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Had my shoes reheeled today - easy !

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A pair of my black boots and black shoes needed heel tips re-doing, so i took them to the menders today.

I wondered what the reaction would be...

None, when I took them in; I didnt specify whether they were mine or not.

Came back later to pick them up. The young guy said, "They were a bit muddy, so i've cleaned them for you. "

"Oh thanks, " I said, surprised and pleased, "I wore them when i went to my allotment."

"Oh, what do you grow," came the reply, with no raised eyebrows at their being my heels.

We then had a long conversation about allotments, vegetables and so on. The young guy didnt seem the least bothered that i wear heels, he was interested in me as a person.

Once again, the moral of the story is... be yourself, confident, and open, and people will respect you for it.:smile:


an allotment is a piece of land supplied for your exclusive use, by the local government, to grow your own vegetables / plants / whatever on - very popular in suburban and urban areas.


Thanks for the explanation. A couple towns around here do that, but there aren't very many plots, and no name for it. I'm not enough of a grower to really be aware of such things locally.

I planted a long row of tomatoes once and got one out of the entire crop. I aerated the soil by walking around with spike heels, but I guess you have to do other stuff, too.


I planted a long row of tomatoes once and got one out of the entire crop. I aerated the soil by walking around with spike heels, but I guess you have to do other stuff, too.

Heh, that gave me a good laugh.

What's all the fuss about?

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