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Hi. I am very new to being open about this, and have been reading the site for about a week, and finally got thecourage to join. My first experience wearing heels (other than the typical, trying on moms), wasabout 2.5 years ago. I bought some lingerie and heels for my wife, and she jokingly told me "Try it on". I did and to make a long story short,REALLY enjoyed it. I though about doing it quite often. Every once in a while, I would suprise her, which usually ended in a very romantic eavening. I could she she was confused about it, so we would talk. She always would say "Iam not sure what to think, its just so unexpected." For fear of upsetting her, I didnt want to tell her how much I longed to do it more often. I am a stay at home dad,and would wake up early in the morning to "get my fix"(so to speak), before our child awoke. I would spend the day dressed in items that I secretly purchased, and the shoes from her small collection I bought (only about 10 pairs). One day while shopping at Target, We saw a pair of calf boots with a 4 in. heel, and I knew I had to get them. I brought up my occasional (as she knew) role playing,and she reluctantly let me get them. This went on till I recently found this site(about a week ago). I spoke with her the other day about this site, and let the cat out. She again, wasnt sure about it, but I explained it as best I could, and she is ok with it. Actually , a bit more than ok. She actually helped me pick a few things, and has been helping me with heel training and walking in them. This is something I do in the privacy of my own home, and I dont think I will be making public appearances (not a thought as of yet). I am not sure which forum to put my future posts in as I am not sure to call it a fetish (which to me anyways, is sexual in nature) as I enjoy just relaxing in heels as well. Anyway, I am glad to finally get it off my chest, and to have found this site. I know that I dont know anyone here, but thank you for all you have given my already (confidence to speak with my DW about it), and listening to this very nervous individual babble. PS: If there are a few run on words, I appologize, I am not thebest typer, and my spacebar on my laptop sux!!!!:o

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Hi sassyheels! Welcome to our forum. :-? Thank you for sharing your discovering your love for heels and other things feminine with us. Most of us have had similar experiences but not everyone is as fortiunate as you are to have an understanding wife. Some that harbour a love for wearing heels, stocking and lingerie, live in deadly fear of being "found out." Others, like you and me, that can share our experiences with understanding mates willing to help us, are relieved to know that we no longer have to bury our desire deep within the closet. With your wife's understanding and help, you will soon began wearing "girls" shoes outside of your home. Then, as your confidence grows, you to will understand how much those of us that appear in public in our femine footware thoroughly enjoy the experience. And, please, don't worry about remaining anonymous, there are many members that share your apprehension of being "found out" by their friends and neighbors. Just take it slow. Get comfortable with yourself in your own mind and work openly and closely with your wife. If she is understanding as you say, sharing this part of yourself with her will increase the stringth of the bond between you and bring you closer together. Once again, welcome, You're amongst friends, here. :o

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Bubba 136 has expressed himself to you perfectly and I am in complete agreement with what he posts. Tell us about your heeling experiences when you get a chance. How about a few pics and welcome to the Forum. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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