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Posts posted by pata

  1. what about the vintage style high heel creations by elite-heels.com (the chunky heel) or fuss-schuhe.de (those 6 inch heels) ? about the style of those vintage heels: I think they are similar of what the highest heel did- the last attached picture, red shoes. cannot show where the shoes are better visible resp. directly what I mean but it is also about the way beeing photographed. as soon as one stands in those shoes, the feet would slip in and shoes look larger and the *tiptoe- look dissappears - but when sitting they are well looking and quite similar to those retro photos.




  2. thank you:)

    as IBL70 wrote, it is 1969 boots :)

    Where is Mr. Kruger?

    it looked like rain first that day and as he does not like water he refused to go out :lmao: :lmao:.

    ...Was this just for the photo shoot or would you where this as an everyday look?

    I also notice that in the first picture you are walking down a slope, which is always harder in higher heels.

    well not sure I understand the question right. those are no candid photos, I knew I wanted to make a video and pix of those boots that day, I like the wool-pullover look with these and it was warm enough for that so I put it on, I took the cameras with me and as we went out having time for that I put the aperture, iso, wb etc and told my hubby what I want to be focussed on. so once again, I knew photos will be taken.

    and I wear latex, corsets and heels higher than these more often, yes.... but on the other hand - all outfits I show I do really wear in my normal life - for the simple reason I do not possess other LOL. and this I would consider very casual and simple non-fetish style in fact ^^.

    about that slope: not that bad, those boots have a hidden platform and are extremely well walkable, even on cobblestones.

  3. hello, eve! as far as I know feet do not shrink in fact but it is the position of toes which change due to wearing narrow shoes so that one would need a size smaller shoes especially when those got pointy toe box. this also might be an explanation for your burning feet - due to the other necessary shoesize you eventually walk differently now. you might have to search for a most fitting shoe now and at least reduce high heeling (I understand well that one does not want to give up high heeled shoes). as far as I know it is still barefeet walking which is the best as contra to high heel shoes - not wearing flats! I have no experience and haven´t ever spoke to anybody who had those feet fillers, so I cannot say anything about that. the only point is- if my body has pain it is a sign something is wrong. and to change something by surgery to make it sitll possible instead of searching for reasons, *listening* what your body tells you and evt. changing this would IMO harm more in long time terms than it helps.

  4. if pleaser domina series (which are actually under 6 inch) - it will be simple question of training. padding - I mean something like that http://www.fuss-schuhe.de/hhfc/bama/bama.htm is reasonable anyway if you wear high heels often.

    if your boots are pleaser devious scream heels (steel heeled)- then I am afraid neither padding nor usage will help as those shoes are made too anti-ergonomic for the most normal human feet. alot of 7 inch high heels are easier to walk than those... still they are enjoyable and a nice look which counts too, right?

  5. it might also be just the style of the heel. at that height it matters alot as some manufacturers obviously are aware the most people would not walk that height anyway so they do not even try to make it more walkable (e. g. no padding of the inner sole which would be very uncomfortable for a 4 inch heel as well) so first you might try other 6 inch high heels and may be you will be able to walk them. My experience is that people cope well with 6 inch high heels from italian manufacturers (like elite-heels or fuss-schuhe offer), less well 6 inch high shoes from UK manufacturers, and worst are devious/pleaser. The quite similar look 6 inch high heels by 6inchforever are well walkable for the most again! Note: it is here not about the materials or general quality of the shoe, it is just about the walkabilty of the extreme high heels! And still it is also a personal matter, as every feet is different and those 6 inch IS an extreme heels height. the strength of the legs & feet are very important for walking well that height, but actually the next step after 5 inchers should be 5,5 inches... and yes, that half an inch matters :).

