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Posts posted by eoneleg

  1. Transitioning into heels depends a lot on the person. It has been about twenty years for me, going back to my high school days. I was somewhat the athletic type and did some modern and ballet dancing, and with good coordination. I had talked with my mom about heels for some time and iinherited my love of heels from my mom. One day I came home from school to find a pair of pumps with heels of about 2½" on the kitchen table. Mom came into the room and encouraged me to try them on. I alredy was in pantyhose as I kicked off my skimmer flats and slid into my first heels. The first thing that I noticed was that they did reveal some toe cleavage and otherwise were not much different from my flats. Holding on to the table for balance, I stood and marveled that I was in heels, something that was a burning desire within me for about a year. Mom was very encouraging and supportive of me, coaching as I began to walk. And walk I did; through the dining room, out to the patio and up and down the driveway for about an hour. My next heels were 3" and I remained there for several years before stepping upu to 4". It was very easy for me, and later, as described in a story in that section, I again began to wear one heel with crutches and still do with ease. E

  2. I sometimes like to take a litle break at work and wander into the breakroom where the Today show is on the TV. I do this especially to watch the makeovers that they do on women selected at random. Often, the makeover includes nice heels. But I have to chuckle to myself when it is evident that the woman has never worn heels or has been out of them for a while. Usually it is similar to someone walking on eggs. I simply smile to myself and admire the heel that I am wearing that day but would love to instruct them in "Heels 101," sub title "The Art of Walking in Heels." E

  3. Nice to have you here. After being ambushed "flatfooted," I think that it is wonderful that you and the Mrs. can share a common passion. In this day and age it certainly is refreshing to hear and and gives some clue that romance is still on some couple's menu. I can only wish all the best to both of you. Thans for sharing. E

  4. I always wear one, left leg, outside or inside a pair of tights depending on the rest of the outfit.There are some lovely gold chains that you can get cut to your size. What about toe-rings to complete the look if you're wearing sandals - I love 'em!

    Thanks for your response. Personally, I have never cared for toe rings, no explaination, just don't carel for them.

  5. It really depends on the policy of the firm and how much authority the Old Bitty has. Personally, I am very much like you, slipping out of my shoe when seated. But I am the boss and say nothing when the female members of my staff do so. We are somewhat relaxed inn our facility but within reason. Good luck in your situation. D

  6. Very good! Thanks for posting. It might be a matter of doing what we put our minds to. I drive every day in a four or five inch stiletto with no problems at all. As a lifelong heel lover, I admire her. E

  7. I have done this a couple of times and it worked for me. Two or three socks and painfully get my foot into the shoe and apply heat from a hair dryer until my toes feel like they are burning up. I then walk around until the shoe has cooled to the ambient temperature and slip it off. It is best to then remove the socks and immediately slip back into the shoe for a while. I have done this only with leater. Hope it works for you, good luck. E

  8. I really don't care much for Peep-Toes because I like to show more toe. I have noticed lately that booties or ankle boots with peep-toes are becoming popular and although somewhat impractical, I feel a growing attraction to them, especially those in seude. Has anyone ever had a toe opening enlarged by a shoemaker? I am trying to find one in my area but so far no luck. E

  9. I also have taken notice. Up til now I was stuck in a pointed-toe 4" stiletto heel pump but have also take to the one-inch or so platform with 5 to 6" heel and love it. I did not care for peep toes at first but it seems like they are more open now which pleases me. Good observation E

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