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Oh, dear...


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:rocker: I saw this in today's Metro. Just the gutter press up to their usual shinanigans! They're doing it to attract people's attention. I mean, the police haven't even found anyone guilty yet!

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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I saw this in today's Metro. Just the gutter press up to their usual shinanigans! They're doing it to attract people's attention.

I mean, the police haven't even found anyone guilty yet!

Looks like the same old bag of tricks to me: publish a bunch of irrelevent tripe, front page a bunch of lables, then try, convict and hang the guy in the press. :irked: See how much money the press can save the taxpayers?:rocker: Some people need to be run outta town.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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It's just like the actual "Killer Games"-Diskussion in germany....5 minutes after a guy made an amok run in his school, the german "BILD" newspaper knew for sure he played Counter-Strike and proclaimed that was the reason for his action....

Who the heck is General Failure and why is he reading my Disk?

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its allways the same if you hasn't anything to blame, so blame anything around you, like in 80's blamed Metal for suicide's, then in 90's Merilyn Manson again for satanism, then again after some kids killed they friend and yeah then they was blamed for playing mortal combat:D then again for killing another students blame for CS :rocker: and this now:D its allways the same hasn't anything to do so need to blame samething another... but i know actualy whos folt is for satanic cult nowadays, its Carpathian Forest:D after they started playing satanists in whole norway where burned serval curches then few more bands comed up and yeah its started to spread from it. of cuz real satanists wont burn churches, wont kill cats and another animals and nor even sacrifice humans.

every human has they own choices...

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  • 3 weeks later...

before any of these so called "influences" ,murder was still committed and has done so since time immomrial

Yeah, but it's the "try 'em in the press before forensics has even got the facts" that gets my dander up. In journalism there's a saying: "If it bleeds, it leads." So the yellow sheet rags don't care 2 hoots about the facts, they just want to sell papers! They'll print anything these days! :wink::D

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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Money is an extremely powerful motivator, to be sure, particularly when one has been in a condition of want. As someone who's only experienced that condition for a short period in my life, but one who's worked hard throughout my life and more than made ends meet, I can honestly say money isn't a big whoop-de-do in my life. I'm an avid camper/backpacker/survivalist, so "roughing it" isn't a threat, even if it meant doing so without the fancy gear. I worked less hard during the month I hiked a portion of the Appalachian trail using nothing but gear I fashioned from the land (yes, including boots, clothes, shelter, etc.) than I have in business. To me, it was fun! Getting back to the press issue, they need a reality check, preferrably via heavy fines and long jail sentences for printing anything that's not verifiably true.

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