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I've been a big heel fan for ages. The wife used to wear heels but has grown out of them but does wear small inch heels which doesnt really turn me on. Problem is I work in an office for an insurance agancy were most are female. As you can imagine its a place were you have to dress smartly which for women sometimes means wearing heels. In my block there are 6 women and myself and another bloke. Of the women 4 wear heels regulary. 1 always wears flats and the other wears clumpy heels which arent really sexy. Of the 4 that do then it depends on the weather really. Its winter so they tend to wear heeled boots but in the summer its torture. Sandals, Courts Slingbacks and Mules all with 4" heels goes and its a nightmare being able to concentrate. I'm usually 1st in as acting supervisor so I get to see them walk past as their heels click on the laminate surface. My only saving grace is from my desk I cant see the best one. She's middle aged and quite attractive but wears very high heels. The only way I can see her feet is when I go for a drink and when I glance under her desk she's always playing with her shoes. She's almost always dangling her heels or playing with her shoes in some form. Basically I've got to the point were I get very sexually arroused I find it difficult to concentrate. I need to be able to take my mind off my fetish. Thers always a therapist but its an embarrassing problem for me to talk about to a stranger. Has anyone else had this problem and what would they advise:unsure:

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It can be off putting, perhaps at the Xmas party complement one or two of them on their heels. its nothing to be embarrassed about. the other night on the telly Richard Hammond was on a show where the other woman was chatting about her new film where she had to wear heels, she could not understand why all the men were staring at the shoes, Richard Hammond just said that 'its because high heels are great', the host (who used to be a drag artist) said that they were not great, but he had spent 20 years wearing heels! Getting back to the point, when a few of the girls in the office know you appreciate their heels, they will show you ever pair they buy. It will be less pervy than breaking your neck to see what they are wearing. try something like 'you have made my day, thank you' that has worked for me in the past. put take it easy, don't go overboard, one comment perhaps this month and one perhaps in the new year when they have come in from the sales? It is distracting when you want to look but cant, when you can and they don't mind its easy and you will get a lot m,ore work done. Best of luck, Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.

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Thanks Nigel. Yes it can be very off putting. I do tend to concentrate on my work and my phone is often ringing but your eyes to tend to wander a bit especially when 1 of the girls gets up for a drink or something. Its also worse having part of the floor laminate. The clicks echo all over. At the mo its not so bad as most tend to wear 2inch heeled boots which are nice but not really a turn on. Summer is far worse as they wear all types of heels going.

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So the wife doesn't even wear heels for you in the privacy of your own home? Have you talked to her about this? This is obviously driving you crazy and you have an itch that needs to be scratched. If you haven't said anything to her, try having a talk with her. Then if she still says no to you, do what any self respecting man would do in this situation... Get on your knees and beg! Tee Hee. I kid Good luck, man. Cliff

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She does wear heels in the bedroom and has 2 pairs of 5" sexy strappy sandals which boosts our sex life no end. She very rarely wears them when we go out. When she does its about 2-3 inches. When we 1st met during the late 80's high heels were very much in fashion. She used to wear 5" court shoes most of the time.

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Ah yes, the Paul O'Grady Show, I saw that too. I saw him in his Lilly Savage mode in cabaret at the Kinky Gerlinky in Sheffield. I was wearing a lace catsuit with a pair of 5" patent thigh boots through the middle of Sheffield, a steel making city!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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. . .

Has anyone else had this problem and what would they advise:unsure:

An iPod or similar with headphones to mask the sound and turn your desk around so you can concentrate on your work.

Ahhhh, what terrible sacrifices we make for that paycheck!

Have a happy time!

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Well was in Saturday morning. Fortunatly just 2 other females were in and none were wearing heels which for 1 of them its very unusual as she's always in heels even if its boots. Mind you its very cold here at the mo and a bit icy but at least I can concentrate lol

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