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Posts posted by iloveboots

  1. I always buy the Dr Scholls full foot size gel inserts. They run a bit more, about $17 or so, but the comfort is incredible. I have them in almost all my high heel thigh Boots now. I find the best fit for the gel inserts is to get one size smaller than your shoe/Boot size, i.e. I take a Ladys 11 and the gel insert goes up to size 10 Ladys. That way it fits in nicely and also it does not need trimming. david

  2. Great Boots and you have a good eye for fashion with them. A bit larger in the foot is a good thing. A great way to add some gel inserts for even more comfort, especially when wearing them for long periods of time. david

  3. My experience has been likewise, lots of really positive comments from women. I have also had many conversations with women who have offered opinions including a few fashion designers. The common thread I have heard from these Lady's is, "it is really cool to see a man express a sense for fashion that is outside the norm; is risky; is provocative; is more than just jeans and sneakers; is on the leading edge; shows confidence in himself; etc. What we wear or a freestyle of fashion that we choose to express says a lot about who we are, it shows a confidence that many women enjoy. That is why i always project a fashion sense that says "dress for your own pleasure" because when you do it will show the real you and that is what women are truly looking for. david

  4. Awesome news Kneehighs....full steam ahead on the Valentine's edition of the 2008 Annual Worldwide Heelmeet in London!!!


    The date is now 100% certain!

    The Annual World Heel Meet 2008 date is set!!!

    Check your PM's! (iloveboots, Dr. Shoe, admirer5577).

    The way in which I received this information is very fascinating by the way. Its a perfect illustration that we attract into our lives what we think about, what we magnetize ourselves for. I had spent about two hours researching the history of TG dates...all the way back to 2004. I was about ready to log off my pc when I received a pop up notifying me I had a new email from Charlotte, indicating they were 100% sure about the upcoming date. Before I sat down at my PC, I had thought to myself how I want closure on the date for the WHM 2008, how it was my goal to have a firm date by this weekend. And right as I am about to log off, proof that Thoughts Become Things evidenced itself!

  5. CrotchHiBoots...it was a fun evening. We had many heads turning as we were all in thigh high Boots walking around London, down Shaftesbury Avenue to the SoHo Revue Bar. Good show too.

    Had a great time and look forward to connecting again at the next Annual Worldwide Heelmeet,


    I wore my flat heeled thig boots friday nite todinner with some of the guys and girls from this site. After dinner we went to a club with some live acts. We had a good time there and "i Loveboots" and "5'' heels was there.

  6. Hi Kneehighs......

    Just sent my vote on the date on a PM to you along with four compelling reasons why. Look forward to see what the outlook is from everyone else.


    Dr. Shoe, iloveboots, and admirer5577: I sent you each a PM suggesting a possible date for next years World Heel Meet 2008.

    I can't wait to get the date settled so we can work on other aspects of the meet.


  7. Last time I was in San Francisco, last April (2006) I stayed at a B&B in the Castro area...it was clean, inexpensive compared to the big hotel prices and handy to everything. For Leather Week/Folsom Street fair the end of September, almost need to be booking now as everything fills up quickly. If we're going to make something happen for this timeframe for a heelmeet we will need to plan quickly.....who and how many are in to give this a try?? david

  8. Welcome....that first time is always the hardest as we spend so much energy on overcoming our fears. Once you've overcome the fear, realized you are as normal as anyone else and you are just being you....that energy can now be directed in beneficial directions. Experiment, try new adventures, be confident and above all else, just be you! Hope we'll meet at the next Worldwide Heelmeet...stay tuned in "real life meetings" for details. And, great Boots! david

  9. Thank you Kneehighs. It is important to go back to the very basic roots of the "Annual Worldwide Heelmeet", i.e. an opportunity of "firsts". The one thing that I heard from nearly all attendees of the 2007 Annual Worldwide Heelmeet was "this is the first time I did this, that, etc. There were many that experienced being in public in heels for the first time. Riding the Tube in heels for the first time. Going to a fetish nite for the first time. The Annual Worldwide Heelmeet gives many the opportunity to experience these "firsts" with those of us who have experienced some of these things. That is what makes it so cool! There are always going to be great opportunities and individual heelmeets put on by members in Berlin, Amsterdam, New York City, San Francisco etc. The Annual Worldwide Heelmeet has a special place for us all, the opportunity to meet many many new friends, experience many firsts and the opportunity to grow. The basics to work from include: have out of townwer's stay at one or two main properties with a good price range, this achieves the goal of creating new friendships and sharing, as well as it is great for coordination. A location around Oxford Circus is great for shopping, proximity to clubs, and a great place for locals to meet for changing if required. We can build from the contacts we made on this last trip. have two or three key events for people to focus to. i.e., the Millers was a great venue, lots of room for growth, and a great owner willing to work with us. The Italian restaurant off Great Portland Street (Sardis) has already given us a great rate and opportunity to host a dinner. And, tieing the whole heelmeet together with Torture Garden allows those members who have never experienced a fetish nite to enjoy one of the best in the world. add to this a "vendor" showcase at the Miller's heelmeet day. i.e. a few tables/displays from some of the shoe/boot sellers, i.e. Leatherworks, Jean Gaborit, etc. along with a few fetish retail vendors and we have a fun useful opportunity for the heelmeet day. If everyone is in agreement that this direction makes sense we can begin to put the 3 days together, with some approximate costs, dates so people can begin to plan. London is very central for most members. I know Kneehighs, Admirer5577 and Ramon and I are all gunho to make the 2008 version of the Annual Worldwide Heelmeet a roaring success with the hope of seeing more of our HHPlace members have an opportunity to enjoy some firsts. And best of all, discover some long lasting new friendships. I know coming home from London this past monday the greatest joy was knowing that I had made over 20 new wonderful friends that share a common passion and each and every on eof them are truly wonderful people! Hope this all makes sense? Did I capture what we discussed Kneehighs, Admirer5577 and Ramon? david

