on picking up emotional/relational subtleties that most people miss. In fact, I often invite her to participate in my counseling sessions because of her gifts.

    She says the board's female side is dying because it's being choked by innumeralble male posts.

    I agree.

    Guys, Stop!

    If you can't, you may very well drive off perhaps half of the most important part of what this board is all about.

    Where to begin...

    I have stayed away from these boards for awhile for various reasons. One of them is the controversy about men posting on the women's forum. On the earlier, longer, thread about this topic, I posted that the functions of these boards are different for men than for women and that needs to be understood. For a short recap, while men, except for several including myself who wear heels as a part of an outfit and are secure, use these forums as more of a support group in various forms, the women here use the forums as a coffee clatch type of thing. Since women are expected to wear heels, they don't have the issues that all heel wearing men have to deal with, such as fag-baiting and general hassles in varying amounts.

    The women tend to use these boards the same way they would use those fashion boards that certain posters from here have gone to and stirred shit by attacking the posters there, as informal versions of women's clubs.

    Men here tend to be in several different groups with some overlapping here and there. You have those such as myself who wear heels as a style and are not trying to pass as a woman, apparently a distinct minority here especially recently. You have those who have a guilt complex over even liking heels let alone wearing them, these boards are therapy for them. There are those who just like to see women in heels, them I think would be served better by the vanity sites that get promoted here every once in awhile. Lastly, you have the element that has grown recently here, the drag crowd.

    Speaking of drag, I recall the real problems with posting started because the influx of them taking over the women's forum. The last few times I posted in this forum to ask the women a question, BECAUSE I WAS INTERESTED IN HEARING WHAT THEY SAID, each and every time, the thread was taken over by the drag crowd. Yes, the problems were started because the drag crowd, who I try to avoid at every opportunity, took over the women's forum. That was why they were given their own, so they wouldn't continue to dominate the women's forum, which didn't work. It's all in the older threads.

    Now to the women: I recall Becky picking an argument with me over something I said that she didn't understand. Well, now I'm going to pick it up again because of her asinine statements regarding men in heels.

    No Becks, not all men who wear heels are drags of some sort. Women such as you contribute to the problem by placing limitations on what men can and cannot do. A man is a man no matter what he wears, and a woman is a woman no matter what she wears. The determinants of a person's sex, not "gender"(death to pomo/Derrida/Heidegger)are not their clothing, not their thoughts, not the psychobabble of Fraudian drug-pushers, not the actions of groups of sawboneses in Colorado and Singapore, but a person's chromosomes.

    I know of quite a few women who actually like men in heels. Interestingly enough, they are the type of women who would have fit in here the most. By that I mean they are sort of 1950s retro in terms of attire, but have various other elements mixed in as well. I know one who is a Lili St.Cyr fanatic who also likes leather, another who is sort of post-goth crossed with Bettie. I also know a redhead who swears by Diana Rigg as a role model, along with Chanel suits. As for me, I wear heels along with makeup, nail polish, and I do interesting things with my hair. At no time do I try and fool myself or others into thinking I am female.

    Those women all told me they would not post here. They did say they liked reading the vintage, ultra, and story forums, as well as the pictures.

    You complain about this and that. Well, you help to promulgate the idea that any man who wears heels is a drag of some sort. You make things worse. If you are going to complain, at least have something other than generalities to base your complaints on. I, unlike most here, do not "play nice" to get female attention. I enjoy reading the posts from the various women, including several now departed, but do not intend to take a lot of crap. If those on these boards wish to retain women by begging, then so be it.

    I came here originally for two reasons: One, to converse with other men who wear heels and two, to converse with women who wear them. I did not come here to be insulted by an ignorant person who buys into the Fraudian dope-pushers line that a man who wears heels wants to be a woman.

    Excuse the long post, but I'm letting things out I've kept bottled up.

    The solution is not segregating the forums, but encouraging the women to post more and not letting certain elements take over as they did before.

    Gene, one of the women I mention above saw your post and she told me that she would be very afraid of you because you are grovelling.

    And yes, Vicki was unjustifiably insulted.

