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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. Hecklers? Got my Heckler&Koch right here! :winkiss: To be serious, how I deal with unpleasant ones depends on how I feel. Sometimes I have balls to go right in front of rogues' faces, sometimes I prefer to avoid them. If somebody stares, I usually stare right back.

  2. As promised, more pics

    All 4 are so called mens style from last fall season. Well, the "girls" took this style from us, so I feel more them welcome to use it for me. I have even more shoes by this style, So far I haven't taken a picture as of now.

    No. 5 is also in this style, but obviously more of classic pumps.

    Yeah, why not retake these nice oxfords? I like them.
  3. On Saturday, I had a date with a girl who's into gothic subculture etc., and it turned out that she desires "effeminate" men and the "macho" guys put her off. Her ideal partner would be Mana, a former Malice Mizer singer. So, she was more than perfectly OK about me wearing heels or make-up. Pity that we won't see each other too often because she lives in another city and wants to move out to Berlin - but hey, what's the internet for?

  4. Sometimes I like to listen to metal, but I generally prefer batcave / deathrock, coldwave, darkwave, industrial, dark electro, gothic rock etc. Anyway, I like e.g. Limbonic Art, Aborym, Opeth, Katatonia, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, old Metallica and some others.

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