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Shopping for Women, in Heels


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Chris, over in Manchester, UK, had some small trepidation, about wearing his heels, while shoe shopping. But he did it. Some other posters report that they don't yet feel ready for public heel wearing. Still others, here, have difficulties related to keeping the secret from wives and girlfriends. Secrecy breeds fear, and begets pain. We do not need live in a state of clandestine fear and apprehension. Let me tell you. I feel the suffering of high heeled men, who live in the shoe closet. Fear of the unknown shackles their public lives. That is a terrible thing. My story is altogether different. I do not worry about being seen in high heels. They are my trademark. People accept me, as I am. Rather than worry about a woman finding out that I wear high heels, I wear the heels, when I go out to meet women, and on dates. Sure, there are a few gals who see my heel boots, and go bananas. They make a sour face, and head for the hills. These women are no great loss. They wouldn't like me, anyway. Being the man in heels is much less difficult, than you might imagine. People do not call me names, nor challenge me to fight. I have never been run out of town. And ... a lot of the girls like it. My social life, as a high heeled man, is better than it has been in years.

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I'm the same, I'm single at the moment, but I'm going to be upfront about my heels when I do meet someone. I've gotten too comfortable with being out of the shoe closet to try going back in. Anybody who can't accept me as I am is not going to be a good long-term prospect. Chris

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I've recently had a woman bugging me to go out on a date with her. I've told her that i'm not particularly interested in a date for several reasons, but she's being rather persistant. So..... I've come to the conclusion that if she keeps on, this may turn into my first street-heeling adventure. I do believe she is the type who would run away screaming at the sight of a guy in heels. So perhaps I could "kill two birds with one stone" so to speak. But then again sometimes my plans do backfire.:wink:

Never frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

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I to am right up front in the beggining. I tell her that it's a part of me that is not going away and will always be there and if it goes away then a part of me also goes and that makes me not whole. Either she excepts it and enjoys it with me or asta la vista baby!

real men wear heels

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm the same, I'm single at the moment, but I'm going to be upfront about my heels when I do meet someone. I've gotten too comfortable with being out of the shoe closet to try going back in. Anybody who can't accept me as I am is not going to be a good long-term prospect.


RIGHT ON! :wink:

While I don't necessarily advocate wearing heels on the first date (you have to use judgement on these things), the subject of heels, earrings, etc. should be addressed early-on. Then if the gal freaks out, change the girl.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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I don't mean to take this thread off topic, but sometimes I wonder if some of the single available men on this forum are even meeting available ladies?

My view is alot of guys in the world approach finding women the wrong way. The question should not be, "Who is most turning me on?". The question is, "Who am I most turning on?"

Answering that question alone can make a huge difference in a guys social life with the ladies....One time I was standing in my pumps when I saw a girl approach me. We made eye contact, but in addition to that, she let her sweater fall off the side of her right shoulder while she was approaching me. So she exposed more skin. Kind of similar to the exhilirating "shoe dangle" talked about in another thread.

The moral of the story? Look for clusters of non-verbal signals.

Seriously, does she straighten her lower back and thrust out her chest when talking to you? Does she "accidentally" touch you? Does she sneak furtive glances at you, from her peripheral vision? Does she scrunch her shoulders when talking to you and start primping herself (touching up her hair, her makeup, addiing lipstick--WHEW...if she's looking at you and putting on lipstick, thats a giant Come On), has she secretely primped herself while you were away?

I could go on about this, but I'd hijack Magickmans thread with non-topical information. But one more digression.

Once you've broken the ice, what do you talk about? Hmmm....a safe topic assuming you have rapport is, "What was your best first date like?" You'd be amazed what people will tell you when you ask...One of my favorites is to talk about how their heart beats faster when they see guys they like...and maybe the palms of their hands get sweaty...You can also ask about her hobbies, specifically, "What do you find most fulfilling about X?" Then you MUST listen carefully. There is "the CAT did not eat the cookies!" And there is, "the cat did not EAT the cookies" Similarly, all people will subconsciously lean on certain words that are important to them when they talk.

Then use those words right back at em!

Well now I must really shut my mouth and get back on topic. Sorry Magickman, but this seemed slightly relevant. I feel a need to look out for my hhplace kin who aren't even dating, let alone dating while in their heels.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I've just set up 2 dates with women. I have told them both about my heels. There have been some questions about do i like to wear other womens cloths and both have accepted its just heels. Will see how it goes when I meet them. Wish me luck, tomorrow and Thursday

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Awww Kneehighs Don't give all your secrets away! You're dead right - watch the body language - it never lies! And if it doesn't happen it's not your night, so you don't have to try and fail. All of that's a long way behind me though.

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Hi, Following on from Guy N Heels' post, I think there is a definite culteral difference between the UK and the US in one of the points you made. Perhaps I've interpreted your post incorrectly, but you seem to equate a guy wearing ear rings (whether on a first date or otherwise) with a guy wearing high heels. I found this out for myself when I've been over to the US on business. I have both ears pierced and wear a matching pair of ear rings all the time. I used to wear little diamante studs. I got a few strange looks from everyone including the really huge Customs / Passport guy at JFK airport. I never understood why I was getting looked / stared at until one of my work mates (in Salt Lake City, by the way) asked me why I would want to do a strange thing like wearing a pair of ear rings. A brief chat about it informed me that this was not the norm in the US (and not, apparently in SLC). I had absolutely NO idea. I have been wearing 1" diameter silver hoops since Christmas (which someone bought for my wife as a Christmas present, but as soon as I laid eyes on them, they were in and she hasn't got me out of them yet)! In the UK, a guy wearing ear rings (even a matching pair of hoops) is no big deal. Even for customer facing work / sport / night out with the lads, etc it's a complete non-issue. Maybe for some people (and maybe for some girls dating guys) having a guy in ear rings IS much the same as a guy in heels. For me though, wearing ear rings is 100% fashion and 0% "fetish" / excitement (I use the former adjective rather loosely, so don't anyone berrate me for it). All I can say is that I hope that wearing high heels does NOT become the norm. When I go out (rather tantatively at present, but confidence is building) in high heels, I want it to be 50% fashion and 50% excitement. At the moment though, it's about 5% fashion and 95% terror!!

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