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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. Unfortunately, nothing went like I wanted. I did my make-up and got dressed, but my friends were too lazy to go out, so we didn't meet and there was no party... I regret that. Hopefully, we'll meet in a few hours, because there's Synth/Dark/Goth/Electro party tonight. Unfortunately, no pics, because I've lost my tripod a while ago. But I looked like a Victorian slut, haha!

  2. I agree that it's a wonderful feeling, but after a few days your hair will grow back and you'll have to shave yourself again. You could also try depilation, don't care about lots of pain you'd experience first - the process will be more pleasant later.

  3. I'm gonna go the whole hog and look like a drag queen - I wouldn't be surprised if I startled my fellow goths I'll meet :winkiss:. I'll wear a veiled hat, some jewellery, exagerrated make-up [lots of mascara, eyeliner, bloody red lipstick & lip gloss] and pantyhose in addition to my "typical" leather & heels.

  4. After my old HP Photosmart 720 drowned and never got to live again, I bought a Fujifilm Finepix S5500 compact. It ain't bad, but its limitations [lack of hot shoe, and low ISO: very noisy 400...] and unconvenient controls [zoom, focus, time & aperture] made me think of a SLR. I don't have any yet, but I know I'll buy a Canon: they seem more ergonomic than Nikons and some photographers I know told me that the Canon CCDs are of better quality. As for other equipment: I've had a tripod, but someone stole it off my bike. No big deal; it was cheap and already seemed to have broken down, so I wasn't sure I could use it anymore. Now I think about some vintage GDR Bilora tripod, they seem sturdy as heck and I don't care too much about weight since I won't be moving around with a tripod too much. But I can't live without this contraption, esp. if I do some urban exploration and take photos in abandoned factories, and I'm quite keen on it.

  5. Black shirt, purple tie, 3-piece leather suit, long leather coat, "men's" oxfords, a small purse and my usual two necklaces [one made of leather and another with ankh]. Yesterday I went for a more "emancipated" look: black shirt, leather pants & blazer [a women's one, matched with a belt], underbust leather corset, dark red tie, two necklaces, 3" oxfords, the same leather coat and a large purse. I used some foundation, eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss and black nail polish, too.

  6. I know you're being ironic, but why shudder? Despite the quite expensive film and chemicals for developping it, and the fact that you must take greater careto avoid mistakes while shooting and you don't see the effects at once - analog pics might be of better quality than digital ones. BTW. I use an ol' Fuji Finepix S5500 compact and consider buying some Canon dSLR when I get enough money for that. I'm rather OK with my current camera though; I'm into urban exploration and have taken many nice pics of abandoned factories etc. with that little doohickey. A tripod is a must, though.

  7. Recently, I've stopped shaving my legs, because I wanted to try depilation. It's a painful pleasure, especially when you use an electric epilator [my mother has one, and hadn't been using it for many years...], and it takes more time than shaving - but not having to shave your legs every week is well worth it.

  8. Yesterday, I've been to a gothic party and wore my usual 3" oxfords, a red shirt, red tie, leather corset and bell-bottoms, and a women's leather blazer [i love the combo because of this nice slim waist]. I also decided to put on some make-up [foundation, powder, eyeliner, red lipstick and lip gloss - no mascara nor eyeshadow, though] and paint my nails red. I've had a wonderful time, because many of my friends came. When all of them left, I moved to another table and got chatted up by a girl who adored my image. She was VERY supportive, didn't criticise me at all and told me that she appreciates all individualists, people who aren't sheep / don't deny their feelings and ideas. She repeated that I shouldn't give a crap about what others think, and I agreed wholeheartedly. We talked for a while, and then she left. More power to her!

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