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Posts posted by at9

  1. Welcome.

    First and foremost, you're not alone, there's lots of us who've been in your sort of position and we're happy to help. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with wanting to wear HH. We're probably straight and gay in roughly the same proportion as the general population.

    One way to start with HH is low and unisex in appearance. It helps if you're feet are no bigger than UK9/EU43 since mainstream women's shoes are readily available up to that size. For example I've got a pair of these ankle boots (alsa no longer available) which have a 2.75" heel and are very comfortable. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hush-Puppies-Ladies-Ester-Boot/dp/B000TZMN88 I think the only comment you would get from your girlfriend is that you had a nice new pair of boots.

    Since you're a new member you won't yet have full use of all HHP facilities. After 7 days and 5 posts (I think) you'll have access to search, photo posting etc. In the meantime have a browse around the threads. There are some guys who wear amazingly high heels virtually all the time, some who wear them purely in private and all shades in between.

    One final thought, please remember we're primarily a fashion and fashion freedom forum. Yes of course many of us find HH sexy, both to look at and to wear but we don't discuss anything too intimate. It's just not that sort of forum.

  2. ....I noticed they are in the website "women's section" available up to size 43.

    It is the first time I see very nice looking boots available up that size....!

    Almost all styles from Next are available up to EU43. My (limited) experience suggests that the sizing is generous. I normally take UK9/EU43. I have a pair of EU43 ankle boots from Next and I need to use insoles. I tried on a pair of these in a store recently size EU42 and they seemed to be the right size. http://www.next.co.uk/shopping/women/shoesandboots/23/6?extra=sch&n=women&pid=725-845&returnurl=%2fshop%2fattdesignfeature-clog-gattgender-women-cat-boots-cat-wellies-0%3fx%3d1%26nxti%3d0%26nxtv%3d0%23725-845&bct=%26quot%3bShop%20By%20Product%26quot%3b%26nbsp%3b%26gt%3b%26nbsp%3bClog%26nbsp%3b%26gt%3b%26nbsp%3bWomen%26nbsp%3b%26gt%3b%26nbsp%3bBoots%26nbsp%3b%26gt%3b%26nbsp%3bWellies

  3. ....I can't remember ever seeing anyone in real life real time bicycling in high heels.....

    In Amsterdam you'll see women routinely cycling in high heels.

    Locally to me in north London there's one older woman who I've seen quite a few times cycling in platform boots with about 3" plats. She looked quite small and the effect was just plain odd looking.

  4. First give them a good clean and polish. Possibly use saddle soap or other leather cleaner on them though some fine leathers might not look quite so good after this. For the insides try bicarbonate of soda. It's sold for deodourising things and I've used it with success on stale smells in cushions and suchlike.

  5. Eventually got them in brown as they were out of stock of black, despite still having them on their website. They run a bit small. I can wear them comfortably enough but my heels overhang the back slightly which isn't very aesthetically pleasing. Not sure if stretching will do the trick as the footbed is barely long enough to accomodate my foot. Got to decide whether to keep them or return them in the next couple of days. It's a tough decision as I really like them. If I keep them I'll probably dye them black.

  6. Try Next they have some very similar and they go up to 43.

    I've seen the Next clogs but none of the simple open back designs are plain leather.

    I'm tempted to order the Kate Kuba clogs anyway. If they don't fit all I've risked is the return postage.

  7. Does anyone have any experience with Kate Kuba shoes? They are one of those compnies that equates women's UK8 to EU41 and men's UK8 to EU42. http://www.katekuba.co.uk/pages.php?pID=9 Does anyone know if they come up big or small?

    Hoping that their UK8 stands a chance of fitting me. In mens shoes I'm a smallish UK9/EU43, UK8/EU42 OK in some styles. The old Faith size 9 fitted nicely with a little room to spare

  8. For sales withinthe EU the vendor should charge VAT at the rate in his country unless the buyer is VAT registered and puts the VAT number on the order. For sales from within the EU to outside the EU no VAT should be charged. I have seen several websites (not necessarily shoe retailers) where this is done automatically though I can't recall any particular ones at present. If an EU based vendor isn't VAT registered in his home country then there is no difference between sales to EU and elsewhere. I don't know if there are any special VAT arrangments for trade between the EU and EFTA areas. This would include Norway and Switzerland.

  9. So Hardeep does appear to make exceptions for his rule.

    I think he is just a bit worried about his image and perhaps a bit confused. That would be true for many of here at HHP and indeed anyone who has wondered whether to push sartorial boundaries. We often draw parallels with when women first wore trousers or with men wearing earrings. Both are now mainstream but the pioneers were presumably either bold, in some doubt or both.

  10. As the OP of this thread may I politely ask that the OT stuff is done elsewhere.

    Hardeep Singh Kohli is a well known broadcaster here in the UK. He has occasionally caused controversy.


    IMO, the interview was a sane and useful look at men wearing heels. It's good to hear the subject discussed in a reasonable and measured way rather than a "isn't this weird" or "wow look at him" way. I knew before I heard the programme that HSK had done some CD/drag stuff so I was a little surprised to hear his point of view. He's not in the same league as Eddie Izzard, either doing CD or as a comedian:smile:

  11. Welcome from another London based heel lover. Thanks especially for a good and informative introduction. Only about a dozen pairs of HH at my house, mainly boots. I'm about half a size bigger than you which makes it just a little harder to find nice heels that fit well. Like you, I'm fortunate in having a supportive partner who likes seeing me in heels though she isn't much of a heel wearer herself.

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