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What sort of stride do you go for?


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After three years of practice, I think I have finally managed to come up with some sort of consistent, halfway-graceful walk in heels. Except when going down the stairs. I still suck at that, but that's a whole other subject. 

Many "how-to" guides suggest taking little, itty-bitty steps when walking in heels. I do not find this to be the least bit attractive for either gender. It may be practical advice if you don't really know how to walk in heels, but if that's the case, one should probably wear lower heels anyway. My goal has always been to walk athletically and aggressively, yet with a somewhat feminine style. My problem has always been that I am slightly bowlegged, and that I never paid any attention to how I appeared when I walked before I started wearing high heels. I definitely walk like a guy when left to my own device. 


One could argue that that since I AM a guy, I should walk like one, since it is not my intention to look like a woman. However, I find an overly masculine walk to be highly unattractive in heels. There has to be a happy medium. Here is what I have come up with:


I like to take longer strides, but I take great care to keep my legs very close together. I push off with my trailing foot, rather than stretching out with my leading foot. That happens naturally anyway, if one gives a powerful push with the trailing foot. I have included an illustration of what I strive for. I can't remember where I found this, but when I ran across it, I remember thinking that THIS is the way to walk in heels! 


I took some video today in three different pairs of heels, and although there is still room for improvement, I think I'm doing ok. I did notice that my stride is stronger when I'm leading with the left foot. I wonder if this is a vestige of high school marching band (I played the tuba, which some of you might find humorous, given my diminutive size)?  Included are some pictures. Tight sandals (worn often and habitually in public), flappy sandals (not worn often in public), and my highest pumps, in a loafer style. 





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Somehow this response was lost. Here it is again:


I take shorter strides but not tiny steps. I learned long ago to alter my stride and i think its pretty feminine. I lead with the heel and keep in mind the "invisible line" that you place your feet on. This also causes your to swivel your hips. The back should be slightly arched and the shoulders down  Finally, i took some time to learn to relax my stride and not be rigid for me that is a key to a feminine walk as well. 

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While most of my heels are in the 3 to 4" range, I feel very natural walking in them (or I don't wear them out if I'm not comfortable and confident). I like all three pair of shoes in your photos, Mlroseplant. I also admire your efforts to improve your walk so it looks better and more natural. I don't think it has to look feminine at all, just natural. If you look comfortable and relaxed, your walk will not bring laughter or derision.


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