  10. Without a doubt, a wonderful 3 days. As the folks from Mastercard put it.... .............plane tickets to London from Vancouver, $800 ..............hotel in London £60 ...............A night at Torture Garden £25 .................A day at the Miller £8 .....................New friendships PRICELESS!!! First and foremost a big thank you to Kneehighs for the terrific organization and Tara as our local guide/local knowledge. To Admirer5577 for "Tube Knowledge". To 5inchlover to all the new experiences you discovered. Thank you to everyone for making Angela and I feel so welcome and right at home. We had so much fun! david

  11. Hello everyone, The latest attendee list for thursday night is: iLoveBoots (david) Lady Liberte (Angela) Admirer5577 5inchlover CrotchhighBoots I have heard from 5inchlover who will be meeting Angela, Admirer5577 and I at the Astor Court Hotel in the lobby at 6:45 pm. The restuarant is in walking distance, about 20 minutes or we may take a taxi cab, will see when we get there. I will PM each of you to confirm plans. CrotchhighBoots, did you want to join us at the Astor Court at 6:45pm? I think you're close by at the Winrose, correct? Is there anyone else wanting to join up with us Thursday evening for dinner and after dinner drinks/party at "Circus Restaurant" at 1 St James Street? Great location, a french bistro style menu. If you do want to join us let me know before tuesday night as we fly out to London on Wednesday, as I will need to update our table reservation with the restaurant. Can't believe we are only 4 sleeps away from leaving for London....the Heelmeet is almost here! david

  12. The Thursday Night dinner location has been changed........ I have just made dinner rsvns for 7:30pm at "Circus" located at 1 Upper James Street. Phone 020 7534 4000. The rsvns are for the main restaurant. A full dinner will run about 35UKL. Circus is a French Bistro cuisine. Downstairs the Circus Bar is a lively place to head to after dinner for some fun complete with DJ. Circus was just renovated. Hope this works for everyone? I have posted the Pre-pre-heelmeet event for Thursday, March 8 on the calendar. I currently show the following folks coming for dinner Thursday evening: iloveboots (David) Lady Libertee (Angela) Richie Admirer5577 5inchlover Crotchhiboots (maybe) Love to hear from anyone else who can join us, we currently have a table for 6 reserved but we can increase this with advance notice. david

  13. Hi Airwolf, Look forward to meeting you in London. There are photo's of me in some of my thigh Boots in the gallery here on HHPlace under "iloveboots", also on my profile you can link to my "photobucket" postings. I always wear my thigh Boots over pants. I've never had any problems at security as the Boots are visible. The few times they have asked that I remove them for scanning that is easy to do as I have them over pants. Be sure to visit the links to the SOHO Revue for tickets. We'd love to have you join us for the show and after party. It looks like the dinner location for Friday night will be Alfred's on Shaftesbury. The Thursday, March 8th pre-pre-heelmeet group may find another restaurant for the thursday night dinner. david

  14. Like Dr Shoe, thigh high Boots do it for me too. The moment I slip a pair on I transform. I feel sexy. I like how I look in them. It is sexual. It is sensual. It is everything. I do feel naughty and my exhibitionist side comes out. My Boot Closet, yes they have their own closet, numbers 70 pairs of thigh high Boots, a dozen of these are mens cavalier style flat heels and the remainder are all high heel, most are 5 inch heels or more. I wear all my Boots in public and enjoy wearing them over tight jeans or jodphurs. Look forward to seeing everyone at the Heelmeet in London. david

  15. Hello everyone,

    Don't know about y'all but as each day goes by the excitement grows...only 11 more sleeps before Angela and I leave from Vancouver, Canada for London! can't wait! Also can't wait to enjoy sitting with Angela on the plane as she is wearing a thigh high,high heel black leather pair of Jean Gaborit Monte Carlo Boots and I will be wearing brown leather Jean Gaborit thigh high Boots.

    Thursday, March 8:

    Now, for the purpose of this thread....many of us are arriving from out of town a day or two before the heelmeet. On Thursday a bunch of us will be heading out for a 7:30pm dinner in our high heels...see the "Pre-Heelmeet Thursday, March 8" thread for details and to let us know if you will be joining us. If you live in London please come on out and share a fun evening with us, slip on your heels...we'll be slipping on our high heel thigh Boots.

    Friday, March 9:

    Kneehighs and I are working on a location for dinner for those who would like to join us. After dinner we are thinking it would be fun to have a few venues to choose from to meet up and have fun. One venue is the SOHO Revue Bar. On Friday evening they have an 8:30pm Magic show, but it is not quite your regular magic show by any stretch of the imagination. It is an adults only show. After the show is a really fun club event called "Circus' which features incredible fashions and dancing, including I am told lots of high heeled men and women...Angela and I have bought tickets on-line from http://www.ticketweb.co.uk you just enter "London" and "SOHO Revue Bar". To see what the club and the show is all about the website is http://www.sohorevuebar.com I have been in touch with the owner, Walt, and he is looking forward to meeting us all and hosting us. The more the better. it is relatively inexpensive, 8UKL per ticket or about $15.

    Hope you'll join us. PM me or add to this thread if you are attending so we can all make sure we connect beforehand and enjoy the evening as a group.


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