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My gains, in a range of 3-4 days

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Well, in a range of 3-4 days, I recently/just now made posts of my public outing in heels, getting out of the "watching" eyes of my step-dad, and into the "eyes" of the public in my heels. It's been a nerve-racking journey, since day 1, but I out it until the end. And it has greatly paid off. I wanted to show you the big buys, from Thursday to Monday in order, in 7 posts (7 pairs I now own :-? . So, with no further to do, I begin with these fab things: These are the peep-toes I've told everyone about. These were the "borrowed" ones I got from my cousin and never gave back, ending up being a "1st" in my collection, and a fave :cool1: Of course you can see, I don't look like I can fit them, but when you have long jeans on, it doesn't even matter, cause one can look good in them, especially with a pedicure :o





Formally "HHDude"

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These are my "oldie" wedges I posted pics of awhile ago. They're the 1st Official pair I bought with my own money. Yet, from the Thrift Store. I saw them, and instantly, I knew they had to be mine. Good enough to be a 1st pair at a size 11 :o Don'tcha think??






Formally "HHDude"

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Here's the size 8 1/2 "skyscrapers" I got from another Thrift Store not too far from the other one. I had to have these! I mean, they don't really fit well, as you can see, but they make you horribly high! Would you refuse these if you were me?? Haha, anyway, under jeans, no one can tell they're too small for me, and under jeans they will stay :o They're originally from Hot Topic.






Formally "HHDude"

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Here are the polka-dot wedges I got from Payless at a size 12. I first got them in a size 11 along with red wedges I'll soon show. And they were in green but I wanted brown, so I took them back. When I did, regretted it after getting a similar pair from Target, but were of a floral pattern. Didn't like them, so I just had to have them back, despite being in green. And this time, I don't regret my re-buy :o






Formally "HHDude"

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Here are the red wedges I got also from Payless. Also an American Eagle brand (like the pokla-dots), these went great with my red shirt and long jeans on my visit to Target one day. I'd wear these with the friends I told my secret to, maybe a night out or a mall walk/browse. I love just having these shoes :o (and love seeing similar pairs on a girl's feet).






Formally "HHDude"

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On that same day (Saturday), I flew by to the Thrift Store to see the latest shoes they had hanging up, and I found these, originally on sale at Payless. These brown peep-toe slingbacks are loud...literally! They hit the heel of your foot as if they were flip-flops, and if you're a ball-of-the-foot walking person, expect to get some attention with these. They're great for shorts or jeans that don't cover much, as the jean will/should fit right under the heel of your foot, showing how high you're working with.






Formally "HHDude"

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The floral-pattern wedges I got on clearance at Target. The day I nearly got caught by a schoolmate when I was wearing the red ones and buying these. Since I have my polka-dot wedges back (and since these are Target's version of them), I plan to walk out in these on "night walks" around my block or further. As I said before, the balls of my feet hit the ground pretty hard, and with these on, they make a quiet sound while walking (especially barefoot). I like them, but my polka-dots beat the florals anyday x]




Formally "HHDude"

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And here are the award-winning $60, 2" plat 5" heel, Baby Phat brand wedges I have longed for! I honestly don't and won't ever regret buying these lovelies! I got them in a size 11, and they fit like a charm! If you firmly squeeze the heel and platform, you can feel how....well, not hard they are. They're comfy, and my walk-around in the store on Saturday told me...these are gonna be somewhat of a challenge! Yeah, they're pretty steep, and are the highest heel I've ever owned since "borrowing" my cousin's 4 1/2-inch clogs. I cherish these shoes so much that I don't ever want to walk outside in them! They have such a "fur"ry underside to them. You would understand if you could see them for yourself :o

I do have somewhat of a question, though. About these heels in particular. I'm wondering what they look like to you all. Like, do they look like they should be worn to a formal event, or are they kind of.....shall I say, "slutty-looking"? I mean, I don't even want these shoes to touch the ground outside because I cherish them so much. So does that make them specially made for school dances/prom, or are they just another pair of heels ready to be worn outside all day, everyday?





Formally "HHDude"

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They look like they would be a very nice, summer events kind of shoe. To be worn, I would guess, to concerts, beach events, etc, maybe with capris or light colored summer dresses. BUT, I think they'd look great with flare cut jeans.

Walking in ultra-highs because it's exciting...and it is!!

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Thanks, rx. I hope to be able to do it on the weekends. I just need to either go with some friends to the mall, etc, OR find some places to go alone and browse. BTW, if I counted right, I believe I have....8 pairs! Am I right? :o

Formally "HHDude"

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