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It's cool to come out


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Hi guys, been busy for a while, but last sunday was my first trip to the supermarket on heels, i went along with my wife, which makes it even cooler, and as many of you have said, nobody really cared, just a guy says my wife that kept staring at my feet and maybe the way i walked, i really didn't notice because i wasn't paying that much attention to oher people. it really felt great, on one hand because i finally got to do it, and on the other because my partner is being part of it, so i feel totally supported, then we needed something else during this week, and i went again to walmart and did in heels again, so i finally made up my mind of bringing them to work, i happen to run a design bureau, along with my partner and best friend, and we only have two employees, my partner already knew, so i had to explain the way i feel about heels, and all my psycological process, i even told them about how supportive this forum has been, besides my partner is gay, so it made it easier for me because they're more open minded to tolerance. so it's been a whirling week, very satisfying, and i thank you all, because i wouldn't have gathered the courage to do so if i hadn't have come to contact this forum.

this are some pics, of my officialy out pair of boots




just in case you wondered, they're 4" high, leather outside, synthetic cloth linning and sole.

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dollars to donuts the ogler 1) had a woody going 2) was probably envious and wanted to wear them too. when i wear in public,the most outrageous reactions usually come from men. ive had some go so far as to follow me around like a stray dog. or ask foolish questions like "dont those make your feet sweat?"

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thanks, what have you answered to those guys, or is it that you just ignore them, until now and thats very soon no one has come to me and asked me something or made any remarks about my shoes. haven't even given it a thought of how should i answer, i'm clear i must stay true to myself and believe firmly it's something i love to do, but how to make your point in one short, sharp answer

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I have been asked a few questions by people. Men ask. Why are you wearing heels? or Are you gay? Answer: I wear them for fun it turns me on and I give my wife great sex. I am not gay I just lost a bet with my wife. Or I have to wear these to get my wife to wear them. or I have bad knees, which is the truth, and the heels make my knees feel better, which is the truth. Don't avoid people it only makes it harder on you and the people more curious.

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Some great advice there, derf. I am waiting for a pair to come in the mail - wonder who might engage me in coversation or something about them. @high55: Sounds like a great time out - well done. :-)

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  • 2 months later...

I can't recall anyone, male or female, asking me in public why I am wearing high heels. Because of the type of person I am, if anyone asks me, I'll tell them, "because I can!" Then I'll just walk on by in my high heels and not look back.;)

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