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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. That's so right. I always say that one who shaved his legs, or other body parts, just once - will never look back. I've been shaving my entire body [well, apart from head] for over a year, and it's so addictive that I feel uncomfortable after a week.

  2. Gay's usually ok, but I've even cought other homosexual men saying "thats so gay".. *shrug

    Perhaps they poked fun at the notion that "gay" equals "lame", "bad" etc.? I think that could be possible, and I noticed something simmilar here in Poland: quite a few LGBT people used the word "pedał" [which here means "faggot" and is a strong and common homophobic slur] or "lesba" ["dyke"] among themselves, with no hostile / derogatory overtones.

  3. She's so wrong, and as a parent, you ought to teach her that 1) all sexual orientations are equal and discrimination against LGBT is as wrong as racism, sexism etc., and 2) people's prejudices and ignorance are the problem, not your fashion choices - so you shouldn't care about that.

  4. Yeah, it' was just r1g0r's sarcastic sense of humour, and I think irony is the best way to ridicule the prejudices or other absurdities. And, as far as I know, maninkirt has been living as a woman for some time, and for me, traditional homo- and heterosexual classification doesn't relate to TS / TG / intersex / androgynous etc. people. I'd rather use "androphile / gynephile" terms for monosexual orientations to determine whether one is attracted towards men or women. This problem doesn't exist with regard to bisexuality. Anyway, the best way could be saying: "I'm more attracted towards men / women" etc. It has one advantage: since you don't use a label [e.g. "gay"] to define yourself, you avoid bringing the stereotypes or label's implied meanings to the interlocutor's mind.

  5. Yeah, your post was long, but wonderful to read. Congratulations! And since you live in the US, and she in Parma, you surely had a long way to get to her - but I think it was well worth it, and it looks like you have made a new friend. Have you mentioned hhplace to her? I think we'd gain several new users :smile:.

  6. Men are kept from posting in girls' forums just because we've got a very little number of women, and in order to prevent losing them, admins / moderators decided to keep their board strictly female. DON'T look at it in a "lack of equal rights" way. If more women come, and the numbers of male and female members become simmilar / equal- the restriction will prove useless and probably be lifted. [EDIT] I see that JMC stated it...

  7. I've been wearing a handbag everyday for 1.5 years and for me it's not a big deal at all [well, right now I cycle a lot, so I swapped a bag for a satchel]. I've got three bags in various sizes and which one I don depends on what I need to carry: the biggest one is for notebooks when I go to classes, the medium one is for shopping [it's not too bulky, but big enough to keep my shopping bags there] and the smallest [and most "feminine"] one is for parties, concerts etc. As for "equipment": I always take my wallet, keys, mobile phone, hairbrush, some pens, a novel I'm reading at a time, tissues and a mirror. Sometimes I take my cosmetics too, but, unfortunately, the smallest bag is just too small for them...

  8. I don't have any - there are lots of more important things to spend money on. Yet, I like piercings / tattoos on others [it's a little fetish of mine :)] and eventually I'll have some of them. As for a tattoo, I'd go for something technical / industrial, or a band logo [Einsturzende Neubauten, perhaps].

  9. At Castle Party [a Polish gothic festival], I wore my corset a whole day and felt no hunger, so, in the evening, I drunk ca. 0,4 litre of wine [2 bottles for 3 people] with an empty stomach. I don't have to say that some praying to Poseidon :thumbsup: and a huge hangover followed... I wore my oxfords, and even without heels I couldn't walk to my tent myself - I had to be brought back by girls I drank with. Anyway, we've had a good laugh afterwards :smile:.

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