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Posts posted by DandyDude

  1. Every woman I know approved except one and she had this hang up about wanting a mans man, what ever that means. Well I told her that I'm a womans man and that was the end of that.

    That's funny! I think I would do the same thing. I've always found it funny that "ladies' man" is considered an insult yet "man's man" is for some odd reason considered complementary. Are people so thick they don't notice the homo-erotic inference in the latter? I guess that woman didn't.

  2. I've not been out in heels that often, but the only two comments I got from women were a smile and a thumbs-up. That was in a rock club with very loud music though, so there wasn't chance for much of a conversation. They were both in their twenties at a guess, and were rock chicks. Not that you really see any other kind in there!


    They are the best kind!
  3. My point that I was trying to make was this: I personally believe that the influence of the psychs has made everything that is not "average" into some sort of deviancy to be isolated. Therefore, male heelwearing will remain in the niche of "transgender," as opposed to like it was years ago as a fully integrated style. As for saggies, they are the new norm, not the deviancy/fad. Kids grow up nowadays wearing that sort of rubbish as a matter of course. It is the standard by which everything else is judged.

  4. I'm wondering if a certain "type" of woman seems to be interested when you are street heeling. I tend to get from up-front "girly" women, those who are somewhat aggressive in both personality and femininity. I've found that some people tend to think that only some sort of role reversal would be going on if I was with a woman at all. Ergo, any woman with me must be stereotypically masculine. That is far from the case, of course.

  5. wow, they are up to size 46? i bought a pair of lumiani's in size 42 and took a bit of breaking it before it finally felt like the fit well... now it's not a problem anymore, just took a week or so in them.

    How does the width tend to run in those boots?

  6. To Admin: On just about any available message board format the administrator has the most power. Moderators are limited in powers. Since in your case it is different because you are more or less the hands-on person while the rest are the staff, you did right by telling people. Check out any number of EZBoards. The admin is also the boards owner and has the most power. That is standard.

  7. Well, that's not how the "Everybody" forum is seen. That forum is seen as a general purpose one where you want answers from/discussion about "Everybody!" I believe the posting that is at issue started in an honest attempt to engage the women in dialogue by seeking THEIR thoughts about female oriented topics. The other that came along later was what really set things off. As for your predicament, on message boards the "admin" is higher in rank than a 'umble "mod." That is why people contact you and not the others. You are saying you are the board tech more or less, and don't have much to do with general decision making, correct? A thought here: Why not move some of the older threads in the women's section into the everybody's so people can post on them without having to worry about offending anyone?

  8. Indulge me as I started this thread. My points were that the fighting was started by the influx of the gender crowd into the women's forum. Certain female posters left, others decided to stir shit. I can think of one who actively baited by accusing all heel wearing men of being ipso facto trannies. I got into the argument because I was tired of the insults and also sick of the supplication. I wondered recently if it's good for the board to have female posters who actively despise the men here. There are many boards where the men grovell and the women insult them. There are also many boards where men boast about their "modifications." There are a few boards where men discuss their style choices, but they tend to be segregated by sex. This is the only board that has been trying to deal with men wearing heels in a non-fetish way, inclusive of women, as those of us who wish to wear them as part of a style would be ridiculed on fetish boards and drag boards as well. I'd like a return to the days of reciprocal posting. Those were my points, more or less.

  9. when I was growing up I was acquainted with a kid in the neighborhood Sam U****..once I went to his family's farm and his mother was there..believe it or not, she actually lived in about a four inch pump for every day around-the -farmhouse wear...of course, my predispositions had barely been formed but she made a lasting impression on this 12-13 year old kid and will always be someone whom I shall never forget....



    ...and those exceptions will make the most impression on you.

  10. yeah there are no heels up there... but it's NOT really the place for them...

    when I drove "The Iron Maiden" I wore boots or drove it barefoot... better car control...

    er no... if they were there would STILL be places where they wouldn't make sence... like farms, steel mills, foundries and building sites... because at those places I would prefer a pair of blundstone boots over a pair of 8.5" platform boots or even 3" cowboy boots...

    Of course farms are not "the place" for heels, and appropriateness would basically become the norm for men. There would still be DebbieHK/LaurieHeels types, which is alright by me.

  11. no Johnnie... :-) we - our family - has a farm out in the West Australian Weatbelt...

    My July '75 Datsun 120Y - known as "The Iron Maiden" was my preffered form of transport at the farm and most fun belonging

    EVEN more than ANY of my heels!

    no I didn't kill it..it's a DATSUN!... it's still complete/intact... I just can't get up there for personal reasons...(please don't ask!...) so now i'm planning these


    chris100575... I agree I think Everyone shold be able to wear what they want...

    when they want!

    the amount of 2.5"-3" heels in US womens 13 here.... is like rocking hose crap!...

    so even if I did want to wear heels in public Murphy's law seems to stop me!

    not every man can live in heels all the time...

    just popped in beause I was feeling down... feeling much better...

    On a farm, I daresay even women don't wear heels. Hell, I lived in a rural area for some years and the women didn't even wear them OFF the farm!!

    If heels were okay for men, then there would be a balancing out. That means all heights would be worn.

