Thank you so much for the compliment! My greatest weakness in writing is my proofreading - I am horrible at it and even my supervisors at work are aware of it. I could write something as brilliant as the great authors similar to Chaucer to Orwell, but it would be full of typos!
I lived in The Hague for a number of years and prior to that had visited the EU numerous times. Den Haag is home to a tremendous ex-pat community and I came to know so many people from all over the world. When talking with these individuals, I could never get enough of their stories about living in other parts of the world. Thus, I consider myself to be highly cultured and well educated, and hold myself to very high standards in all that I do, even the heels/boots I wear. I would love, for example, to have a single pair of boots from Fernando Berlin rather than a dozen pair found on Amazon. Likewise, my stepmother is English Canadian and I learned the English spelling of words such as labour vs. labor.
Thanks again!
God Save the Queen (now King)! 😁