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News Article on Men in HH


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Hi all, its been a while since my last post. My 3 month old little girl has been keeping us very busy, it definitely is a an unbelievable journey becoming a parent for the first time!

I like to wish everyone here a merry xmas and fantastic new year.

I sill find the time to read stories here, and was also doing a search on the net relating to men wearing heels and found the story below, the positive view is it IS being accepted and peoples narrow minded view is also changing (not that it should really matter as you should wear what u like and feel comfortable in);

It is now accepted as a bold male fashion statement to wear high heels in the name of Fashion Freedom. Fashion Freedom experimenters are representing high heel fashion in New York and on the West Coast, especially in San Francisco and Seattle where men wearing platforms or high heels are commonly seen at parties and clubs.

Men wearing heels is a hot topic of discussion on fashion message boards, as well, and the leading edge of the high fashion scene. Designer Jean Paul Gaultier has put his male models on the runway in high heels and new designer Rui Leonardes' created a small collection of high heels for men.


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I've just read that article and found it fascinating. Especially because men's fashion freedom was mentioned in it as an enjoyable way to express one's sense of style, not as some sort of perversion better suited for mention in some medical journal. Perhaps I'm jumping the gun here, but maybe, just maybe the tide is slowly starting to turn where men wearing heels is seen as just another fashion statement instead of a mental illness. Pretty neat indeed!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Well, isn't that an old Wikipedia article? I think it's a pity that they "cleaned up" the original article and replaced whole lots of words that make sense with a short text.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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This is actually a copy of the earlier Wikipedia article before the Wiki fashion police slashed the heck out of it citing all sorts of unsubstantiated excuses for deleting quite valid content.

If you'd like to correct their "little" oversight, please do so by visiting the current article on High Heels.

Please register and post under your own name, review the Wiki rules up front to ensure you're not wasting time by posting invalid content, be polite!, and numbers rules, folks, so if ten of you can counter the Wiki fashion police, it should be enough to shut them down.

Please don't cite me, as by my own position I'm persona non gratis on Wiki these days.

Rather, approach it from your own perspective, and try to refer to other websites as much as possible - the more the merrier, as the Wiki nazis will have less recourse to counter your content if it's coming from 20 different people from 50 different websites.

Good luck!

By the way - Wiki is read about 5,000 times more often per day than most websites, including this one, so if we can advance the cause there, it'll be a HUGE milestone.

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