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Posts posted by at9

  1. Makes you wonder what else lurks in museum stores. Museums are a bit like icebergs, only 10% is visible above the surface. The V&A has a huge costume collection which must contain some interesting stuff.

    There were quite a few stunning shoes and boots from earlier times. A few are in this book which ought to be an essential item on the shelves of all HHP members:


    I'm sure a few of us would like a pair like the one at LACMA. They actually look quite wearable too. Lacing them up would take a while:smile:

  2. If my experience in the UK is anything to go by Aldo boots run small. Shame, because they have some nice styles. A few others have agreed with me in another thread though one or two think they run true to size.

  3. Although, your "rotate" somehow made Foxyheels become shorter and bulkier, but perhaps thats my widescreen monitors' fault. Anyway, viewed sideways, he looked like he was rather slender, vertical, not so much :silly:

    I think that's your monitor, or possibly your screen resolution settings (which should match the native resolution of an LCD monitor) or just about possibly something to do with your browser.

  4. That's funny, im pretty damn sure that one of the members on here who also happens to MODERATE the forum fits this description to a T?

    So howcome it's acceptable for a moderater, but not a day-to-day average joe member?

    The mod in question is quite open about trans activities but doesn't post pictures in female mode. Or male mode for that matter. Though you might argue that the avatar is a picture in female mode. (Sorry for the slightly anguished English but I'm struggling to avoid gender based pronouns)

    I remember the time when the site almost collapsed with CD/TS/TG/fetish problems. While some of us may have inclinations in those directions I am certain that Tech and the moderators made the right decision to keep these things off the site. There is no shortage of places on the net to discuss them.

    This site is about fashion and fashion freedom. If Mr Foxyheels (or any other man) wishes to wear a skirt and/or heels as fashion items, as against trying to present as a woman then I suggest that is legitimate content for HHP. There may also be marginal cases where a guy doesn't intend to present as female but you might judge that he does. Mr Foxyheels photos may lie in that awkward area.

    Finally, while they are nice photos, there really is no excuse for giving us neckache. Any image manipulation software can rotate a picture through 90 degrees without any significant loss of quality. For simple picture editing I use Irfanview http://www.irfanview.com/ a free viewer/editor that is small, fast and easy to use. I hope that Foxyheels and the moderators don't mind that I have done a quick rotate and crop of the first photo and shown it here. This is meant to be purely for technical purposes and if you feel it contravenes site policy then I am happy for it to be removed.


  5. Nominally, UK sizing (and european sizing too) is the same for men and women. There are several buts. Mens feet are usually wider than womens so you if you take (say) UK8 in mens shoes you may need to go to UK9 for womens just to get the width. If the sizing is actually based on european sizes and converted to UK that gives another level of variability. UK8 should be EU42 for men and women. I can assure you it isn't. Finally there's quite a bit of variability in sizing at the best of times. Aldo UK9 is small, barely UK8 in my opinion. Conversely I've heard that Evans sizing is generous and you would often go a size down.

  6. So I've been wearing heels occasionally for about 7 years i guess, and every time I go out its a first time in a different way.

    That's a great look in the photo. Many of us couldn't make it work but you really can. It's the sort of image that says "a guy can look really good in heels".

  7. An example of the kind of public heel wearing that will cause no comment at all. A little while ago I drove up to the St Pancras area of London one evening, parked, walked to a restaurant, met and dined with a friend, then we walked to a classical concert nearby and finally back to the car. This was through a mix of busy and quiet streets, busy mainline stations and a concert hall. Not even sure if my friend noticed I was wearing heels. If she did, she didn't give any indication. I'm pretty sure nobody else noticed. What was I wearing? Black boots with thin block heels (about an inch square), just under 3 inches high, slightly elongated toes, under smart black cord trousers which left most of the heel visible when standing still. Wearing this sort of heel would be entirely smart and conservative for a woman to wear about town. And so it felt for me as a man. All credit to those guys who wear more exuberant heels out and about but that's not really my style.

  8. Welcome back. I have a pair of Amanda boots bought from a fellow member of HHP. They are indeed lovely with full leather lining. My partner loves how they look on me too - maybe it's time I got her a pair. I know that a few members here would wear this sort of style out and about but I have more conservative designs for this.

  9. If anyone else buys these or the Bullins (I tried these on in the store before Xmas) from Aldo, make sure you go an extra size up. 10 (40) is usually good enough but I needed the 41 this time.

    Great looking boots. Especially if you have small enough feet to fit. Having just returned some Aldo boots because they were too small I would say that ALL Aldo footware runs at least 1 size small. In the UK what they call UK9/EU42 is a complete fiction. Of the 4 pairs I tried, 3 were barely UK8 (normally UK8=EU42) while the last one was nearer UK7.

  10. Some pairs of boots I ordered from Aldo arrived today. Alas all are too tight......

    The final pair arrived today and it's even smaller than the others! At least I could put on all the others even if they were too tight. This style: http://www.aldoshoes.com/uk/women/boots/mid-calf-boots/80698778-bras/22

    I could barely get them on my feet at all. UK9/EU42? More like UK7 or even smaller.

    Oh well, nothing lost. At least I now know that I can forget about Aldo shoes. Maybe have another look round Next. My lovely partner spotted a pair of very strappy sandals at Next but they were the wrong size. She's UK3/EU36 so has the opposite problem to me.

  11. i guess im going to have to try on those gallian otk boots. Like your style at9

    Thank you. Looks like you can get them in US10 for $112. http://www.aldoshoes.com/us/women/boots/dress-boots/80679251-gallian/97 Still £160 in the UK, about $240 though Asos are discounting them. If Aldo equate US10 to UK9 to EU42 that's a mess of sizing. I would say that what Aldo claim as UK9/EU42 is nearer UK7/EU41. That would usually equate to US women's 9.Good luck, if your feet are small enough.

  12. Some pairs of boots I ordered from Aldo arrived today. Alas all are too tight. I can safely say that Aldo sizing runs small. All were UK9 which they convert to EU42. This suggests they might run small but I was surprised at just how small. I usually take UK9/EU43, sometimes UK8/EU42.




    Nothing lost since delivery was free and so is the return.

    Compare this to Next. The other day I tried on a pair of UK8/EU42 clog boots in a store and the fit was about right. The UK9/EU43 were huge on me - I would have needed insoles or very thick socks. Didn't buy them in the end because I didn't like them enough to spend the money.

  13. The acceptance or refusal of your transaction is not usually done directly by your bank. The retailer's card processing company (sometimes a bank, sometimes one of the specialists such as Worldpay) will check your details and flag problem transactions. The precise anatomy of a card transaction is not obvious to the avergae card holder, or even to a retailer. Quite sensibly, the criteria for rejection are not published. One hears of embarrassing cases where a person has his card rejected while shopping in person. If this is an attempted fraudulent usage then fair enough but it can happen by mistake too. If you have one, it's worth trying a different card.

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