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I forgot they were on...


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I was off from work today. After my wife left for work (about 7:30), I pulled on my 5" thigh boots (http://www.pleaserusa.com/pic/seduce-3024.jpg) and threw a pair of jeans (long) on over them. I am not comfortable with them over the jeans but like the feel of them on.

Did a lot of things around the house all day long - took out the garbage, vacuumed, organized my desk a bit (though not enough).

Had a can of processed Chef Boy ar Dee for lunch, and did more things... All the while wearing my boots.

I ended my afternoon by sitting myself on the couch and watched a bunch of things I recorded from TV.

My wife had made plans to go to a friend's house about an hour south of home for dinner, so I was still on my own.

After a while I started to get a bit hungry, so I hit the fridge to have some left-over pizza from last night. My wife, while probably having good reason, THREW OUT THE PIZZA!!!! I was not thrilled and said some choice words.

I grabbed my wallet and keys, got in my truck, and went down the hill to Wendy's (a fast food burger place if you're not familiar). Since I hate going into these places to begin with, I hit the drive through.

When I got home, I hopped out of my truck (a Tahoe) and made a massive realization: I WAS STILL WEARING MY BOOTS!!!!!!!!!!


I have been in them for 12 hours, doing this and that around the house, all without a bit of discomfort.

Honest - I truly gave no thought to them. Even my walk from the garage to the truck, driving in heels... nothing. It was like I was wearing my sneakers or boat shoes.

In a way it's a good thing that I went to the drive through. It's also a very good thing that I didn't get into an accident or anything like that.

Has anyone else ever done something like this???

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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well now, in all honesty I can not say that I have worn any of MY boots for THAT long of a time without knowing that I was wearing boots on my feet, maybe 6 hours @ a SINGLE stretch, but no more than that.

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When you get to the point where you forget you have them on, when the heels are as natural as bedroom slippers, you have truly become accustomed to them.

Have a happy time!

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I go all day and night in heels but always knowing it. Never in boots like that though.

I do wish I had a pair. Does your wife know?

not yet... still haven't gotten the gumption to tell her.

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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well now, in all honesty I can not say that I have worn any of MY boots for THAT long of a time without knowing that I was wearing boots on my feet, maybe 6 hours @ a SINGLE stretch, but no more than that.

Maybe I worded it a bit differently than I should have...

Yes -- I was wearing them ALL day... yes, I KNEW that I was wearing them... but when I went out, since they were on all day are were beyond comfortable, I did not REALIZE that they were still on.

I guess it's hard to explain in the typed word....

Men's 13W : Women's 15/16

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've fallen asleep with pumps on before, when my mother and brother were living here at the house. I don't even know if they ever opened my door and caught a glimpse of me in pumps, snoozing away. I realized my error, and from then on, was very careful to lock my bedroom door beforehand. Of course, i got a good warning about that from mom, telling me that it's a safety hazard to lock your bedroom door, just in case of fire, etc. So, you were walking everywhere, while wearing your boots. Didn't you say you wear jeans over them? The shafts of the boots were not showing. Still, it was risky because the heels must have been showing, especially if they were a thin heel. If they were a thicker heel, they could be thought of as men's boots. You got lucky! Just be careful, next time. If your wife doesn't know, then one day you are going to have to tell her about your fetish. It wouldn't be the best way to have to tell her by her discovering it by accident. Can you imagine a couple having the same shoe size, and the husband/boyfriend sneaking into her closet, wearing her pumps all the time when she's not there? Wouldn't that be the funniest thing? The shoes would get twice the wearing in, so she would wear the pumps one day, and he would wear them when she's not home, and she would start to wonder why they all of a sudden feel so comfortable, where they were tight beforehand. They should put out a movie like that, where the guy is a TV, or has a shoe fetish, or like the movie "Tootsie", where he's in a situation where he has to dress up as a woman. That would be classic!

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