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Posts posted by IHeels

  1. Hiya Ben, We'll get to hub of this straight away, I can't believe it seriously you asked "how do you like wearing heels". Surely you could have been a little less 'in your face' than that. I probably would have gone cold too. Now what I would expect is as Laurie put it a bit of the detective, then if you're confident, admiration of the person, then the shoes, only then you can be daring and ask about walking in heels. B) Hope this helps, oh you might need a bit of luck also! Inga :smile:

  2. Hiya Tom NL, Cricket, don't know much about that, except I heard someone once say it's ten trillion miles back to the pavillion. Anyhow the "Thorpedo" is a guy named Ian Thorpe by the way I understand he can swim a bit. Apparently he also has size 17(US) feet and this is supposed to help him that's about 9 sizes larger than mine. Inga :smile:

  3. Hey Tom, Being an Australian I can swim too, quite reasonably, although I don't do much now. As most of us live near the sea swimming is a bit of a passion I suppose. Also we do own the "Thorpedo" but I suppose you've got Inga (note the name - mines actually Ingrid) and that guy Pieter van den Hoogenband - you win. Suppose the corks can be used for bottling wine. It's all a very silly way to express a no likey opinion of plat's Inga :smile:

  4. "They could also carry a warning not to wear them for too long". Isn't that a bit like health warnings on cigi packs, not necessary on shoe boxes. Oh I'm a lady and I see plenty who haven't a clue in heels but I wouldn't try telling them how to walk. I suppose it's a bit like driving a vehicle, how many people would tell you they're bad drivers, not many its just a point of pride. Could create shoe rage here! Might even get spiked! Inga :smile:

  5. Agree with Deb, if like them then that's OK, obviously your going to wear them, good on you. Personally I couldn't see myself wearing them, but thats me and I'm not you. Inga :smile:

  6. Hey guys, I've probably said this before I dont have a problem with guy's wearing heels, but they have to be able to walk in them properly not just clump around. Walking properly requires suppleness, most guys don't have this. (especially at first - just might stir up some conversation here) As to wearing jeans, if worn properly these can be used to great effect to highlight femininity how one ask's, by wearing - the only way ultra tight (I wear many of my skirts that way also). In all, the world (western) is a bit more casual now than it was 50 years ago. Inga :smile: <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-01-31 12:14 ]</font>

  7. Before you do anything call: Raymond Castles (Trades as Gary Castles) Footwear - womens In-house PR PO Box 2905 Sydney NSW 2001 tel: 02 9233 6780 and ask whether there are any outlets in Melbourne that carry their stock. I know they have a shop in Sydney at centrepoint, also there may be some stock at Evelyn Miles Toorak but I'm not sure. Hope this helps. Inga :smile:

  8. Can't agree with you Trolldeg, any stocking looks classy. What really looks bad is the wearing of socks on the outside of stockings. Anyhow this is probably better than one football player who was quoted as saying he always puts his socks on last. Socks (sox) over the top of shoes - strange! Inga :smile:

  9. Your right Deb, Having a pair of 6½ heels which I can manage but you guessed it - a slow walk. I've tried on 7 before and could walk in them plus lock my knees. However, given I have high arches and what I would describe as slightly reverse locking ankles I may be at an advantage. If you haven't this type of flexibility forget 7". Also for any period of time there pretty average on as you appear to strain to maintain decent posture. Inga. :smile: <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: IHeels on 2002-01-30 09:59 ]</font>

  10. On 2002-01-27 13:24, Tom-NL wrote:

    Laurie and Inga,

    Are you perhaps playing catch-up with each other ?

    Wonder which one of you two will reach the 300 messages point first B)

    I don't know, it just a matter of who can keep the ideas going, think Laurie's got more up her sleeve than I. Anyhow I would describe myself as an compulsive chatter type of person, especially on fashion and sports. I might even put a humour post up one day, ironic!

    Inga :smile:

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