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Ever happen to you?


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I was leaving work Thursday, walking from my building toward the adiminstration building. I was wearing my Ariat clogs that I have worn countless times, the only difference being that they are a bit higher than my other clogs. (Clogs and some Doc Marten mj's are about the most that I can get away with at work.) Between my building and another building the pavement was repaired due to some major underground electrical work last summer. As I walked through that area my foot landed just a tiny bit too far over the edge of the repaired portion and there was about 1 inch difference between the two patches. That was enough to roll my ankle over and as we say in the States I went ass over tin cup! Man, I was down before I even knew I was falling. Of course I had an audience of at least half dozen coworkers staring at me as I looked up at them from between my feet. I was on my back with my legs straight in the air. And of course it rained that day and with all the recent snow the sidewalk was nothing but dirt and leftover salt. I was a mess. Thankfully nothing was seriously damaged except my ego, but what the hell? We are mere humans and I got a good laugh out of it. I do wonder if the height of my clogs had anything to do with my crash and burn experience. I actually think the same thing would have happened with flats. One thing that came from the experience is that fact that I was pretty sore for the next day. Twenty years ago I could take a hit like that without thinking about it. But as the line in the movie said, "Time is the fire in which we burn." Anyone else care to share their bad experiences with the forces of gravity while you wore heels?

If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!

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A few years ago, I was riding my bicycle to work early in the morning, while it was still dark. I had decided to wear my 4" stiletto heels. As fate would have it, I hit a rock or something the wrong way and landed on my side with legs and heels flying. Then as quickly as possible I regained an upright stance, reheeled, picked up the bike, and remounted. I didn't see the obstacle, because the traffic's headlights from both ways blinded my view right at that moment. I don't know if many saw the tumble or the fact I was high heeling, but it was still embarassing.

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