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Posts posted by pata

  1. i just was wondering how much women or what they think about dating or starting a relationship with a guy that wears heels,

    my ex gf accepted me but i don`t know if some other girl would accept me the way i am :S

    quite different of alot of men, the most women do not date men for optical reasons or for what they wear.

    depending on whats important for her she would more likely date you for your personality- your attitude concerning her - evtl. your money- your job- what ever.

    it nothing bad, it is just how men and women are.

    and if she likes you your heels will be ok for her too as it is a part of your personality.

  2. I´d say this question would always be actually, as well as the opposite of it LOL

    so my thoughts about this here too

    Great to see replies so far - proves that not all men are the same....

    oh, I believe exactly the opposite is the case. When you read here you see EVERYBODY has his OWN preferences. and this while you can say 100% of men reading and writing here are into high heels!

    this is what I think so great and wonderful about the men vs women issues: what ever you like you will find an opposite where it fits (it does not mean it would match right the way you imagine it should, but it does really functions).

    there were times I would have wished my darling would share my love for high heels, latex and corsets as well... I believe it is a wonderful thing for a partnership if both love it. but by now, and it took years for me to recognize, I know we both are too strong personalities and my love for those *fetish things* is actually enough for two (even for more considering I can share it with people all around the world and it does not get any smaller, LOL) ... so it is ok he would always prefer me wearing jeans and biker boots instead of high heels and latex.

    so it is not really about what the other gender prefer in generally. when it is about concrete persons, then it is important, yes. but for those girls who do not wear or like high heels- just think about those millions of feet and sneaker sites in the internet- there are alot of men who don´t like high heels either, so it is again what I said: everybody is different and everybody likes something else, even if some directions might coincide - like high heels for people reading here (though, not sure... some obviously like it really high like me, some other like them lower, for some it is only about a thin stiletto, for the others it might be a chunk heel as well, some here even think wedges high heels and beautiful ^^, some like boots only, the others mules, and some like it with stockings and some barefeet only and so on and so on :) ) ...

  3. devious /pleaser is still quite a nice quality (though of course one does not need to get it overpriced as still quite a lot shops offer them) - I think these new cheap balletboots worser- sometimes sold to phantasy prices as well- but partly of an awful quality. a girl I know got balletheels looking like sharks because the heel is kind of backwards and getting worser while walking. I think they just believe nobody would ever walk them but of course a lot of people would and can- but making experience like that might spoil the interest forever.

  4. Pata, that's not fair.

    You've completely ruined Karen and I's chances of winning!.

    oh thats never true. on the one side I confess I actually do not like my legs bare (in stockings it might have been better) on the other side... actually it is nothing we have to compare - there is no better or worser (except that I think that feminine legs usually look better than those of men :), sorry guys) - so the legs might be different but there are winners only - the wonderful thing about this is you can look at any and enjoy :P

  5. ... send them over too you...

    please don´t, but if there are pictures you want to show, you might post them here in forum.

    here some impressions from my shootings- may be giving you some inspiration?

    blue metallic latex: --> http://www.hhplace.org/your_favourite_high_heel_pictures/15876-elegant_male_fetish_athlete.html

    black latex with overknee boots --> http://www.hhplace.org/your_favourite_high_heel_pictures/15188-metrosexual_fetish_style.html

  6. short note- thank you @ Kaygirl for the honest post. it IS difficult to deal something *so different* especially if it concerns one directly... everything is easier when it happens to *somebody else*. but the point would be: what would be the consequence when you punish him for that? would YOU feel better? really? would it change his opinion about that? for sure not. would he trust you anymore? you know people either like heels or not, and this does not depend on gender. it also does not change, and also, one cannot hide it for long - at least not for one self, even if it is less important for some periods of time in our lives. So may be he knowing your reaction would LIE about certain things to you before. is this what you would prefer? or may be still then talking with him, beeing honest it is hard for you but finding a compromise you both can cope with? and you knowing this really HELPS your son more than anything else? just beeing still loved and respected inspite of something which is hard enough for him to deal with too? I know about alot of people who were HAPPY they could tell the family one day the truth. they do not need to go around the world telling their preferences do not match in what society tells whats *right*- but they were happy they did not have to lie about that in their family anymore.

  7. Actually I think it a pity it is not in everybodys forum... men opinion would be very interesting here. As I see, the point you write about actually is: for a lot of men shoes (heels) are a fashion issue. they are neither crossdresser, no transvestites. they do not want to be *women* when they wear high heeled shoes, it is not about an erotic game for them- they simply like high heeled shoes (or some other garments which usually are considered to be feminine). both ways (transvestite way/erotical/beeing female as well as metrosexual/fashion) are legitimate. still though the second way would be more easily accepted, the society tends to believe, it is always about the first one. thats the problem resp. the difficulty, because erotic issues should not be that public indeed. but the perception of style would be quite easily dissolved if people just would WEAR what they WANT TO WEAR. But the most just do not dare. Of course one needs courage for beeing different. Wearing high heels is sometimes even not easy for me as woman- how much more difficult it must be for a man. But either you do it, if you like it- and nobody is hurt by this- or not. As we see in the posts here all around the forum, there always are more positive reaction and experience even if there might be some few stupid comments of people not able to handle with non-uniformity too. So my opinion is: he does it right wearing what HE likes, and more people should. I know there are alot, alot who would like but do not dare- it is not only about shoes alone, but even about high heels, there are so many men who would love to wear high heels. just for the style, just because it is a beautiful shoe per se! And as already said, as long it is not about making any erotical issues public (for you, cuz you cannot influence and should not care as lot was other people thoughts might be!), in my opinion it should not be such a large problem.

  8. I would suggest a DIY store. they have these small nice locks meant for warderobe/locker.... then some creativity e. g. with chains which you would find there in differnt sizes and of every length and you can make a good looking quality locking system yourself which does not even cost much. but those locks can be also used well with fix straps of normal shoes like leatherworks offer, as an example. also, those locks are in different colours, partly really decorative at heels LOL - usually they also have thre keys with them so it is quite save too. so have fun :)

  9. (trying to pick jaw off floor)

    any chance of a free video. i say free because i would love to be a member of your website but im only 18 and asking my parents for money to c a woman on the internet is commiting suicide

    sorry, no, my clips are for adults only; also I do not think my site resp. membership there suitable for you.

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