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Elevator Shoes


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A question for the guys, have you tried elevator shoes? Not quite the same buzz and excitement as possibly wearing 5 inch stilettoes around town all day but you still get the effect of high heels if the increase is high enough in the shoes.For the shy or beginners surely one way to start. Just thought it would be interesting to know what the forum members experiences are of them if any. Or do you consider as cheating?

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Personally I've never bothered. They don't look any different to ordinary shoes and one isn't taking advantage of the opportunity to increase public awareness of male heel wearing. It's a bit like an alcoholic pouring whiskey into a coke can and drinking from that so people wont know. If you like doing something there's no point living a lie. The sooner you face up to it the better.

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I like Jonhieheel hate mens shoes and I don't own any other than a pair of athletic shoes that I rarely wear. I have always worn cowboy boot for as long as i can remember and the boots always had a heel I remember when I was 13 my parents gave me a pair of boots called ropers and they have a flat 1" heel at the time most of the people that I rodeoed with wore them, the first thing I did was take them to a boot shop and had the heel changed to 2.5" and the first time I wore them at a rodeo some of my freinds came and wanted to know where they could get boots like mine. Since then I have never worn a boot with less than a 2.5" heel.

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I guess I'm not sure how high the elevator heels are, but if they are only 2-3" it seems like you could just as well get some boots that height. I would think they are expensive compared to what you could get that aren't specialized for that purpose. I wear my 2" boots frequently and haven't gotten any reaction.;)

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