  12. Kudos to New Look. I would add that this is just about the only board dealing with men wearing heels that is trying to deal with it in a non-weird way. You want to wear "stripper shoes" in the house and not go outside, fine. People such as myself like to wear heels outside, and we like being able to discuss certain aspects without the blanket condemnation we would usually get on the more fetish boards as well as on more drag oriented boards. You can call me "assimilationist" if you wish, but I don't wish for men wearing heels to remain marginal.

  13. As I've said elsewhere, EURO46 = M/13;F/15 USA. There are several sizing systems and it is very easy to get them confused. For example, most longer term posters will recall when 6" Heels came on line. Their Chinese system created a lot of confusion on these boards. It took me app. 20 email to find out I couldn't get anything I wanted from them because of my size. That didn't stop them from trying to sell me those crappy hiphop things they USED to carry!

  14. Never though of it that way, possable but I am looking a pair of mine that I am wearing right now in a size 13 by Foni form Payless and it say it's a Euro 46.5, and I usualy find a 13 to long for my foot.

    The below make very good quality. I have two pair of the ankle strap boots in women's 15W. The heels are 5 1/2", one pair of black and white each.


    I take EURO 46, which is USA M/13;F/15. Perhaps you are looking at a pair of your boots with a different sizing system than the USA's.

  15. Funny, according to charts and my own experience as well, a EURO 46 is approx. a women's USA 15. That would be a men's 13, which is my size. I have stiletto ankle boots in that size, and they fit great! Hoverfly, pehaps you are applying the old length/width compensation. You know, get a bit more length to make up for the narrower width of women's boots.

  16. Hello Dandy Dude -

    There are a few new members who are women, I have found them to be respect - worthy, and can only ask that you please not generalize us, and give each new lady a chance to earn your respect and dialogue.....

    As for men posting in the girls section, I find all of this silly. I am a strong "Girl", and cannot be run off just because there are more men here then girls. If I felt you were overwhelming me in "my" section, I would respectfully tell you.

    I personally find the mens opinion of a womens subject informing and important to me, but this is me, and I am not the administrator of this forum.

    Would be great if we could all share and play nice....I wear a size 11, Anyone wanna come play with me???

    Katherine (Mrs. Heels to the Mr. that wears my heels too)

    Hello Katherine Heels:

    Thanks for replying. I would not say that I was judging all women who may post here, but only commenting on a few shit-stirrers who seemed to have gotten their way now. I had posting chats with a few of those who are no longer around, I enjoyed it immensely. LaurieHeels was quite interesting and had great taste in shoes to boot, no pun intended but unavoidable.

    I'm willing to go along with the new policy, let's see what happens. I do think the "women only" crowd would be better served by the more female oriented boards, although they ironically enough have some male members and the women don't mind their discussions.

    Size 11? I wear a men's USA13. Like yours, it is one size above the cut-off point for standard sizes. I have a hard time finding regular "male shoes", let alone heels. I've found a site which has ankle boots made in USA up to women's size 15W and WW inclusive. They are very well made and quite resonable. They fit quite well.

    Perhaps the everyone forum will begin to fill up with male/female dialogue. We shall see.


  17. Actually, a few years ago, before uncontrollable men drove them off, there was a rather large contingent of women who posted there regularly, on a wide variety of quite good, healthy, wholesome, female-heeling topics.

    They enjoyed themselves, and life was good.

    Along came a bunch of dudes who thought that because they wore heels and other feminine clothing they could post there willy-nilly.

    The women felt violated, robbed of their territory, and almost all of them left.

    Since this is a site about heels, not about males who wear heels and who outnumber the women in the women's section by 5 to 1, we came up with this rule to restore balance to this website.

    Please respect our decision.

    Thank you.

    I don't think you quite grasped my point. I KNOW that there were regular female posters. I REMEMBER when that forum was invaded as opposed to what I and a few others did, which was post there to either ask the women a question, or to engage in a bit of dialogue on a topic. It didn't bother the women then. There are older threads from when LaurieHeels was a regular wheer some real dialogue was going on, no stupid attacks/supplication from either side.

    What DID really cause a lot of problems was the influx of the gender crowd, which as I said was discuswed in all those threads about who ought post in the women's forum and who ought not. They were given their own forum, but they had their cake and ate it as well. Meaning, they posted in the tranny forum whilst also dominating the women's forum.

    Eventually, the supplication/begging started. A certain poster who said that all heel wearing men were ipso facto trannies started severe arguments with several people. I jumped in after having been away from the board for awhile. It was impossible to take both the insults from that poster and witness the supplication of some of the other posters who were so desperate for female posters they would put up with such crap as that one gave out.

    I'm willing to go along with the segregated forums. Perhaps there will be more female posters, perhaps not. If there are, will they be any worth dealing with. Do the men here really want a nest of queen bees who hold them in absolute contempt?

    Time will tell.

  18. If you want to see what the fuss was about, check the older threads with similar topics in the female forum. That person and I really went at it. I'd gotten tired of the same old refrain and so many of the other posters were scraping and grovelling that I just couldn't ignore it anymore. To the admins: I've noticed you are deleting men's posts on older threads there brought back up. I am asking you to not do that, please grandfather those threads in. For one thing, they were made before the rule change. Secondly, it throws the metre/continuity off of the thread immensely. Thank you.

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