  3. All I can find to fit me are stilettos, which I buy in the form of ankle boots. I would like to be able to have some variance, but I've not been able to. I do have several pair of chelsea boots with block heels, but they will eventually wear out. As usual, the 6Inch Forever stops just short of my size in those two "men's heel" styles. Drat.

  4. You guys have got to check this out. Just for the hell of it, I posted a website link to tasteful photos of a man and his girlfriend at a mall with the man wearing stilleto heels at STYLE.COM forums. You can find this link if you visit Ultra High Heels and Other Fetish Things and click on check out these pics. Then check out what the women at Style.com said! Wow, the response was greater than I had expected. Check it out NOW!

    I saw that. Some were sympathetic, some were enthusiastic, and some were downright nasty.

    BTW, that site you linked to is also part of a site that sells heels. I found it in a roundabout way. You'll have to check for yourself, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get back there.

  5. You might try www.sexyshoes.com. They have some size 15.

    BTW: where did you get the boots? Do they sell anything in the 3 1/2 heel range. I'm looking.

    www.sexyboots4less.com is where I got the two pair mentioned above. They do have ankle boots with that size heel.

  6. I've a problem in that my feet tend to be too long to wear even the larger sizes you see on web sites. I take a men'sUSA13, women'sUSA15. I have two pair of stiletto ankle boots bought from a USA based site/factory. They are made well, have a pointed toe and a approximate 5 1/2 inch heel. That was a rare find for me. I would like a bit more variety, so does anyone know where I could get that size?

  7. Very lovely, Kay!! You are most welcome, it's good to see a beautiful, pulled together woman here. Keep the pix coming!! Another request, if you please. Howabout you in a mid-calf, full-skirted sundress, preferably with white gloves and coordinating stiletto courts? A coordinating hat and bag would be an excellent touch as well.

  8. Kay, great site. Your picures and poses are quite erotic. The shoes are what I love to see a woman wearing, quite erotic as well. You remind me a bit of the women in my personal life, retro/glam/girly, quite lovely. The words I could write to your exquisiteness would take longer than possible. How about you in a skirtsuit, FF hosiery, and stilettos? Hair up, full makeup and manicure, legs strectched out, that would be something to behold!! Exquisite torment.

  9. Yes, I'm a fan of his myself. He used to run the Leg Show magazine that, I believe, Hustler has taken over. I have a few issues, including one with the writer Lily Burana showing off her clothes closet. I swear, I don't believe I've ever seen such an example of erotic NON-nudity in my life! Just looking at her in several outfits was hot and steamy enough for me!

  10. The www.italianheels.com web site is a good example of a non-fetish supplier of very high heels ? unfortunately they don?t have a shop or accept visitors (I have asked). (Their web site appears to be down at present.)

    Their website is gone, a placeholder/redirect is there. Shame too, they had such pretty, classic stilettos, like a 1950s Italian movie they were.

  11. I've glanced through a few of the pages - haven't time to look at them all -but I wonder how many women here have recognised themselves either by description or picture. For my part, if a man liked my shoes enough to mention it here, I'd rather he spoke to me than just write about me, or worse, take a photo. How would others react?

    A lot of men are quite shy about stating to a woman they like her shoes. you see, men are not supposed to be interested in that sort of thing, and that makes a man reluctant to express himself that way. As for me, I've spoken to women about shoes, and get different reactions. I've received a phone number here and there. Wearing heels yourself helps quite a bit.

    One time I happened to be speaking to a woman about some beautiful needle-toe courts she was wearing, and her apparent boyfriend showed up. He gave me the onceover and pulled her aside and grilled her. After a few minutes he glowered at me and called me "a queer" and told me to "stay away from my girlfriend". Well, I'd say if he really thought I was "queer" ie gay, he wouldn't care if I saw his GF nude :D

    Anita, how do you think you would react if a man actually took your advice and commented to you on your shoes?

