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Type of women attracted to you during heeling?


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I'm wondering if a certain "type" of woman seems to be interested when you are street heeling. I tend to get from up-front "girly" women, those who are somewhat aggressive in both personality and femininity. I've found that some people tend to think that only some sort of role reversal would be going on if I was with a woman at all. Ergo, any woman with me must be stereotypically masculine. That is far from the case, of course.

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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Hmmm...I see this topic is deader than the proverbial doornail. It was merely an attempt at discussing if certain types of woman seem to respond when you are heeling. Carry on.

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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I've not been out in heels that often, but the only two comments I got from women were a smile and a thumbs-up. That was in a rock club with very loud music though, so there wasn't chance for much of a conversation. They were both in their twenties at a guess, and were rock chicks. Not that you really see any other kind in there! Chris

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I've not been out in heels that often, but the only two comments I got from women were a smile and a thumbs-up. That was in a rock club with very loud music though, so there wasn't chance for much of a conversation. They were both in their twenties at a guess, and were rock chicks. Not that you really see any other kind in there!


They are the best kind!

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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Women have not made any comments to me whist I’ve been wearing heels but a lady of about 45ish did follow me up some stairs in a department store and at the top did give me a disapproving look. There’s no pleasing everyone!
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Most of the women that I've attracted are:

1. Educated--in my experience, I mean in the formal sense (BA, JD, MBA, PHD)

2. Successful--they carry their own weight financially

3. Professional--career driven and ambitious

4. Past child bearing age--Occassionally I've found the easiest women to attract are the ones past their child bearing years. Then they are no longer driven by the need to fulfill their child bearing duties through the stereotypically masculine individual. Just a theory.

I agree with on all but the last. Most of the women who've approached me with positive commetns are between 5 and 15 years younger than me.

Most of the one's who're the same age aren't as approving, while most of those who're much older aren't very approving at all, but nearly all hold their tongue as they've learned that societal norms are simply varied.

One of the most positive comments I received recently came from a 26-year old (17 years my junior), who said, "Well hell - I think if Lenny Kravitz is secure enough in his masculinity to wear heels, you've got nothing to worry about!"

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Every woman I know approved except one and she had this hang up about wanting a mans man, what ever that means. Well I told her that I'm a womans man and that was the end of that.

That's funny! I think I would do the same thing. I've always found it funny that "ladies' man" is considered an insult yet "man's man" is for some odd reason considered complementary. Are people so thick they don't notice the homo-erotic inference in the latter? I guess that woman didn't.

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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Hey guys, As a 29 y/old headstorng and extremely independent,career female,with an extreme heel fetish, you attracted my curiosty. I have no problem with guys heeling at all...can be a turn on in some cases... I figure if you like it and feel comfy doing it....so be it... Heel-Power to you guys................ Cheers Vicious HH XXXXXX

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vicious_highheelsHey guys,

As a 29 y/old headstorng and extremely independent,career female,with an extreme heel fetish, you attracted my curiosty.

I have no problem with guys heeling at all...can be a turn on in some cases...

I figure if you like it and feel comfy doing it....so be it...

Heel-Power to you guys................

I am a Single Straight guy that likes wearing fetish platform heels... but I have no idea how to carry it off in public...

as I don't "streetheel" I have had no ladies say anything to me!...

"Well hell - I think if Lenny Kravitz is secure enough in his masculinity to wear heels, you've got nothing to worry about!"

depends if they were "fashionable" or "fetish" the latter definitely sticks out like a sore thumb... it's also what I prefer, as I don't care about fashion!

but hey... I prefer to see a woman in heels!....

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I had a positive experience one halloween. Walked into a 7-11 to get some smokes, (dressed to the 9's .makeup and all) and several women in the store told me i carried the look and personna perfectly. I was wearing a skirt, blouse and 5 1/2 " pumps. Guess it depends where you are in this world,how people yake us guys wearing heels.

Heels Are GRRREAT!!!


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Hey guys,

As a 29 y/old headstorng and extremely independent,career female,with an extreme heel fetish, you attracted my curiosty.

I have no problem with guys heeling at all...can be a turn on in some cases...

I figure if you like it and feel comfy doing it....so be it...

Heel-Power to you guys................


Vicious HH


I'm having a flashback to ye olden tymes on these boards before the sex-segregation foolishness even started. Kudos to you.

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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I'm having a flashback to ye olden tymes on these boards before the sex-segregation foolishness even started.

the so called "sex segrigation" is THE BEST thing to happen to this place.... it just happened 4 years too late!

asdf174I've never had the pleasure of meeting a woman in person that was into me wearing heels. (I mean I live in the midwest... nuff said.) God knows I would love to though.

I too would love a girlfriend that liked me, understood my Disability (high functioning Autisim) , my "interest" and like me, likes a good time!

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the so called "sex segrigation" is THE BEST thing to happen to this place.... it just happened 4 years too late!

I too would love a girlfriend that liked me, understood my Disability (high functioning Autisim) , my "interest" and like me, likes a good time!

I don't agree about the segregation, obviously. Perhaps you should reread my post more carefully.

Interesting how almost everything is labelled a "disability" nowadays. It's like the DSM lumping heel wearing men in with the genderly confused crowd.

I've never had the pleasure of meeting a woman in person that was into me wearing heels. (I mean I live in the midwest... nuff said.) God knows I would love to though.

There was a time when you could see many heel wearing men throughout the midwest. What is interesting is the fact that women who are older tend to be the ones who have the worst reactions, yet in their youth, male heels were actually fashionable.

"To kiss, pretty Saki, thy shoes' pretty tips, is better than kissing another girl's lips." -Omar Khayyam

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There was a time when you could see many heel wearing men throughout the midwest. What is interesting is the fact that women who are older tend to be the ones who have the worst reactions, yet in their youth, male heels were actually fashionable.

Really? Thats cool. I wish there was a bigger heeling community here.

nope had to work that out myself...

I went to a psych.... once... it created more problems then it solved!...

for a long time I thought I was a retifist (Shoe Fetishist) but I now understand it now a Fixation - more easily controlled... - I control it by going for the more fetishistic styles... 6"-8.5" platforms....and I'm contemplating a pair of 'Devious" Ballet heels next year...

Wow. Ballet heels are the one type of heels that I'm scared off.

It's all good. ~Arron.

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