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Gettin' funky with style!

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I just picked up two new pairs of heels today at Rave's, and they are SOOO COOL! I love them both cuz they are really comfy and I can wear them all day.

I had to pick up some baby-doll pumps now that she has them in stock

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but THESE take the taco! Mine are black patent and flat black alternating, but I may get this color as well:

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I can just imagine the looks when I go back to work on Sunday! :smile::grin::grin:

It's great to be back!

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!


My first impression--a foot in bandages--sort of what you'd expect your foot to look like after a visit to your local "quack" after toppling over in them!!! :smile::grin::grin: :drinking: Without the platform they would really appeal, tho.

"All that you can decide, is what to do with the time that is given you."--Gandalf,

"Life is not tried, it is merely survived

-If you're standing outside the fire."--Garth Brooks


Yeah, I figured for the price she's selling them for (read: $24.95) I can easily afford those. I haven't regretted it since! They are SO comfy! I may get the red-patent ones next. Whenever my friends who live in the apartment complex see me coming by with shoe boxes, they usually ask what I'm bringing home so they can see. I haven't disappointed them yet! :smile: I'm loving the boots more each day, as I like the open toe and the ankle-support they provide. Very easy to walk in too! :grin:

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!


The baby doll pumps do look nice indeed! I wouldn't mind a pair of those myself if they come in 13 wide!!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!


those babydoll pumps are very nice!!! 40s looking. i'd love to have a pair. i'm not so sure about the 2nd. with the right oufit, they could look quite space-age and interesting. otherwise, it could be stripper-tacky. how do you plan on wearing them?


Since mine are flat black/black patent alternating, I can wear them with dark hose or tights and they look quite cool - even under pants - and they're STILL comfy! I plan on wearing them out and about tomorrow! :smile:

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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