  12. Hmmm, some women finally posted on this topic :D . Well, I would say this. Things do run in cycles, and now is the transition period from pointy-stilettos to platforms. I would wager that in two years, ALL the designer shoes will be platforms of some sort. As I've said before, I do prefer a woman in stilettos, but the babydolls look good with the frillier clothes they are showing at this time. The tweed-coat/ bright pastel stiletto look is probably a transition point, as it inaugurates a more colourful era, while still drawing on the earlier styles. I love it, but it's still a transition point that will vanish soon, much like those wearing upswept hair, bright straight skirts, and bright stilettos in the early mid 1960s were superceeded by the chunkier shoes, minis and parted in the middle hair of the mid 1960s. I used to think that all the retro would kill off the fashion cycle that had developed. you know, revivals every twenty years. It was every thirty earlier, now it has gotten to where things that never would have been worn together originally are presented as straight retro, rather than the retrovisionism that they are. Witness a style from several years ago, still around, bell-bottom bondage trousers. That NEVER would have happened back in the 1970s-1980s. Yes, the LBD and matching stilettos are elegant, but they also arose at a point in time, and inevitably will disappear again. Face it, it's time for the 1990s revival, which was essentially a twisted 1970s revival.

  13. I'm another who likes to wear heels and loves women in them. I also like to wear a few things people think of as for women, but do not consider myself a crossdresser by any means. I don't try and pass myself off as a woman, in fact, I'm quite masculine in the ways that matter. My nym isn't DandyDude for nothing: Dandy=interested in clothes; Dude=the original meaning, a man who is...interested in clothes, a city slicker if you will.

  14. Count me in. Yes, there has been no musical variety show on USA english language television for years. If they had one here, they would turn it into another piece of garbage such as Star Search. Yuk!! When Spanish language television was nothing but the old SIN based out of Newark, New Jersey, they had them.

  15. Hi Dandydude,

    Here in the UK stilettos have been making a slow but sure comeback for about the last three years. But it was only last year that I felt they were really establishing themselves again. I can't really see them being on the decline so soon.

    Sounds like the USA and the UK are slightly out of sync with each other.

    Please keep us posted of any developments on the heel front over there.

    Thanks, Paul.

    Well, I'd say that stilettos were both fashionable and widely worn for late 2001, 2002, and up until fall/winter 2003. That is when they started showing first stiletto courts with rounder toes, then with thicker straight heels, then for spring, platforms. Personally, I prefer to see a woman in pointy stilettos. If they are going to wear anything else, I do like the shoes known as babydolls. You know, courts with a thicker straight heel and a rounder, more bulbous toe. I think they look great with the frillier clothes they are showing now. What I don't like are those things that resemble flipflops with straight platforms, ugly in my not so humble opinion.

    In short, the happy marriage between stiletto enthusiasts and fashion is drawing to a close again, until they start bringing them back again in 10 years or so.

    As for my personal experience, women I know tend to be pulled together, meaning they have a total image going on. You know, dresses and stilettos with all the accessories. One ex-model of my knowledge hates clothes, typical model burnout on, and won't even wear heels. She considers herself a bit goth, so I'd think she'd look good in some sort of ballet flat like French Sole, fave of Sarah Ferguson and Sloane Rangers everywhere. Maybe a black velvet pair, which would look good with the long skirts she usually wears. They aren't heels, but they are pretty.

  16. Okay, I was reading Vogue and there was an article about the end of the stiletto. It pointed out the fact that the designers aren't doing stilettos anymore as the thing. They are mostly doing thicker heels and rounder toes, plus reviving the platform. Even the few left doing stiletto courts are rounding off the toes. I was sure this sort of thing would happen right at this very time. Something similar happened ten years ago, when the platforms were being phased out in favour of stilettos. I recall an advert pic of Claudia Schiffer wearing black needletoe courts and tight straightleg jeans, an anomaly in a period of platforms and frills. Supposedly, the thicker heels are coming back to balance out the frillier clothes, which makes sense in a way. I, myself, love the pointy spiked courts, my fave shoe on a woman. As for platforms, while I at one time thought they could be elegant and sexy depending on how they were made and worn, I believe the Spice Girls killed off any thoughts of that for me. While I do like the pretty, frilly women's fashions they are trying to revive, I'd rather see them worn with babydolls. You know, courts with round, more bulbous toes and thicker but straight heels. I'd like to hear your thoughts and comments on this. As I said, I knew it was coming and at this very time.

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