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I got this idea from "YamYam" in the "Gender Poll" thread, regarding washroom names, etc., but with a different "spin": Who among us (M or F) has ever "accidentally" walked into the restroom of the opposite gender? I'm betting that we've all done it. This can be taken several ways: for example, if you're TV-male, dressed enfem, and walk into the men's washroom... What did they (the other occupants) do, if anything. What did you do? Were you in a hurry? Was the "correct" washroom occupied? When you gotta go, you gotta go. How many guys have graciously been "lookouts" for the ladies using the men's washroom when the ladies room is full? (I have numerous times.) Dan


I once found myself at a urinal and it wasn't until I looked down that i realised that I was in Tara mode. There was no one around so I just got on with it. As I was just finishing off when this guy walks in so I zipped myself up, went and washed my hands and glowered at him before walking out. His face was a picture!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


I walked into a small single restroom once in a small cafe. It turned out to be the women's restroom and there was a woman waiting outside. She said nothing to me but glared at me. I smiled at her and walked away. What else could I do?


In my younger days I used to spend a lot of time in Clubs. (We used to call them Disco's in those days. :roll:)

On a busy night the ladies toilets ALWAYS had a queue after about 10.30pm. Some could wait, others couldn't. It really wasn't so unusual to be standing at a urinal (or in my case walk out of a cubical), to find two or more girls walking into the Mens past the 'busy' chaps to take over the cubicals for a short while..... :o

No shame. :D:-?



I went into the ladies toilets at when I was at college. The sign had falled of the door. It was't till I came out I realised (because there were no urinals).


Moons ago, my local pub was refurbished. As opposed to 'the guys knowing their place .... outside' in the old-fashioned 'piss up the wall' urinal, things were all fancy and new.

Fortunately the 'Abbott Ale'


was on fine form, the conversation was good, and the new surroundings disappeared into a blur.

What goes in must eventually come out, so I wove my way to the new facilities. It took me quite a long time bemoaning to myself the criminal lack of porcelain apparatus on the wall, to realise I was in the wrong place !


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