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High heel weirdo?

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  Ninanoora said:

Yes I have met few these weirdos, one recently happened was in night club, I was sitting on couch with my friends. This guy comes and sits next to me, very close if I might add, says nothing and starts touching my boots and then when I pushed his hand off. He says those are sexiest boots i've ever seen. I just looked him like and so what? Is this the worst try ever?, I started laughing at him, and he just left embarassed B):wave:

Then there is people on flickr who send me messages, would you walk on me with wearing those in picture [insert link]? ;)

Yeeeeeep probably the most common ones. For a guy it's got to be one of the biggest mistakes he can make introducing him self to a total stranger like that. :cool1:

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


I would have just told him thanks for the compliment, but please do not touch the boots!!;) (unless he was really trying to strike up a conversation with me, since I AM gay) you really need to watch yourself with some total strangers!:cool1:

  • 4 weeks later...

Here's an observation. When I'm in public wearing high heels and I see a woman also wearing high heels, and I say to her that I like her shoes, there never seems to be a problem and she is always courtious. If I am not wearing high heels and I'm caught looking at a woman's high heels that she is wearing, I get the hairy eyeball, so to speak. Maybe it's the commonality of the high heels that, for lack of a better phrase, breaks the ice and any tensions.;)


a guy can be completely obsessed with their cars (i'm kinda one) and nobody would think twice about it or say that it is a fetish, but if a guy love heels (i'm that too ;), then we are weirdos and never to be spoken to .... well not that bad, but you get my drift :cool1:

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