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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. Are you convinced that worrying about your needs is the right way to go about it? I know that when I was younger I wanted him to show how interested he was in me. If I loved him I'd have hung by my heels from a top floor window if that's what he liked. But that's just me.

    Oh dear, I'm going to get requests now, aren't I?

    Same here. I think for most right-minded women, if they really know that their guy is 100% into them and that they can trust him as well (a major requirement)....then they will go to quite some lengths to accommodate any...shall we say....'quirks' of his.

    In my case, my main worry was that it 1) didn't put anyone in harm's way, and 2) wasn't open to public viewing. Once I was satisfied with that both these points were safely covered, then we began to share fetishes and I was quite happy to do most things that my husband asked me to do.

  2. The first and last pairs were custom-made for 'Lady-B' or 'Lady 'Barbara' of 'LegsWorld' fame. Te second pair are the discontinued 'Ice Skate' wedge heels by 'Pleaser'. The third are (I think) a sculpture by a German artist who's name escapes me at the moment.
  3. It looks as though Syston Components have just what I'm after and at a very good price. Hopefully I can get on with my samples soon. Very excited.

    I've just looked at their homepage and they have a photo of their stiletto heel units. They look perfect don't they..?

    (PS....I have sent you a 'PM'..)

  4. Yes, thanks, those are the ones. Pity if they are not made anymore. I wanted a pair as they look awesum.

    With the curve of the front of the sole, it looks as though they would be much more comfortable to walk in for long periods than the modern high-heeled flat-soled with pointy toes types.

    I have a pair of these....they are (WERE) made by Pleaser and branded as 'Ice-Skate' Wedges. They are very uncomfortable....!

  5. Just noticing in the stores at a mall in Orange County California, that all the stores DSW to Gucci are displaying and (you would hope) selling a lot of tall heels - 6 inch and maybe higher - most with some kind of platform. my little 5 inch heels seemed small in comparison.

    Heels are definitely higher than they have been for a long time. Now all we need is a return to some class and style in the designs....!!

  6. Nice boots, but what good is wearing a pair of hot boots when the rest of your outfit consists of being covered in what equates to rags?

    .....So other accepted fashions are not 'equating to rags' then...? Like young men in jeans that expose vile views of their behinds.....and 'T-shirts' with huge rips all over them....or hiding themselves behind cheap hoodies....? Likewise, girls in jeans that have more holes than cloth...mini-skirts no bigger than postage stamps.....and tops full of slits and tears? There's plenty more 'rags' on sale in high fashion shops in most US and European high street stores.

    As it happens, I think that her outfit looks very smart.....apart from those boots, which are inappropriate really.

  7. interesting discussion between spaceinvader and shafted. I've lived both in the UK and the US and know there is a difference in floor type found in houses, although the old UK softwood floor is slowly becoming less common as hard wood laminates have grown in popularity.

    This is because the pin continues to wear down (along with the plastic heel material) since its 1cm or more long.

    That's simply because a lot of British women are....unfortunately....more slovenly when it comes to their appearance, than their US and Continental cousins.

    Sad...and bad, but true.

  8. Hi, Thanks for pointing out the typo..I fixed it. As for the comfort of the shoe. She said she was willing to try a little higher heel. But she wants better cushioning in the shoe.

    What is a good brand name ?

    You're in the US with a budget around $150.00..?

    You can't go wrong with 'Michael Antonio' shoes. They are well priced, lots of very pretty styles, very well made, true-to-size, comfortable to wear.....and available in lots of stores and online.

    You should also definitely look at 'Steve Madden' shoes, plus 'Bebe', 'Anne Michelle' and 'Delicious' heels too.

  9. Not really, there are right now three different manufacturers making these sort of heels.

    Elite-Heels and Italianheels are using the same company,

    Fuss and Heels and More are using the other company

    and the third is just starting.

    Thank You Gina :-)

  10. I don't know exactly why, but the picture of the little girl in the pink outfit and stiletto heels bothered me. I have a daughter, now grown and with children of her own, who really didn't get into wearing high heels until her later years in high school and beyond. She played dress-up in her mom's high heels as many little girls did, but she never dressed in an outfit like the little girl in the picture and in high stiletto heels that were exactly her size. Our daughter modeled when she was in her late teens and early twenties and wore all types of high heels with her outfits. But as a very young girl, she never really asked to wear high heels outside of the house when we would go to the store, or to eat, or to church, etc.

    I know I'm rambling, but the photo of that little girl in the stilettos stunned me a little. Am I over-reacting, or am I (hopefully) just a typical dad?

    Healthy concern from a sensible dad.....I'd say.

  11. The problem here is not the shoes or the Retailer.....it's the minds of the journalists who dreamed up the idea of putting a 6 year old in 5" heels....and the irresponsible publicity hungry Mother who allowed her daughter to be photographed in them......who no doubt got masses of lucrative modelling job offers as a result.

    If that woman had simply wanted to complain on moral grounds....she would have contacted the Trading Standards Authority.....not the UK's leading trash rag.....!!

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