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Wearing Heels In Public



Hi to everyone on here

I'm assuming like minded people are viewing this content, if not you wouldn't be on this forum so your comments on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Only last week, having concluded my business early that day, I went for a walk around one of the shopping centers in Dublin to pass some time. Well actually I just wanted to go shoe shopping, which is something I absolutely adore doing. Being a man, this might seem strange, but I just love shopping for ladies high heel platform shoes.

The shop assistants are always more than helpful, approaching and asking if they could help. Maybe I looked "out of place" at the time. In one shop I found some fabulous platform ankle boots, black in a size 9, with a 2 inch platform and a 6 inch heel and asked the very attractive sales assistant for the other boot, which she duly delivered. The shop was very quiet at the time, which meant that the assistant had no other customers to attend to. Now the boots were a high quality brand and somewhat expensive even though they were discounted and on sale, which meant that there was no way that I was going to purchase them without trying them on first.

I made my way to the nearest seating and proceeded to try on my new boots, which fitted like a glove. The lovely assistant at first appeared "gob-smacked" at what she was witnessing and I felt as though I was going to pass out with embarrassment. Now when I go "shopping" I always wear a pair of extra long boot cut Jeans which I can turn up with my normal shoes. I turned down my jeans and when I stood in my new heels the jeans just about reached the floor, leaving just the bottom of the heel visible. The heels were slightly chunkier than the standard stiletto and I found them more stable and much easier to walk in than my other stiletto heels.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the assistant approaching along with one of her older colleagues and I thought I was about to be thrown out of the store. I must have been bright red as I thought I was going to melt. The younger assistant asked if the shoes were suitable and would I wish to purchase them. I said yes that they were exactly what I was looking for. The middle aged lady picked up the shoe box and asked me would I like to leave on my new boots as she could put my old shoes in the box for me. I think I replied that I would love to but that the shop was in the middle of the shopping center and a long way from where I had parked. The younger girl asked how long had I been wearing heels as she could not believe how well I walked in them, particularly 6 inch heels as she was wearing a similar branded pair of 5 inch court shoes. I replied that i have probably been wearing heels for longer that she had but that wearing them out in public was a rare event, given society's attitude to anything different. The other lady, Angela then whispered that she got an unbelievable buss watching me in my high heels. She said tried to get her boyfriend to wear heels, but that he would only do so occasionally at home. She asked if she could accompany me through the shopping center to where I had parked. I was very reluctant but she said that I would be fulfilling a fantasy of hers if I did. The thoughts of fulfilling two fantasies at once was too much to resist, so off we went. It took a few moments for me to relax in my new elevated position but Angela was well named, she was an angel. We strolled around the shopping center for a couple of hours, popping in and out of shops along the way. In another shoe shop Angela insisted that I try on some other heels and took great enjoyment out of selecting the highest possible heels available. She actually purchased a pair of sky high 7 inch heels for herself. We were almost equal height as we eventually finished our walk and reached my car. I felt we were getting some curious looks along the way, but whether they were looking at Angela or I we'll never know.

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Amazing! I admire your courage to "push through" the nervousness and press on trying on the boots! Your courage was rewarded by a great experience...A great example for all of us to follow!



A truly inspiring tale no doubt and a greatly appreciated share, thank you. :)



Lovely story! I admire your willingnes to be yourself! That's most important -jb



Awesome experience! I always get encouragement from salespeople when trying on heels. 6" heels are impressive, how long can you walk in them? I can only do 4.5". And I have narrow, high arched feet, perfect for high heels! Cool that you wore them out of the store!




Forgot the "my new favorite store" comment :)



hello everyone.

just signed up.

Have been out of heels for a couple of years but just bought two new pars with a kilt and some hosiery.

Post you a pick soon.





Great story Jimmy - I bet alot of fellas dream of that happening to them! Me included!



Me too that the salespeople are that nice and open mined of seeing a guy try and buy a pair of heeled boots



One of the greatest buzzes is going shopping for high heels while wearing high heels!!! I usually go shopping on London's Oxford street once a year while dressed up in all my fem clothing. Spending 5 or 6 hours in 4.5 inch heels is not easy though!

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