  6. .. I was not aware they were extreme. I have always liked high heels and enjoyed pictures/movies showing ladies wearing high heels (or corsets etc) but I did never reflect much about them, and have never consciously thought about the height of the heel. Quite funny- I shortly saw some old drawings of mine ( I must have been 11 or younger) and the ladies on those wear EXTREME high heels or are on tiptoes- but as already said, I was not aware of all that, it was simply the look I liked. ... After university I started buying me high heeled shoes- of different height, and as I could spent quite alot for that I just bought what I liked. I neither was aware that for some this might be an erotic matter - for my hubby they are not and I had not talked about that with other people as it, as already said, was nothing for me *worth* to talk about- I would think it just a hedonistic shoe-love as alot of women have (did not know then either, men are as much into shoes as well) ... Then after have published a short clip in internet walking balletheels (actually the reason I did it was NOT showing shoes or *my abilities* but just using *funny content* as explanation for something completely different) - and suddenly I got a lot of emails of all over the world, requests for more clips and pictures and what ever but also exceeding the traffic of my site to the limit making it too expensive for me. I never did want to model by myself so I first was searching for a model who might do it as on the other side there were a lot of clips resp. ideas I would have liked to make real... and this was the first I recognized that the most cannot walk high heels over 13 cm well resp. extreme high heels for some are special just because they are extreme. I have a different view on this, I like them only if they have an aesthetic look for my eyes. I enjoy them the same as the other high heeled shoes - e. g. one of my all time favorites were manolos with appr. 8 cm heel which I´ve always think extremely elegant and flattering to the feet and this why I e. g. still think balletheels ugly. ... but as already said, I miss the experience of *trying extreme high heels for the first time*, I do not even know which were my first ones... so it was very interesting for me to read here... What I would like to know is- was it mostly a conscious decision for extreme high heels in general for you or very often just the look of a particular high heeled shoe?

  7. I think it great that people dare to wear high heels, if they like them- not regarding if they can walk them or not. (or generally dare to do things they are attracted too, even if it might be regarded abnormal or ridiculous by somebody around). these high heels are not a normal shoewear- and even if the most photos we know might make one believe these are walkable- we all know they actually are not. So IMO it is where one should have even more respect for the courage and attitude if somebody still doing this and even allowing it to show it to in public... it is for sure more flattering to show things only you are good in :)

  8. It's a very male fantasy.

    Which is quite ok IMO ( I am pretty sure alot of men who are into balletheels + eventually TV or CD tendencies have this fantasy) but I´d go even futher and say - only men might believe this fantasy has anything to do with reality?

    I am glad to see not ALL men do - otherwise this thread would be frightening instead of funny :).

  9. the boots are podium. @Kipsu15: 178 cm without heels and adequately changing when on high heels :lmao: @spikesmike: thank you for your nice message, mike:) yes it is my dog, mr. Freddy Krueger :) I am quite proud of my old boy, though he is getting very stubborn with his age:) (even tried to bite a horse lately)


  10. thank you:) and - I believe it is kind of miracle- but I have a wonderful xmas gift to show indeed :) thanks a lot also to all my fans and members who read here - if my new high heels collection is that amazing as it is now - this was only possible with your support and I have to say it makes me very proud of it :lmao:

  11. I absolutely like the bordello style but for me I had to consider them too hard, too unconvenient for wearing them for more than some minutes. I´ve heard about similar experience from other people too, so I hope you will write some words of what the lady will think about these - about the wearability and general...

  12. actually it does not say nothing except that women love shoes LOL. such statements do not proove nothing. I bet statistically there are more people having faced injuries wearing flat shoes LOL. also, flat shoes can hurt too; women very often buy not fitting clothes- for sure more than shoes - and all the described situations happen when caused by other circumstances than shoes too... I would not wonder very often it was actually alcohol where something happened, and not shoes in that sense. unfortunatly there is no comparison given. I do not want to say high heels are less dangerous for everyday life (or health of our bodies) than flat shoes are but on the other hand when wearing high heels one just would watch out more. really, I have been stumbling or even falling down and it was always when wearing flat shoes- because one does not watch under ones feet then. but, again, nice to read women love shoes :wave:

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