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Posts posted by eoneleg

  1. When I was young my mom found a pair way in the back of her closet. They were white and very similar to the picture. She slipped them on and walked around the house for a while and I marvelled at how a shoe with no back or sling could stay on her feet. At the time when springolators were in style, open toes were not overly revealing and she said that these were very open for the era. They were her favorite type of shoe and she had about five pairs. E

  2. On a dare, I wore a 3" plat with about a 8" heel with my crutches and did very well in it. When the concealed plats came out I did not care for them but now am getting to like them. I do have a sling with a plat of about 1" and 5" heel and generous toe opening and love it. I have loaned the pair to two girls on my staff and they loved them. I probably will purchase more as the fall styles come out. E

  3. These Camilla's caught my eye when I was looking for a boot to wear this winter on business trips to the North where it can become quite cold and I am from the warm weather in the South. I know that I can handle the height and plat with my crutches, but my concern is about the open toe in the cold and I love to show my toes. Do toes get cold in this type of shoe or would the rest of my foot being covered protect them? I have seen peep toes in the cold but this shows a little more that the peeps. Any advice or experience is welcomed especially from those in Northern US or Canada, or any cold climate. Thanks.



  4. I am back from site and working from home on Fridays except for when they specifically need me to stay at the site (for running a training session usually). It is overcast and wet here and there is supposed to be strong wind later, and I am alone in the unit because Alise has gone to work. So it is kind of a little sad and miserable here. To sort of put a little bit of excitement in the morning I am wearing my nude and black Tony Bianco peep toe plats (they are nude/cream but with a black band and small bow over the toes). I am not really that into plats but this morning I just felt like wearing them. I can sort of pretend I am working in an office in the city and not having to wear hi-viz and boots. Sort of.


    Sounds like you employer might have dress code for footwear. I don't impose one and most of my women, like myself like sandals with a heel even stilettos with a max of five inches. Kind of keeps the male personnel alert.


  5. I'm not very much into peep toes, but the slings are very nice. It appears that the peeps are opening up somewhat to show more toe than originally. And the "Morigan" stiletto and elongated toe with cleavage is simply fabulous. I haven't seen anything similar for a while. Has anyone here worn them? Thanks for posting. E

  6. Just based on the names not the model. They both fit well but I favor Ellie. Ellie feels like once they are on they are without being tight. Pleaser fit but at the same time seem like to go on and off a lot easier.

    It is hard to describe but Ellie I can't put on or take off without using my hands. Pleaser I can slip them on easier and can remove them with just my feet.

    I can't comment on either shoe. But I am with you on taking it off without hands. I have had the habit since high school of slipping out of my pump while seated, and now by dragging the heel tip on the floor. It is not that the shoe is uncomfortable, just and old habit.
  7. Very true. From what I have seen,mules have more toes showing and some slimmer heels. I'm not big on wedges but lately have thaken an interest. They are higher and not so bulky with the narrowing of the heel portion to almost a stiletto shape.

  8. I don't care for them. I prefer a higher and thinner heel and a less rounded toe. But the important factor is that you like them and like to wear them. Really, that is all that matters. Thanks for sharing.

  9. This is something that I have done since high school. Its not that my heel is uncomfortable or tight, but its has a relaxing value for me and also a tease. I love it when I dangle any shoe except an ankle strap and a guy is watching; then my eyes are on his when he lifts his eyes from my foot to meet mine. I give a wink to show that I caught him and a smile to say that it is ok. E

  10. We have heard this time after time........same old story.

    Athletes risk injury every time they walk onto the field or whatever venue they compete in but face up to the risks. Same thing with wearing heels, or in my case - a heel with crutches. I do very well on them, very graceful in a four or even five-inch (US) stiletto which I wear every day.


  11. This is a little difficult to describe but let me give it a try...There is a perception that heels are difficult even impossible to walk in and over time will cause damage to the foot and/or leg, are uncomfortabel even painful and invite injury from turning or twisting an ankle, and walking out of a heel especially a mule with no back.

    In spite of these, women still wear and enjoy heels possibly because they know the dangers and perceptions making them feel empowered, accomplished and even sexy. The looks from men and even some women add to the enjoyment and increase the sexual value of wearing heels. The positives are increased when in sleek stilettos such as the Guess pumps in the attachment. In addition to being sleek and strreamlined, iin my opinion they are very femenine and sexy.

    Speaking only for myself, I agree with the words above but my feelings go a littel further in that that I am able to wear only one shoe, but still a four to five inch stiletto, and use crutches. The accomplishment is greater and altought the experts advise against a heel with crutches, I do very well and feel as if I am pushing the envelope of safety and security in this situation. Please allow me to apologize at this time if anyone thinks that I am bragging or flauunting my situation. It is what it is and I make the best of it.

    I understand how you enjoy the "looks" when going for coffee. My assistant insists that she make coffee runs for me instead of my filling a travel mug. But at other times moving about our offices or anywhere on my crutches and in a stiletto makes me feel very good about myself.

    Hope this helps answer your question, thanks for the opportunity.



  12. I have never been a fan of wedges but lately the higher and more slender heel is applealing to me. Yours are very nice but I am a little conversative and would like them without the dots and showing more toe. From what I have seen and read on this sight, it seems like the guys are not into open toes or conservative as in peep toes. Very glad to hear that you are enjoying them. E

  13. I have been a heel lover for as log as I can remember and still wear one for work and often into the evening when socializing with clients or recreation. Knowing that he loves me in a heel only makes me feel even better in one and often sexier. I cannot reply to only one choice. I would have to split my reply between first and second although they do not fully describe me. E

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