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Posts posted by 5150PLB1

  1. 5 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    I have never heard of anything quite this extreme, I don't really see how they think they can control people's behavior that closely, like forbidding the crossing of legs. Even if there is sound science to it, how are you going to control that? You can buy all the fancy ergonomic stuff in the world, but you can't make people use it.

    As a former (and maybe future) "safety guy" at work, I like to think I strike a good balance between putting everybody in bubble wrap and practicality. The creation off OSHA (or its equivalent elsewhere) was a major step in protecting the ordinary worker from unscrupulous employers, but like most things of this nature, it can become absurd. Having said that, I have to admit that I kind of laugh at "office safety." I know there are serious concerns, some of which have been addressed here, but honestly, I work with my hands over my head much of the time, and there is always the potential of being killed violently by chance at any given jobsite, particularly projects with large equipment and machinery.

    I regularly deal with MSHA- the OSHA people that deal with mines and quarries. Yes they do go to extremes. The inspectors are very full of themselves. I have only met 2 kinds of MSHA inspectors- those who think they are gods, and those who know they are gods. 

  2. Age is just a number on the scorecard of life. What counts more is attitude, health, an how you look and feel in what you choose to wear. If you have good health, have a positive attitude, look and feel great wearing your heels and clothes,  then age becomes irrelevant.

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  3. Good grief. It's not even Labor Day yet, Haloween stores are popping up, and worse some stores are stocking and selling Christmas stuff. It kind of messes up the seasons.

    Can we at least wait untill after Labor Day, before we thinking about Haloween. Better yet wait till at least Vetran's/ Armastice  Day before we before we put up the Christmas decore.

  4. Ones judgment should depend on the location and event. If I see her in worn out shoes and clothes working in her garden, or shopping for paint at Home Depot, that is appropriate and expected attire and has nothing to do with her personality. However, if I first see her in those shabby shoes and clothes at a party or as an employee in an office, her personality and habits are suspect, and I would not care to meet her or get to know her personally.  

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